<br />(f) month prior to its due date dae annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder
<br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary o€ Housing and Urban Uevefaptnent pursuant to the
<br />~ National Housing Act, as amended, and applicable Regulations thereunder: ar
<br />+'i
<br />~r. (fj) It and as ttmg as saint ante of even date and this instrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and
<br />ri Urban tlevetoptrtent, a monthly charge !in lieu n(a rrrnrtgrrge insurance nrerrrirrm,! whie3t shell be in an
<br />atriouM equal to ora-twelfth (t/f2} of one-half (1Jzi per centnm of the average outstanditighaiance
<br />due on site-pate computed withtxtt taking into account detirtgttencies ar oxepaymtnts;
<br />g i;+s7 A sum equal to the ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that wilt rsext becatnr due and payable can
<br />j poticties of fire and atiter hazard insurance covering the mortgaged properry•, plus taxes and assessments-next due
<br />eat an the martm~d prrp€rty !a!! as c•srlr=ratrtf b;~ the ?ttr~rtgageel less alt soots already paid therefor divided by the
<br />number of months to elapse he€ore orte month ti€tex tv the date when su.h eruund rents, premiums, taxes and
<br />atritenis avdl beccxnz deiirciuenx, such sums t;: he held by htorzgagre itt trust so pay said' ground rents, pts-
<br />atstrns. taxes and sptxiaf asst~tttents: anti
<br />(e F All payments rtttrititmed in the two prst~ding subsections of this paragraph and aH payments to be made under
<br />the sate srctrred hereby shalt be added together, and the aggregate amount thereof shad be paid by the Mortgagor
<br />each month in a ssncie payment to bts applied by the Mortgagee to the foi#osving hems to the order set faith:
<br />tt} ptrtnium charges under ihr contract of insurance with the Secretary ,~: Huusittg and Urban iJeveiapment,
<br />- :}; manfhly charT!!n !raft trj rruirtggfe irt~rrancc lrremilm}. as the ease may be.;
<br />f fi} grtvund rents. taxes. assessments. fire arsd other hazard insurance premiums:
<br />1 tit) tnterrst <m rhr note secured hereb, ;and
<br />itY amartuatton rsi the pruutrapai nt said note:.
<br />Any daficiancy in the amotutz of any such aa~gregate monthly :avment shalt, unlsss sttadc goatt by the Mort-
<br />gagor pr#szr to the deer late .Yf the nisi su: h nayateet, wnstrtutr an et•en# =>f driau7t under €hss mortgage. The
<br />}s#trrtZ ~ttfi,~y;.o`t~ct 3 "late rhsx~" ;tor to exce:d f,x;r ~~nts t-t;) for each doi13: 7511 of-rash pavtnent rnorc
<br />thatttittetn it SSdatsin areas sn corer the extra e+:ttnsr involved an handline delinquent paynteots.
<br />,. 't'hat if the tat of the partrtettt- made bs she Eir:ngagur under ; ?. ~ of paragraph :: preceding »hall exceed
<br />t#te awmast nt p#k~ttt•~• setuafly tP~• by rhr ~krrteaRrr• for ~tnwnd relit-, taxw. and ar~:r-~mcrtt~ oe in<urance prc-
<br />mitr~. air tttc +':t~r was hr. ~ucalt excra+t, if the ?cau't :~ c:urrcnt, at the crlyrtt.~tt of rhr 3kxtuaitrr, 4hnt1 he crc-dixed by
<br />flee tlwtga~re t.n -ubr<ayuertt pa}suent.~ to tsv made hx the la.strtgagor, or reftmded to the lfortgagor. lf, hotaever, ttte
<br />t:~ttttiy pasrtenf- »f;3tie in rhr !dcxtgagrx uruiet : ' ; erf f.ara¢rtpit ' ~tecc4ttng ~h.rl! not i,e suificiens to pry grtvund
<br />rt~rt. tare- and aa:-rn+tatHrtt.: ru snswranca premium=. ~ the c sz..e utxt hP Orion rhr -atnc -hitil ht-r°omr data €utd pay-
<br />a~~, tium #bp 1tr>rtg#Sar <it#fi pay to the 3ttrrtea!<tK• ant aatrwn# Weer-=an to ntaAe ap the defiei.nct, rsn or hefom
<br />rhr d#Le vrhen P#YtnPtit of xtarh gmtrnd rent':., taxr-~, sea-e~.srnenr`' or sn~ssrxrrro prrmture+ <hu#i ter dua• if at «a'
<br />trtnr the ttgrt~stRrrr 4hsti tetidsv to rhr ylartga¢re, ,n ars~untanrr usth th+• pntvi~,ani ref oho note .oeured h••rebv,
<br />f #f t7arrersai of rhr s•ntirc indebtt•drtts~~ rcprr.4r•nted titf+rrt~y. r he ?itxsga,#t'r• -haii..n ratsputing :he •atttn:tnt of .uch
<br />trtt~inc*dete~s, atrtiit to rhr :n:cwnt crC €hr Uartgagar .ifi i>ravments ntacir: s;rtder rhr it+rtstanc t.f r.rini parakrc:tph '
<br />hrvrni ss#tirh ttir 1Ewtgag,Yo hay tort lxcarne obiig:tsed #o par ac, she' ~r•cretara ref 1{tw-sni< attd t rban i?evetupmcnt
<br />and ana #taiartee rrH++ainina sn rhr futtd~ arrumuiau+d under the onr4s-ran' trf ,.f uaraeraph 'hereof. li thtr•_,
<br />~sii .~R` a l~fsu7s ttbiR''r anV v,f tfii= t3i~i-vt~tan. •,. .b#- ~'rt~<iy`P r. ulna: ii +'iiii nit' :.v iii?` prt'ssti=e- 4't3-erY'd
<br />ht<+nr3et, nr it file 4itxxgsutrr artprire= the praprav .uher,+;~c• after detauit_ ?,he- tN,rtx~t~t• -,icaik ayryis. at the #imr •tf
<br />rhr raenmr~ttrateens <.f w,tch prtxtFr*dtnpr. <er rt the tstne tit c^ pnipertt n~ ~#h.#•rasce ie•rtutted, rho tralans-r then rrmarn-
<br />fnr in she itand:~ r=_rumuiatf~ undr:r ut r~ar;t~rapft ~ t,rece-siinn. 3~ a +r.~dit :u:ain-t rho amount of prineipai thou
<br />rr~aintna artgasd tvrrirr -aid Harr, anJ tat! ,rrep.•r#: ad}u-t srtr tea+axrnt_ ::herb -ha#I F::r,v b.sr€s mada~ under r at
<br />of paraerapir ~.
<br />that the ?t3r2y,;{k,•t -~.s=` .;+a, r-r.~.e =:: _, ..•.ser3..,._.,..-tR. „itrr e:xtes. .,nt1 .+tlt~r • .ernnsrnta.' .+r atuntctpai
<br />chargrt. hnr*. ;.t amps^*ttecana. for ahti'h, r,r~tvote hay cur, txca made herercr~i„rr. r-•.t7,n yefatt,t ~thrrrc+f rhr ~tartpager runt
<br />its t;s •:mr, otrd tha# tRr ~f.rrtvagcu x eii ;x.vnprit t}eiss e[ the <•iricbzi re.espi~ there€asr t,a the ~iortgagec
<br />s 1`t>r 14sxt+rt u s:f -y ail raaa+ rt hxh sn~+ !~ lr+:cd u~=ta rhr ~i.utg<,~rc ~ ,c:tezrst to :aid rc.e# r5tate .snd iutprua~e-.
<br />sarnrs, amd wha:h may r,elca~sed upon thn rnvrigags t•c the deFt sc;<ured i€errR} i~ut ernly to the evtent that +u;=h s. not prchibit-
<br />h~w~ tau asst imdg to the rxtrrst that .uci, ~afl rod cake thin as ~ ustt;unest. t`ta rs:fuc[mg env income tax. State ur frdertl.
<br />:rpc>ed on >tcitrrr.. na err :i die the „- 'ecrpt ,r+n•.am# .uch gsarrnrrt ;:attt the .fr:tt~;,rzrr t.'tu,n . it. a ~ n of chi; under-
<br />tattitag. or ri rhr bttvrtgtagcx ii proitii»ted t±p any Iau new t,r tttrraftrr rxistirtg fn,m paging Cite wiruir oe any ;rat,son nt thesefvre-
<br />•said taxes-cx upon tht rsrxteririi<ct#ony ccwrt decree prohttxtinfi rhr payment hp rhr 4tartgagcx or etny such rases, or if such #aw
<br />ex tttecree provides shat an} .,mcaaant u> peat hg- the yAtuttcx atutt3 t+c credited on the mortpeagr dent. the t4ari~ter ,flail have
<br />tht rtg6t its titt-e nitlxtt +tay, urtttrn ttiurs:r s=t i#x +>wner .rt rhr tnt•rtiaged premises, requiring the payment t,f tht ttrartgagc
<br />itrtrr. ft Sash rnstice he gtvrn. thr+atd drt•t ah,~il t+s.:.,me cttta payah#e and.~oliectihie at the expi;atirm.,f said ninety day.
<br />h. 'iltat xhoukt ire fail to pay ant <'t+m t=r kelp any e arena-at prvvtdeil .ut err thi+'.~rxtE.sstc, thtn the hfortgr~e, ..t it, up-
<br />t/itn, ;raaq pay rx putarm fix same, and ail rsprrtdittnes so made <hait he addcd xo the prirrtip-a# sum owing vn the above note.
<br />s#t~ tae ss;<artsst tuzslY, a=~f shftt tsar tnxztst et rhr tare xi €rxrrtit to rhr .rid nrxe, utrtii paid.
<br />t~ant hr hereby afrv*. traasfrrs and seta c;vrr Eo the 'vtartgsgee. tv ht app#isd toward ttic payment of the Hate and alt
<br />srrmt. ttrtri hert>tty in iaxr of a dcfauft sn thz prrferman+ae vt any of the terms ens! conditions of this ;Nortg;tge nr the paid
<br />reotr, aif the rents. revintxa .ettd ittcc*tnr Ri trz ctertved frrm tt:z rtaxtgtgrd premise, dutitig such time a. the mortgage indrbtrd-
<br />shsCi semaui un6~+~+1- sm2 xhr ~+?rier slsait hoer pt,wer 4u apps#ttt any ~snt yr 5grnta it may desire tnr file purDrae at
<br />rz~+rdr'ir~ s~ prsrrre_~ artd o[ rsntittg flee e3rme and ;uttti ttrtg the rents. rrvenurs and mcame. and it may pay trot ,~! said in-
<br />ccsaaes rril cxC+ret*rs <+f tsp'atr Said prrmissv and nr>rrasarg t:cunmtsseuns anti r_=penses +mtttrre-d m rrntmg atxt mertagtng the
<br />vwrnts sad rR cttiietKtutg rentals therefrom; tied ba?attc.r rrmatn~. if any: za be applied toward the dtxttartte at uttd mortgage
<br />#. 't`tt#t hs w~id keep xix trnftrKSVCatrnt3 ;xa+s erttstirtg tx herraftcr elected r>n the mongaittd property. insured a4 Wray he
<br />rettu#rd ftvm tirtir lea aner ht the Ntxtgagee against #oac by tare -,and t=they hazarda..:a:ua!lice and vonhngertc'~a sn ouch
<br />ate stir cycsh pry sa mag- F±e tegtairsd by the ~larig ger~n:i t4~i31 t'xk' . rvmpti}~. h~hen due. any prrmrums vn such
<br />~ix:~ fnr atsatt at v=•i~;t h :tYri left to ::sFetnPnfc?;r. Alt inautxn.-. +t:sll i~ sstri:J .o r.Knpani•_> ::p-
<br />prr~r~t:a1 trq' xhr tNcutpstger an#i the txr#iciss ;rtatt tettswais theteef shalt he held by the lirutgatter and have .ttt:tched thereto tr,as
<br />a:ab~ c;:::mss in far€x sst affil tea fsrm ac:eptats:r u; thx biarE~ger. to event of loss 4#ortgarsc,r ~:tE .e.c i:r.;trediatc notice hti
<br />.sus! re itaQ ;~., ast+s? tr~iy taatt proai rst ttrss ii ;xx mane tromp#t=' hp Ator[ittsttax. and gash tnetu.snsr compuna rxm-
<br />~xr:'ts+t is turtxtty atdaxtd and diaertcd to make payment fair atn;h loss dircs~ty to tree A~cutgsgrr tn4tsati of #o the ?s4ortpagsx
<br />aaui fii¢ }saMty. snd the ttaaura~s ML'segis..x any part therrs}f. ma} be applied by the x#s?rt~ter at eta upti:zn eitt~r
<br />tn* t€ a rrtnxtiaatt tsa a rttdeftiedraesa baxaity rrgctrred nl' to flat rrstorsti~# or te}f#rr of rhr prt,ptrt y damaged , to sent of fnrecio-
<br />rt~~thu:,~t.-t~c ~>r •a#ta atafrtta€ title tct tine warted prsarty in ext~it~uivftment asf the ertdebtedtusa ,reared heresy .
<br />atit~ht, ti,ir aNSi 7tuare-<2w ttx 'dxaetu en alai hr anS tnxtrtarue pe+Eitits t~ntn iatce shat; pas, to tltr purchaser or graufea.
<br />'~ 7tuaa~ a !tad CetGt#tszai aacssrrty fr.r rhr pacrrtCnt of rhr Hate dtscribrd.:trtd ail virus W beteunr due uttdct titta
<br />ttr.rtaear_ ,/dd-~ herrF~ usrigtts tta rhr ,'.#artes aSi ptsatity, revenue,. royattiss.-r'rytitt< attd Nenrfits sez'ttait'~ tc, rhr
<br />lit?rt}cs#c.,r ~rtri€t' a##~ xtid uii and feaxea nn said premise>. w~ittt the right to rscr+rr artd ict°eipt fx the same arsd apply
<br />tern r„ s:tt.srtta~.s as iveH isefan ax afltz dsfault in the e-ssteditacins r:f thix m,.,ru,ace, and ittr ?.ttrrtsr~t-emst4 sicm:snd. +ne
<br />r~~a trot fe~,~+:~ y awt•h ¢riaytascaea stdtrn dot xitd ptsyai~t. bus'ifwaii nsx ht rr.,-utrrci s:, t.r u'c, ,'hiF assitrnrrrcnt i, tea trrinsnate
<br />Brat t`rsctxrtt tatitk atkt:a3gd trpsur teYease aYf this tnrt}'t~pt,
<br />M~lACS•8~ti9M €~3-;ia1
<br />