<br />81 -_ 4017Q5
<br />'i'gte: mtirt$a~e made and enured. into this 6th day of Atuil
<br />t9 81 , by and t~tweetr Earl ~'; Harsh -and Ifi.ttda R. tiaz'ay. YIusbaad and Gl~se,
<br />- Tout Tettaata sri.tla Rights of Survivorship
<br />{hs_ft~' xefened tar as mortgagor) aixt Commertiai Natiortai Bank and-Trust Cotnpaay
<br />E€tereinafter referredto as
<br />mortgsget}, who ttiaitttaitts an office aced piste of business at 424 w. Third strew in Grand. [siaad,
<br />flail County, t+iebtaska.
<br />Wtt~1, that for the consideraiian hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the mtxtgagcu
<br />doZS hereby tsttntgage, sdl, great, assign. and convey onto the rtsortgaga; its successors and assigns, all of the fQ!-
<br />io~rvirtg dtsen'bed property situated sad being in the County of Hali -
<br />State of Nebraska:
<br />Lotrs Five i5} , Six {fi) . Seven E't) , Eic}ht {8) , Hine {s) .
<br />'^en {10), Stutrty Acres Ststx3ivision, Grand Island, t3a11 tbunty,
<br />He4raska
<br />togetttZr wHh all tht tetatt:ttnts-amt appunettatsers theta berongmg, arc the rents. issues and prosits thereof, and all
<br />~, righu, roy~litt5, tninerai, oil and gas rights sad itrofits, wa€er, w~ttr rights. a~ +vatEr stork. and including
<br />ail heaeitt$, phambirtg, refriperatiaxt, fighting, equipment attd aii fixtures of esery description be)anging to [he
<br />tnartgagor tmw ax hereafter attached ttttreto or used in cr,[nnea-tion 5xifh the premises herein described and in addition
<br />€raHO ttte fo!rip~ d )bed g*raif+rrtt~ whiCit are :rnri shaft be ctertnec# to ??t f=xttu~s and a pan of the realty, and
<br />are a portion of the security far time indebtedtaess herein stated. t!f none, state "none"i Hone
<br />Yo hatre aced to tmid the saute unto the ,'Mortgagee, as herein probided;
<br />Tian trm~r ~ 3awfulnr a7i, sad pa~isesszd of a:~d has the rght to and cotrvey said property; that the
<br />saate is free from all ertcumbratxes except as irereinabovr ra-ited; sad zhat itortgagttr covenants to warrant and
<br />afsfetsd rite title aforesaid thereto stud eaery pan thereof against the claims of aii prrsorts whomsoever.
<br />This tes:iutt>cttt is giver[ to secure fire ptyttte3tt of a prattissory ttaxe dated A,aril 6, 1681
<br />is the pr=:ntigxi satin t?f S ~.l3tY?- rxa .. signed by Earl 3. Hardy and Linda R. Hardy
<br />is behalf of Tlteaseivas ~_ _
<br />alas, ~ sxxc ;~ °°~ ~Y :rv`ffi ::~ t;t :~= ~ ~;. ~ ;,r ~€esded lit Krtittg.
<br />Ira the event fix tick to said rtsi tstate is trap;Forted. or contracted to be transferred. from the urtdersigtttd for any
<br />n or hx tspi9r et~thod wiuttytrtvtr, fix +:ntire priresipai sum sad saxruai interest shah at artce baome due and
<br />p~ ai tits eiexsfoa of the A heretrf. Failure to exercise this option because of transfer of title as above stated
<br />irs is~e sly tax ttsstuitutc a waiver of flat tight tot ateicise the sate in the event of any subsequent transfer.
<br />i. was arses €til~wt=:
<br />;~-t~~ - > by rtottr at t~ Batts scut in tht manner
<br />~t >tettS[i0~.
<br />7`o pi~i t~l tgsta€, its, wattr rimes, atni otitis goverartttrttai or muni~ipal t:harges, fines, sxr
<br />f€+e writ provit tras t+xst batm tttat#e lte+reittbefore, and viii prasmptly deriver the offisciai receipts
<br />iia8et to tFet said rrartrtga~e
<br />c Tti ~Y .+rG~ia 4rtti i as may be itttta#re€f in clue pr~tectioat and tnainteatan~~e of saki prapenp,
<br />imt.`t i +nt of a#~t attC~rra €~ Yryy ths+ rttLtrt~ fix €ht r'4rftion of anv ar ;rtl of the indebtcdrtrss
<br />i±c etas ors urr 5. , ~r torss#tre Fry [rrorte=s .i+~ or~~ca~[rt prc+ecedirtgr, rr an one ;rthgr €zizyat?on ryr prcx.~rciiny.
<br />