Farm 808 S
<br />~1-- oa~7a~
<br />Lender's wrtfen agreement or apglicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all rtrortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided un~r paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Ixnder pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shalt become additions}
<br />indebtedness of Borrower stxured by this Mortgage. Unless t3orrowcr and Lender agree to other terms of paymeet, such
<br />amounts sha}t ht payab}s~ open Ratite from Gander to torrower rtquesting paymem thtreo€, and xha}I bear interest froth t}te
<br />date of dlabntatmttnt at the rate paysblt from time to time an autatanding principal tmdtr tht Mott tmless psytnsnt of
<br />interest at stxh cafe would be contrary to appiieabte {aw, in which event such amounts shat} bear interest at the highest rate
<br />pernfissiisk under applicable taw. Nothing contained in this paragraph T shall requite tender to incur any expense or takt
<br />any action hctetst;xier. ,
<br />~ it~ctlas. Linder may ttaskt ar cerise to be made reasanab}t entries upon and inspect{nits of the Property, provided
<br />fiat Linder sha!} give Borrower mattes prier to any such inspection specifying ra.asonnbte cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />intert32 in the Property.
<br />~. C The prtxetds of any award or claim for damages. direct ar cottstgttential, in c6nnection with airy
<br />confkmnatian or ether taking of the Property. ar part thtreof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />and shaA be paid to Lender.
<br />#n the went of a torsi taking of the Property, the proceeds sha{l be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the excess, if any. paid to Borrower. }n khe event of a partial taking of tht Property, unless Bortnwer and Lender
<br />ahtrwhe agree in writing, there shalt be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proczs,--is
<br />as is equal to that propartfan which the arnount of tht sums secured by this Martgagt immediatt}y prior to the dare of
<br />taltiag bean to the fair market value of the Proptrly immediate{y prior to the date of taking, with the balance of tht. ptacexds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />I# the Property is abandotred by Borrower, ar if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to mskt
<br />an award or settle a claim far damages. Harrower faits is respond ie t.tnder within 30 days after the dart such notice is
<br />matted. Ltnder is au[httrized to rndect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option. either to restontian or repair of the
<br />Prtrpcrry or to the Rums secured by !his Martgagc.
<br />Linters tender and Borrower othrrwisr agree ir. u~ritine. am~ sorb appiicatinn of proceeds to principal shall not extend -
<br />ar postpone iht dot date of the tnonth{y irstaiiments refr:rrd to in paragraphs t and ~ hereof or change the amount of
<br />such instat}trten4s.
<br />16. itareower'wlaf Retleaed. Extension of the t?me far payment ur rnadificatien of amortization of the wens secured
<br />by this Mortgage granted by t.cnder to any successor in inrrrest of Borrower shall net operate to relcau, in any mantttr,
<br />the riabdity of the ar}gins{ Horroscrer and tiarrawer's succesurs .n interest. }.ender shat! not ht required to commence
<br />proceedings against such successor nr refuse to extend timt far pavmert .x otherwise madifv amortization of the sums
<br />secured t;y this lfartgagt f+y reason ,3t any demand made ny the nrig+nai Borraucr and Borrower's successors in inttrest.
<br />11. Forireapee ~• Leader !vtx a Wainer. :lny farhearancc h. t ender in exerr+s,ng env right a- remedy hereunder, or
<br />ahe€wise afforded by applicable ;aw. shal{ ,tat he a waiver .~f ar preclude the exera:i:x of any such right ar remedy.
<br />The procurement of insurance ar the paymert of taxes nr nthtr ?.lens ar .ha:>es Fr tender shat hat he a waiver of Cinder's
<br />right tc, accetcrate +he maturity of the :ndebttdnrss ucurcd Fy the. Mnngagr.
<br />12. Remedies CowiaWhe. .ail{ rcmedirs pms~ded .r. thin Motgage arc dt.rinct and cumtttative to any orbit right or
<br />remedy under this Mortgage ar atTnrdcA i±c taw ..r cyuaty, .and ma+,~ i+c rscrc:ceu cc>ncurrenriv. +nt}epeodtntiv ar successivt}y.
<br />13. Saceeaears seta Asatgttes Soaad: jetiat sad 5evetal t.ia6e'~y; Cspfioin. T?te covenants and agreemtnts hettin
<br />contat:teti sbaii (rind, and :he rights hereunder She}'. ,hurt ?.~, ire nsptctave wccexsars and assigns of Lender and Borrower,
<br />subjtM to the pravisians of paragraph {' hereat Ali rnvcnams and agrrcntents of Borrower shall be jeitR and several.
<br />Tke ca~tts,is and htadtngs et thr paragraphs a,f this 3fattgagr are fc,r c.,nven,rnce aniy and art not to be ttstd to
<br />mttrpret or define the pravtsions hereof.
<br />l8. \ereire. Except for aoq noires rcya,irrd under app{icablc taw to he g:srn ;n another menhir, (al any notice to
<br />tiorrosctr pravitted for to this Mortgage shat! he t;+vcn h}~ matting ;uch noires f,}• certifiexf mail addrtssed to Berrawer at
<br />tht Prapcrty Address or ar such gather address ss Bc,rrawrr max designate by naicc to t_entler as provided herein, and
<br />fbi any natter, to (.ender xhaf} he gssen Fv ccnafMd ma,i, :cturr. recragt rcqutsted. to lender's address stated herein or to
<br />such cobra ad$rtss as t.cnder may designate by notice to Barrc*srr as pravrded ':ere:n. .Am' entice Provided for in this
<br />Morgagt sbaii Fie dcxmed to have peer. ervcn ?a Borr:swrr or i_;;ndcr ~~hcn gtvprt in the manner tksignattd ttcra:in.
<br />15. Uesfferta Meru; C~ateri~g Law4 $eretai$Itt. "f"k,;. f,}rnt cif mongagc combines uniform covenants for natiaaal
<br />use and Ran-uniform savtnants vaih timitePS +ariaums Fy juri=;;;;aaan to ceratitute a uniform sic-arty instrument covering
<br />rest praperty_ This S/artgage shelf he governed by thr taw .:f rhr urisdict=ten in svi;ich the Property is {nested. 1n the
<br />e~tt tt;at a.: prc;.tstrn +n c}srtsr +-€ this Martgagc ,~- the 'tare :+antiicts with agglica{xk taw, such conflict shall net affect
<br />athe+r pmvuic+ess of this Mortgage <<r the tis,tr w}±;ch gar. he eaeen ct#ect withasi ;hr conflicting prevision, and to this
<br />_-_~t •*~.= .~...:. .- .`•? _- -_ - .:.. -- - .;r- „- ~-rc- :,, - ---era--.
<br />-ff p~rtl~xsxes^~rC.agv. Hormwervsha{i ize~ furnished a cLnformtd ,spy of the 'tae and of this Mortgage at the tittle
<br />cd rxecutian <+r after retards;tan hereof.
<br />t7. 7rartar of tie r+teystr;r; gwasglioa, ;(,;U ~x ant t.i he Pro~rty vtr an tnttrest thertin is sold or transferred
<br />by 5orrawcr without Ixmkr's prier wru[en consent. excluding +a; the creation of a {itn or rncumbranee wbardinatt to
<br />thu Mortgage. t~} tin creatsan at a punhass mangy ,ccurrtt -ntcrcst for hrntx}taid appliances, rc) a transfer by dtvise,
<br />descent ar by operaetan of law upon the etearh of a taint irnant „r td, the grant of ant Icaxhold interest a€ three ytars er {ess
<br />not aarttainirtg an ctrgian ar. ptarrhase. t.cntkr may, at f.endn-s ,,pron. dcc{are all the sums attuned by thrx Mortgage to be
<br />irttmediasefy due arxf payable.. (.ender Lha{; hart ea,vrd ,each t-tptton to acctierate if, prior [a list sate or transfer, Lender
<br />and t}ot pcrsan to wham iht Proptrty rs [o F+e sa{t4 cu transtcrrcd mach agreemrnt to writing that the credit of such person
<br />xs sattsfsctary to I.erex}Cr and ti?at chi intttest cavnbk ;,a the seams araurtd !,y this Martgagt shall {.e at such race as f.ettdet
<br />shat( request If t.¢ader has watvW the x+ptran to accckratc prnv+ded m this paragraph i i, and if Borrower's successor in
<br />inttretrt has eztxuttd a wrntert arumpnan agrtxttttnt ac_epted in writing by Ixader. Lender shall release Borrower from alt
<br />a.ns yr taus Mc+stgs$c send irfr ?f att.
<br />}f tender ttctrCtscs g.tcts afnttxt to a+:::e}cratr. I.cnder sha!{ mat{ Berrewer Raise of acctleratitm in accordance with
<br />paragripts {o ttttenf Saach net=c~t ha?S pre-'ode a r€nad o{ rk.r {ess than 3t? days from the dart the Waite is raai}td within
<br />whiett $arrarrtr may pay the sum; dot{artc± c4uc. 1' Bertha er trails ,a pay such sums prier to the expiration of such period.
<br />t.eodtr racy. svtthaut tuttticr serest car demand •~,: Barmsver..nvake any rertttdies permnud by paragraph (R hereof.
<br />?.Vort-Uktrtntae Cavca`.tsrs tlotrawct and t.cruler further cov~nent and agree ax fot{owa:
<br />iR Acadaratlae~ RtttsaeAiste. >~es}t sa Pr+arided ~ psrsgrs~ t7 hereof,
<br />~ llaarrtnrMr ~ redt~ . altos Barrosve:'s tertaeh of say covenant ar
<br />Mil, itseiaditg rise tonenaais to pay sriipt dire say sain6 seeared iy thin Hite,
<br />fssdrr t~ k3 ~ ~ t nat.`er ~ Satrower a presided in puagrspit I4 hereof steeify~: fl) titr in+ncht
<br />~ t1q atRisr ttsgnised ~ e~ sari tassel: fat a dslr, nsi leas tiof~ 3! days frten tie date the notice is nailed fo ^oriswer,
<br />~ s aas$ t ~ z ~ t:} ~ fr~ritrr to cot anti irssei oa w before the dare
<br />s+eeiBsd to the issUta
<br />sttyt wars!! m s~dstaeFsn ~ the soar wrarad iv tMs HIM. tpreclessre i3' ludicai Peoceeedia! sad sdr ~ tie PreBerty.
<br />fie m~ ±~Aa9 f' +~sssr 6mrowri• ~ the rt~t fo rtiarate rr .rceisaast~i ssa ihx rigW ea a~et is tie. earacleave
<br />grramasAsr; era nsiooatiasmte et s w acv other t#faase of Beasosrer as z~•re#r~iOa ~ farc~tiasate. tf tie ieesci
<br />it sat castrl err ar islet; tier dote speclted is cis satire. t_eetirr ,a !.seder's ePtioa nay dttetsrr! aB elf fie saris seenrad by
<br />ills !s ipr ~ dsr and psYaOls rrNierar fwther denaad sad arp fonrefase by ja~cai proeeedhtt, fader
<br />istM !e eatdlltet to eirMsrs hs rnri pttarerdhtt ~ ta~ceses erl finerlosare, inetttitaq, tit ass tlteie~ to. ratite ref daenwrrat>Ky
<br />e*tdlrsro. sistsseas sad #llit
<br />tile- ikroorrer'rt fs ~ Rtxtwithstanding }.errdes"s a::cetF.ratttss ,>t tht scams sex:~trned by this Mortgage,
<br />ttatrr~iret sAa# haws ihr ri! to ka+ft lent pttagredmgs }~gutt bt t etat~r tx} enters ihn .'.t mortgage ,tis;:trntamsed a4 any 4ime
<br />