<br />81~ a~1686
<br />6. fn the went said property is sold at a judicial ftnzciosure sale or pursuant to the power of a sale hereinabove
<br />granted, and the proceeds are not sufficient to pay the total indebtedness secured by this instrument and evidenc-
<br />ed by said promissory note, the mortgagee will be entitled to a deficiency judgemene for the amount of the
<br />deJ7crenry without regard to oppraisem~rrt.
<br />7. fn the went the mortgagor fails to pay any federal, state, or local tax assesment, income tax or other tax lien,
<br />charge, fee or other expense charged against the property the mortgage is hereby authorized at its option to pay
<br />the same. At3y sttr;~ -ra paid sty the t€tt'a€g~gev s:ta=t die atd to attd beronte a part of the prittj:ipa} amou.-rt of [P.e
<br />indtbtedt[ess evidenced by said no[t, subjet:t to ehe same terms and conditions. If the mortgagor shah pay and
<br />discharge the ittdebtedness evidenced by sasd promissory note, and shat! pay such sums and shall discharge ail
<br />taatss and- liens and the casts, fees, attd expenses of malting, enforcing, and executing this mortgage, theft this
<br />mortgageshall be cattcetled and surrendered.
<br />8. The covenants herein contained shall bind and the benefits and advantages shall inure to the respeRive successors
<br />a[~l assigns of the parties hereto. lVtetnes~tr used,-the singular number shall include the plural, the plural the
<br />singular, atxi the use of any gender shat! include alt genders.
<br />4. No waiver of any covenant herein or of the obligation secured hereby shall at any *_ime [hereafter be held to be a
<br />waiver of the terms hereof or of the note secured htrtbv.
<br />!d. A judicia! decree, order, or judgement holding any provision or portion of this instrutztent invalid or unenforce-
<br />able shall trot in any way impair ar preclude the enformnent of the remaining provisions or portions of this
<br />instrtttt~r[t.
<br />i i. Any written notice to be issued to the mortgagor pursuant to the cxavisians of this instrument shall be addressed
<br />to the mortgagor at 5R4o.~yr~aae; t•t, rt . ~~qt a~F,.;} £`ntpradn um t t
<br />and any Kritten notice to be issued to the mortgagee-shall
<br />be addressed to the mortgagee at 424 let. Teti-zd st, • P, O, Box 2(Y06. Grand zslanr2, N£ 688fl2
<br />[tv VJtTTtES4 WHERt:oF. the mortgagor has executed this instrumrnt and she mortgagee Etas accepted delivery of
<br />this in~trttment as of [he day and scar aforsaid.
<br />-.. Sascuc~ ~- ~,.,
<br />~_
<br />^on.*za ,7: Teague
<br />Executed and dtlivered in the presence of the fallowing witnesses:
<br />(Add Appropriatt Acknowledgement)
<br />' STATE E7F NEBRASKA Bef me, a t~alif[~ Notary Pubii{:, pe[~mally appeared _
<br />ss. _ ~. L-~ ,~e_.a/ 1J .e u .,,~_~.~_-
<br />G0t1h[1"'Y C3F ~ ,
<br />ktmwn W tae to be identical person or persons who signed the foregoitg instrument and arknowledged the exttu[ion
<br />th~`ta bi ~ voluutary act atul de:xt.
<br />1Yitness my hand and Notarial Seal on __~~ / , 14 ~_.
<br />t~tt~-1se+3st a
<br />( ~. t
<br />Notary Pttlff .
<br />My :<~ area . '~. %~ __ _, t4 ~. ,
<br />STA'1"'€s 4)F N~BRALA ~ i~efore rnt a gtssliftaf Notary Public. personally appeared _ __
<br />"sfi. __._.-.~_...__.__..~._..______.._._.....__..~.___..._._.
<br />Ct~t~~ ~ ._.-.._.__-_._..... - Presedent Qf -...-._...~_,.._-.,.v..` .~...~.. . .__ _ ~_.~
<br />a txuporatiata, knows to me to Ile tl[e President and id~tirat person who signet! the foregoing instrument, and
<br />krttt.'~i',3~ ~eratutrs thet~f to be lsi; va3ltd~3ry aa~t # de~xl as such offxxr atxi the voluntary rte! and deed of
<br />r~}ttMrti lead tl~t lts cesrHorats staf rues tfffiked t,~treta by its autlsorify.
<br />~k'itttsra my hand sad Notarial Seed tw __ _.._. __._- T , i4 __~_.
<br />l'~l•! __
<br />_~_ __..a _,_ TMNotary Public -____.__.__._._._
<br />
<br />tyc4Y't`Rr[htRi~eiaxe kx`b`3 e. ~.~.._.n_._. __._, ..,._.,.. _ _.,_., t'f - -.-.._..
<br />