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<br />®~~eJF~.~J~ <br />g~,.- 00168 <br />his i»crrg~s made and eniertd into ihis -_~~ day of .J_ .April T, <br />lil ~~ b9 rued =e2 T:- Tsai and tatuuta J. Tea4us, fienants in Cottmton <br />- - -- {Itef'e~ICSfi14 fG~CrTt*d tU-a8 ttrt~tgagvr~-and ~OtrtttterC(al i~laiional -IenX attd `( ittSi ~Ci:~~tttj~ _ <br />{hereina#ter refetaed to as <br />txaIIga~eel. ~'htt ~tsists$itts aa'offiix-and phtcc a€ husine~s ai .~- trd street in Grartd island, <br />H~ EQUtrty. 1€as-Ra. <br />'#t~ than Car the rvttsiderdtion ht.Teitmfter stated, receipt of whidt a hereby acknawletiged, the mortgagor <br />deer she; tilt, giant, assign, atrti convey unto the tnortgagee, its successors and assigns, ail of the fol- <br />. tt~Ct dea`:pkirperty situatnl-and being in the County Df Fro'=1 <br />°siait ~ i~Eeorss~a. <br />Lot Two (2} Ccrnrt@ll In3u8trial. Park Second Subdivision, being a <br />},tart of the East Half of the Sauthvrest Quarter (Ettsvl~c} of Section <br />Eleven {III Towatsltip Eleven (ll; North, Range Nine t9} best of <br />the bttt P.M., Halt Coattty, Nebraska <br />togcsher with akl thr tettemems and appurtettartcts thereto belartging, all the rrrtts, issues and profits thereof, and all <br />crusts, ri~.ltts, rvyaltit:s. tttineaai. ail and gas rights and prcofiis, evatcr, hater rights. and water stack, and including <br />ail heatu~ p#t:ttbsztg, refrigevaiiDn. tighiina, ~uipntent and a!t fixtures of every description belonging to the <br />tttorigagcu swv: or hereafter attachesi thereto Dr used in canttectian with tht premises hrnin deuribed amt in addition <br />tlxt:reto the following desctilxtl propertie> uhieh arc and shah he dercned to be fixturts and a part of the realty, and <br />are a txvtiDn oC tttt sctiettrtty Car thesndetxednese hereto dared. iif acme, state "r±Dnc"1 Norts <br />Tom to-hold .Ir s.,~ unto tl~.e',~ar*.°,=~~, as hernn prDVided: <br />39x ' Is lawfully stated and posi+rssed of artd has the right to srll and convey said property; that the <br />sttnnc is Ftix [rant alt ettcuttrbrattces except as hereinabove recited; atxl that 1Nortgagar cDVettants tD warrant and <br />defend tht ti:4e afors~aid thereto and every part thereof against the claims of all persons whorrtsoe'rer. <br />'f iastrutnent is given-to setatre the payatent DC a promissory note dated A aril 1, 2981 __,_______ <br />ip tAe papal sutn of S 35a~_ €ttt _, signed by Samuel J. Tsaaus _____ <br />ib bttltaFf L##` ._._., tois~t f ~,.__... <br />>~'*. atP t tx~ trr »~g frDtn tirtM rD tithe be nwdtf~cl, renewed or ertertdcd in writing. <br />t~[hs ibE €itle to st~i real estate ~ tra~ferred, of cotttractad tD Ire transferred, from the uudtrsigttrsl for any <br />~, t1r_ 1~e stay ttd whatsoever, t3te entire prita'ipal strrtt attd accrual interest shall at once bccotite slue and <br />1*e ~ 21~ ~ t~ t holr3ea hsreat, F~lurt ttt-e-~rcise this ~tit~ t~rause of transfer oC title as abtr~e stated <br />' t s'tt#itttts a wairver aI tl~ right tD ester the sterrts in the event-Df arty sttttetti transfer. <br />l: ' ~i„~~ t-~ arut ~ as tollpwY: <br />a, ?n 6r~p11~- Dsy tl ', by r~l ~aati3st3rY tt~e at tFte t l in thr taantner <br />t. '1'o prey tax+~ ~sscsttitts, ~ rates. and Dthet governt~;,ittl or mtt~ticai chaigt!S, dines, Dr <br />>,~h prxrsisi+xt has rtcrt been tnadr IrerEittkteftsre, sad will prusrtpcly diver the official rsipts <br />;tcw tit : <br />e. T p tit attd fL~t, sB irony R5s inetrrred in the fmt*tta't~rn atSd tnaintettax~e ctf said- pria~nv. <br />- s+tctud;tt~r-fitx~a;t~ ut~cn qty tit ~nmtg: €or tl~ r.ticrn of arty c+r ntl trf the Ettdehtalit~s <br />: i+c+r rte,. ~ iC.r+ta~~+tt;€ uttergee's sale. €ar r~rurt ~rcres*ttlittgg. Dr in any- other litigatia~n ter prt~~etiitty <br />