MQItTCiAf:E ~ Z ~U ~ i s~ 9.
<br />T'hi& ~fort~age is entered azto t~tween Jatsles A. AtROOd aztd DDm:i9 .I. AtRObd,
<br />&u~baftd aztd "`~i~e, {tterePn °it7~tY'I astd
<br />(~veriat~d N~tio~ial-F.~nk o~ crra~d zs~and
<br />__,~__ {herein "Mortgagor"~; -
<br />~! is~~~ -~ in t*_r princig~a+!ttys~i 5 ~ 0~4_ ~Q , evitlon:ray Min~:~+at'a ~° .
<br />rittad _'h ~ - ~~? (herein "Note").providing for pxytnettts of principal and interest, wi£h the bslantx of the _
<br />It refer sooner paid; due and gcyab-e on
<br />Totmettaethepayrneataf the-Note, with interest as Provided therein; the payment of ati otherattins, with;inpereat,:
<br />tidranced by 1dptYgagee to pro~et the security of this Mortgage, anti the performance of the covenants and agreementaof:
<br />the Mortgagor ctxttaitted herein, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to.'9foitgagee the fallowittj ~tx`itrsd-_
<br />geagsmst; lota~d in Nail County, Nehrasita:
<br />T,ot Oire Htutt~ed Seventy-Eight (378j in Bestiiort Addition;
<br />Gity of Gr~.fid islatxi, Ifa21 L'.otmty . Nebra_~a,
<br />T`ageiher with aft buildings, improvernenti, fixtures, streets, aiieys. passageways, comments, rights, prvitegea and
<br />itppurtettancas iorasted ilterrVii eir in aH ,~ ~-:.... :;, dhe._ _.., ..r ~ the .._..__sa.s ~ ti pmfi~; reversions and remainders
<br />thereof; including, but not limited to,~hecting and tooting equipment and such persona! property that is attached to the
<br />improvenrenia so as W constitute c future: all of which. including mptceement< and additions thereto, is hereby declared
<br />to ba a part of the est9te secured by the lien of this 5fartgage and aii t,f ttsr i'nregoing being referred to herein ~ the
<br />..PlrotrertY=,
<br />YriDrigigar farther convettatrts and agrees. with Mortgagee, as ffo:iows_
<br />I: Payts~t To pay the intkbtednt~ss and the interest thereon as prcnrded in this itiongttgr sad the Note.
<br />2 TNte. Mortgagor is the owner of the Frolrrrty .hag the rRitt and authority to rnortgagr the Property, and
<br />warrants-that She tiro erected hereby is a first and prior hen crn tlx~ Prvpeny, except a+ ~y atlterwise be set forth herein.
<br />. Property is subject to a Mortgage whernin _ r'tr'r'.3 zt1 Fgj~+ g,j_ 5~.1'7)~ ~ ~~
<br />IX7Cttiit--it~l`a~i~
<br />.i3 ~. recorded at ._ „t tha ?Aortgage Records of ~_ HRll Carroty,
<br />Nebraska. tvltldt ~ is a tEen prior ttr the 7ten created hems}
<br />L7 {kher Prior bens ar enenmbrcnces: ____ _.. _..... ~ _. _. _-..- _. .. _ ._. _ ._-.. T---
<br />3. 'i`atitaa, Aaart{t_ Ta pay vrhetr due sit taxts_ special assessments and ail other chsages ageittst the Property
<br />tied, ttpuw tr;itten t#enttiad by Mortiysgee, to add to the payments requared under the Note scoured hereby. such atttarnt av
<br />L to ensbta the trgagase to pay such Loxes, ~g=~+r,ts or other ctsarges as they becottta due.
<br />~. Imivanee. 't°o peep kbe itrtprovernents now ar hereanzr located an the rest retort deec+ibed heeeia ittsurad
<br />dtat~e by ate stteb other Isaaanls ag hta:xgs~ee may requice, to atmwots gird with eompatties acceptable to tiu
<br />fiktMtgag?e; tad with lass ~yadsde W the A4oetga(tee, In case of loss under such policies the Mortgagee is authorised to
<br />sdp;t6t, ce#ieei. sad is-its dastretion, ati ciairsrs thereunder at its sore option, authorised totiitterapply the
<br />3v-the ~s:aat of the r°rsrpe~r€y ar upon the itadebtedarss secured :sereby, tsut tuynients hemeatter ebdi eon-
<br />a~t3 tha asnmt taxxtted iusehp am turd iaftdl: -
<br />3„ traarorr:gor Ti4taa and taauraeer. Itiotwithstanding anything ~xxttained in paragntptso 3:attd 9 hereof to ~
<br />sotdaaityt t~.s-per to.the tfior# a4 ttte-tithe qt ~gittg the inotttiily insialEts of t-tea;eipat_ttnd iatsrart,
<br />aae,tRri fat. t~ q tam Es, bossed ia~smace prerttiutas, and gssxtuunnd tet~s-(i{ say l whkh easy attain a
<br />pritxitg reuse ttda ~, ~ >Y estttaated from iitae W tithe by the Martgsigpe, 'f`he tunotta#a sa prod ahaH be
<br />~ ~ L:v }".~~~ ~-.c.` tat, a~r~A =d,'.;vd 1o tGa pays! of Gin heirs i~ raged to trbiet~a~tt a>aounts sasre
<br />depetsitad 'l9re s~tata pcid to bee hece+utdar are.ed u atiditfontil sccnrityfnr~lte rtdebter[neas accused by this
<br />eta- shaft ~ to i~ fl~sasotsnt of my dei`teirney ttriwr~ct the cCtuAl taxes, creseaacrenla: itf~wuant'e
<br />` ?ss"-.::on ~ p~uxted mttc trod ~e dmp4s#!s lie within 3ti iXsYa aft¢r derttand is taatlp n13an r regttestlag
<br />~ittyawut tisenof.
<br />g. Repair.- sit rise. Tor pelt' rear: rKStore or t~9ttitd mty btdtdings ar imptove~mertta now ar
<br />t~rraa4e4 ca the, ~+~ ga: S f!s~g. +n :#on and eeparir<irtt[tdnt waxiR, a€~ ices frrnn iaassJt?'F ttr
<br />a-rr.r irons noted t~ tit4 iii hezeaf; tint: to ttod~. !des snr pertr#t atiy natatence~ to MsFtt. n~ to dYrnitt°
<br />m itr~[ tbr.. vatic aft,~r t'Srty:by shy att:or-to trot; acrd tp'egrr+pty with attnwtttt#roeata of iow vrtgt
<br />r+apwrttctthaP -
<br />