<br />1t3. T'haz the Mortgagor will keep the buildings upon said premises in good repair, and neither commit nor permit waste
<br />open raid ktt~, tort suffer the said premises to be used fur any unlawful purpose.
<br />11: TTtat if the premises, w any part thereof, be candemned under the power of eminent domain, or acquired for a public
<br />tom, the damages awazdcd, the prosetds for tht taking of, or the cansideratian for such acquisition, to the rxtent of the full
<br />amotmtof ittdebttdms open this mortgage attd the rtate which it is given to secure remaining unpaid, are hereby assigned by the
<br />RAartga~e to 6hc Afwtgagce, atul shag be paid forthwith to said Wortgagee to be applied by the tatter on account of the next
<br />mxturint;instaftmcnts of sack ir~eb3edness.
<br />52. TTit Mcirtgagar futther a$rtcs that should this mortgage and the Hate secured hereby not be eligible fur in-
<br />su:~:: ~ v~ ^lpriar.®1 f~?:a:,ice Est wi=.bin ; g,,- ~y d,~Z a from flit da*.t lttreaf {+v:stt:n statytnent of any afftcer
<br />~ the Dtmertr of Fluttsing and Urbsn f3ev¢h}proem cx authariztd agent of flit Secretary of Nousittg and iIrban
<br />f7cvelapmcn4 dated subsequent to the amp saps time fram the lots of this mortgage, dcctining to insure said
<br />ttatt amt this mortgage. being deemed sontiusive prowl of such inetigibilityl. the Mortgagee w holder of the bore
<br />ttmy, at itsoptiatt,detlart aU sums sccurrtd hereby immediately due and paya~le-
<br />}3, That if the Mottga$+x faits to make any paymtnts of money when the same hesomt dae, or faits to conform to and
<br />aatn#tly with atiy of the cunditiotn w agtecmtnts sotttaintd in this mortgagt. ar the nott which it secures, thtn the entire princi-
<br />pal sum atuf a€cn~ed irteresr sltal{ at once btcame due and payable. at the ekctian of the Mortgagee; and this mortgage may
<br />thtueupon be foreclased immediattty fac the wbalc of said ntomy. interest, monthly payments. oasis, ground rents, taxes and
<br />the east of txttx4dittg the abstract a€ title fram flit dart of this Iaan to the time of commencing such forectusurt suit, and a rea-
<br />->~:aab+a aiioray's fee, ati c # s: hith shalt tssr+.°,tudcd is the dtCr2d of fare: tosurt. acrd tix contract embodied in this mortgage
<br />and the rwtte secured hereby, shaft in alt respects tx gaverned, sansrrued :atd adjudgtd by the laws of t+Febraska, where ttte
<br />same is roads.
<br />TTK savsttants i'urc~n sontainrd shaft bind, atui tttc btnefits and advamagts shat! insure ta. the respective heirs, executors.
<br />ad~+t+~sitate.:=. ~~+c~~e,=arc and as::tgns of ttx ;mrtie4 txretu. 4Vt!etttver u_rd. the sin~aiar numb^r shall inetude the plural. the
<br />piurat flit singular, and the ux of .my ktender shat! be appticahk to all genders.
<br />T~+e foregaittg cnndititms. alt and singular. being performed assarding to ihtir nature! and legal impart, [Iris conveyanet
<br />shall to veld arw' staid premises released at flit expenst a,f the {cxtgagor, cxherx ist to tst and remain in fuE2 farce and tfTect.
<br />f4sNfT-tit;SSt!'tfF:RfOf.the4farrgagar4stha d'E' hertunto,et their hand[stthedayandyearfirst
<br />alcove svrittcn
<br />Ca presenst !at:
<br />r: ~ ,;
<br />(SEAL. f
<br />DALE SPi,A 32'OESSII2
<br />ISEALi
<br />~ I lt-'it I
<br />P - PLAFR`STOESSER .... ,
<br />f SERI. 1
<br />V'1'~ii tif' i~t'.~niai~i. ((` S
<br />t't)l,hTy'ttF Hail ) ,
<br />f5rr ibis {y~day- of M7irC.,~i . A. f?. tv 81ti bete-rc ms_
<br />a £SOt:BTj ~tta~4.~t: tnanufar,atut:aantti:pers,>naft,~ame
<br />~ SF,Rt- l
<br />PC 9c t,r 38
<br />Aer DaSe Sp3attatoesset and Pegg Sue S~lattstt~esser, husband artd :-ife
<br />prru+naily to mr known
<br />tt: tst the idtMrat #~rtu}n a.hr~e names a~ atLixzd to the atrave and f+ue-
<br />~r~,::tstrs:~..r;9 a5 .ft itsTngtii. ^x~s t~$Y f'#a'trt> .-:y~an7wissY~t~ €hz 3.i~a ~n54r3ment a[td Fhe
<br />rxeentiara tbersof to t+r ~ e c=4tantari apt .and d:.-ed. for the purpovts thertm txprtcstd.
<br />1n Etstirt3t+np svtttrtat. t navt htreunru .tt .nn hand :and affixed hvnotarial ,eat zt Grand Islatxi
<br />can rte dal end daft Iasi atx+r r .+n€tt~_~
<br />~. ~ ~~ ~
<br />~l~~ . _..,_-- otary Pttbtic
<br />ST.>TE4iFtiyff#tASk~ ss
<br />tTi fax rz°~`` a.~,~ ds. f,~
<br />st ~'cl~ockg
<br />?tee vn fkt+tak
<br />,~
<br />~_[3. iv
<br />41.. and entered in 4unterica! lmiex.:and
<br />.+f 14urtgages. an
<br />Register of ()reds
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />•u~ia Rt taaM M :tat
<br />