A ~ This form is used in connec-
<br />Lion with mortgages insured
<br />g~llil~F't~~'~j'' under the one- to fourfamily
<br />~.T provisions of the National
<br />Housing Aet.
<br />°t'#f2S it$Eli€I'CrACrE• exeF7ittd this 34th day of ~~ ,A:~.
<br />t9 83.byttttttF~rn Rcagar Date Splattsttses~r atx3 Peggy Sue Splattataesser, httsbaatd
<br />ats t l ,and State rtf Ntbraska. nartyy of the first part. htrrsnafttr calltd
<br />thei~ditg9~Ctr, att$
<br />StIPERTO[{ 14d3tTGAGE, INC.
<br />ecath~t_andtx-isfi#tgutxfertt~taersof 2~braa~a '
<br />pa3rty ~ the sect~i~t • Itereitmfter called iltt Martgagec.
<br />Vt?27T+t~SETif: Tftat the said r~.fmtgagor. far and in cttttsideratiim of the sum of 'shirty six thousaad eight hundred
<br />fifth axtti' RCSf144~-----~" - Lbl}ars t5 36s 854.44 }, paid by tht hibrt-
<br />t- .,~.~ of ,t:3.vh ix hereby ac$tw+ated8td. has Granted anti Sold and by these prtstnTS dots Gran[, Bar-
<br />. SeB, ° COFavay sraf CczPr4r~ anise tilt ?tftwxgstztt_ its suceessctF+ alai a5sigttu. fortvtr, tJrc following-descnbesi
<br />re~1 tsta4e, situated in the £'tatmY ~ tial2 .and Stan
<br />of i3ebca~sf[y. tFS wit:
<br />Lt7t Bit~#teBa {18}: piper's Glen Subdsvision. being a Subdivision of Lots Eight f89
<br />artd Nine {9}, c®arren Subdivision, in the C1ty of Grand Island, ball County, ldebraska
<br />of the tifAt#t f't€Ftrg7a[ 14{gret9t8n, ctrtrtatt3trtg sit ail
<br />::neat survey:
<br />ages aecardmtt to iscsvern-
<br />TCl i{_.tYE rtNt) TC3 !ii?LU Fitt #>retnises about desent~rtst- with af; the ,zppurtenan:xs thereunto htiangFng and including
<br /># ~„ p~iumistrtgattd i?gktttn~Ftsturts ;ind ¢quipmrret tww ter }~rcaftrr att::~ lied to ~x uud to a;ntrrctian with slid real tstatr
<br />unftr Litt !rfort~$ee, and to its sttc.:tssorr= and assi~,rts. #~rt'ivr ~llte ~ttx'tga~+*r.rrpresrnt~ ?,+. and tut~enants x ith, the -hfurtga-
<br />. that flit hfaF't@a$ttt has gexxi rigttF to ser~i and s ~n:tx vist p rtmiseY: brat then are Errs #r=.m encumbrance: and that the
<br />wii3 wartarn aFtd;iefend the tame against the i:t+sftti laizns of a,l tssnots. wst*mssxGr :tad rEtr sold 4tnrt~tter herr-
<br />hy It3iisquis~s a8 rigi:?s of laiied.. z€a# aSl mar; ~ •;is. ri her ^ 4a .. in ern-=_ ,end ~ iwhrr tiannn~ent intenesFs <+f the
<br />!tt 890 to IBC ElJ~i'C-atSt-rintw f"rsmrxr~. i - _ -_ _ ~ ~__ - yj _. __ _.._..-+.., ., rl...~._ . ~s:3r n fse L,m_rtie _ int:ItHl.-
<br />ittp all;ls crf hots+tsFt~td. arm3 cul}6r ri~ttts asu irctttexs as a:arcag~.
<br />3~.%a`c`~S-;Gil Af..`:..a.~..~~~F.`-=='_'___..z~-s,f_--=--s:±~___±ky f,,_.,~in.=candititmx. to nit:
<br />'p'{tt ttftuti?ra~tes to ~y tit the iftmptr~et. c+r nrder, the ptxttcapai slim a?f T1t3.7Cty 31X th4u8anti eight
<br />ht'ed >`ift~' st'tai Na1144 tk+;Sa75 t"~ 351854.44 ).
<br />wrtA ~rert~t f(Cffib date at the Pitt of Fourteen {ter centunt { 14.44 `y }per annum on
<br />the utsitaid halantc tFfHif ~+d- Yha xaut and uttrre~t 4h.-rll br p~yahie at the ctdtct of
<br />Superiors SdCFZtgatjBe Ittc.
<br />~ ~ I;sl Nett ska sx at tacit cxlnet place as the haltiet of
<br />tt~ratemsy~eas~.tts~,eair~~txr,i Pour htxruired thirty six aim 63/144-----
<br />iktl4ara a'S 436.63 !..ammtttdtng s>r. the first day i~f
<br />i~ gl. and c?n tht tint day ut ea~t+ month tttrrexfter until the principti and in-
<br />t,txest ;mot tom} pth$. e~pt tenet Bite ?itsift r--;ixat .; trtr-:t~,ai .:,,,. :rtrr: c. :f ::ut ,~x!~r ;+aat. +hatl t+e due rind
<br />p+tyit~r tar eta fast dxY of }S~Sril 2412 s3! s~cording to drt terms of a' retain pramis-
<br />:tg~y a+~r nf-erens€at; tttrtzirtitextcute-d `,- s^tr a-~id R#rur~agctr
<br />The - _ inx~rder,'tort fnihh ?a prnHnt tha sttvritt e,i thiv ttrtrFgatxe. a?3rre~.
<br />i. "i'#t~ ht pair the intiel:tett~xs. »s htttintxfstrt ~rtas,tri. i'riv~ritge i+ resentd tor: ;sa~ She dtbt in w;tait:, ar is an
<br />amt t kptraG tx tt144+F ttectaitsfp~ pttsmten#s :+n t~ grsn~rgat Fhat :ere nr+tt dne un tltc elute, ,?n the tiro sfaY of anv nr.snth
<br />pains ii trtft_ pnt#f, ~tr~rar. t'ha# vtsrrert rtstrce tat annttcntffits t=~ taadnt-s;teh ttrn'i~~ i~ gwtn at least thitFy t.it])
<br />ova prttx tc* psvfn+ast:
<br />::, ice; ttz; ttrrit5, arsa'!rr addsti+trt tt.. tt~ rs,~=.#thi gay~crt ~' gr.r i,~:c! and trttetest pnsats~ uttdet the t:<rms c,f thz
<br />s sectncd its+reby. rte ~txtgsgrtt will tsatr F,~ tilt AttuFgaget. cm the €frsF-day <+t each month anti} the aai~ Hatt i, fully Pni+i, the
<br />fta~l
<br />ts3 Arxttwa# sttfnt F?3 provide life ttntdet' hrterxf w4ttt t'itnds to pay die next trrcart~t trtsf:rant'e tmmium i# tttr_
<br />eta~rtxn2rt# at~d ilia rttt~ seruret# ttttrFtsy see ittsurett. of a ~ 4'huc tix feu c=for rttvrr in#at~trr, r t,re,
<br />1 if fir! sae hidtf by tits Se~czttrtry of i#eattanttt ttt~ Erhart flevtloptrrtttr, Ft f.~ilrrwx
<br />zf, #€- tz-tnB, as ` r ?tt7~ die r.~ S#xtt tttitr'a,-FStrr! are tnsttred ,~ Err rrs_n.vurea undrt tht t+ro-
<br />:tFdetas trf ttHa ;ttrtttsi f#ntc Att., tin ttm=suttt s;:€€EE~tet;i t+, srtiutnnt?te in t?tr hands rrI tier i,:ddea cane
<br />'~ritk~.Yta3EYrtwt+.a*x ~svt+rbuwts4vAt~twrvrv~-+tesvsnta >?A7`FtiFtiP,'HFt.~;}i:t
<br />~-stfG,.Bit~2M tg T~1
<br />