g g ~ 016 fi ~ AAORTtaAGE
<br />(~tp(~t@t'Cjt 9111~~V@t14t+8i1L) Loan No
<br />oc277aooola
<br />ThiiS INDENTURE, made and executed this 24th ~ day of .^_ Max'ch _ ---_,---.-._._. , t9 __$.1. try and between
<br />Alvin Fi, k~htler !; Anne_L, Ri~htler- iiusiaand and Wile ____ ,
<br />parties of the first part, and Commercial Fetters! Savings and Loan Association, the party of the second part.
<br />WNIT(YESSETI~1, that said parties of the Rrsi part. for and in consideration of rive thousand twenty eight dollars
<br />and 25 100---_-~------------.---.-°----~-----------°---
<br />DOLLAtaS, Pad try said party at the second part. the recut of whieh is heretrY acknow'led9etd• have granted, • Sold and
<br />txa.ive°,~t, arsd by these puts. ~ grasp. trargain. seH and convey, unto said party of the second part. the fottowing described real
<br />prrapartY situated in the County of trail and State ofNebraska , to-wit:
<br />Lot Seventeen 117), v B Subdivision, Nall ..^.ounty, iiebraska.
<br />toter w+ttr au the tertsrstertts. rtereditamerrts and appurtenances to the carne belonging, and all the estate, title, dower rigftt of
<br />hcrneseead. ctaarrs and demands whatsoever Gf the sea! parties of the first part ot, in or to said premises or arty part thereof: and said
<br />parties of the first pan do hereby covenant that saxf porter Gf ttte frsi part are Iawfufly seised of said premises. that said premises are
<br />tree from rrtcwnbtance. except
<br />nnv ..lens of record as of this date.
<br />a~J that card parties of the first pan wdl warrant and defend the title tc sad premises against the Wwhtl ctaims and ttemands of sit
<br />persons whomsoever except as strove 5+tt torttr ?artier of the f<rsi pan turtltermore specificaitY covenant:
<br />Not to stAfer any change m ownership ofi the rear estate nrortgaged t'rere;n- by sate, eilher Gastight. or by lard contrae4 or try
<br />asssgxsmerrt of arty interest thereon.
<br />f?HG'VtDED ALWAYS. and ttwse presents are upon these cortonons.
<br />WME?iEAS. said pames of the first part nave execetted and oeuvered tc sans party of the Second part _r^P;r-- .--._-.--_ .----
<br />prortnssory mote of even date' m rite t3rass amount Gf 5 9Ci~ . _':. _ _._.__. - _. -
<br />NOW. if trfe sad partteS Gt the rust pan snail weN arxf trtdv pay. Gr :.ease to be PaHt. the said sum at money to said note hereinbefrare
<br />rtttrted, wttt! rzaterest itrerecn aco<arang !a the terror arrd eRect a! card note, aM shalt C-i:iy keep artd perform art the other covenants
<br />and agreements betel!! contasned, then these presents tc tae null and vod But ;f card cam ~t money or any pan thereof. or any interest
<br />ther?4rt. rs !rot pad wfren tt?e same :s due. -x st card Dames ut the f.rsi non sha;i tart .~~ keep and perfa-m any of the covenants herein
<br />t~rttairtetd. the r~rider hereof Sn8N have :rte opFton to declare the wttta~ ct cant andebtedness due and payable of any time offer -at,.~-ts
<br />ft~rre uY datautl. arxi may marittarn a.ry actrDr~ .tt taw o+ egwty tG recover the same. a+~ she cornmerrcematat of such aCtian shall be the
<br />only rtoiiCe of the exerpse Gt card Gptxan required.
<br />WNEr7t=AS. Use urxiersrgned have tins day ~ef~ rnta a ?merry 1m~cvv~rnent ~~~n Camact with party of the second pan, whereby
<br />they t&~rve received a scan of 5 ~= r'~• =~ an the above descntaed tea! property. as eviderx:ed by
<br />the prarstasory note 'sorse6 above. and as ~•rttrsr secu.!y for sa'd scan and as a part Gf the consderation for making sent ban
<br />. dre ~, +f default ;~ made as *tierem provrt~d, nereby sidi. asssgn ono set over unto party of the record part. the
<br />-...cam „e .e,e r acim< arYivn •, ~,.,.y ;~, Eb ~iav9 aYw tG P~c± tt5€ Ss..T„ u'~:=:t tf:e $L4'n of S ~ s ~2 $.• =.-~~ _- - - - _.
<br />rwxa~ :aa-uv ~ r. -.:..~ _. _ - __ _ -
<br />and intaresE as prGVded in Sad 'Oar: ccantract are tutEy pab.
<br />Th8 uricters+gned hereby appGtrtt the party of tits ser~urtd part as i4te.r attorney rn tact. grvrng card attorney pov.ter vrevocatrly, either rn tic
<br />overt name ar vur nartae. to take ail t>eaessary steps fur prrxeeWrtgs, rn court or etherwr,5e. to correct rentals due on sad premises and.
<br />vacant, Fo ret~at sa+9 ptertsr;;sas. at1 at stx~r t:ttt.-s anC rn such martrter and Gn stx:h terms a5 to sad anomey may seem bast.
<br />iN TESTtt~lONY WHEREOF ee nave ne;eunto set `u' ~, - t~vtd the date
<br />fast above wri~*t ~ ' ~ z
<br />f
<br />~ ~_ !vin ti. R.iEhtler
<br />St
<br />Anne ... Rikhtier
<br />Si"AT E GF N£3R:`''~SCt, ss
<br />Eiji i County
<br />s`3n titiS -. ...'7th `fare^• tg ~s= tx3fore me. the undersigned, a notary Pt,#%+c rn and for 5aad
<br />_ _ day ds
<br />Aiv~n :i. 'i€iitier ~ Anne ~i~t;tier- i4us:;ane one Wine
<br />CorA~j ~ tam€+ .. _ _ _ _
<br />Eta rrra trttoir, ~ t~ rise id~".t±..vd i~svr: (.~ }_ ._. na*!te _ s -. a~"nsed to tfw for6sstxng instrum9nt and adtrsrnrA~edged the
<br />9~ilk tin 69 t.Y`_-._..... ~ act arxt cieetcd.
<br />41iAnFSS trey ttigtd f>rkf f#tereat Soli FHe day and year fast abrne wrdterr.
<br />~g1ruW --y,- j~,, ..., __
<br />~.~. .,Ntatarv i~ubtsc
<br />.'AY .r++trer~~s tt>,e F ~ th day of T~,... k .«,.€~ r. i. . f9 a..;1
<br />