<br />~~--~a1643 i ASSIGNMENT OF MoRTCAGE - Corporation
<br />KNOU AI.t. Mb3d BY THESE PRESENTS, That Superior 2~rtgage Iaac. a cozpora#ia he
<br />party of the first Bart, is eonsideration of the sum of S~airty seven thousand six ~iund€red
<br />fifty and Na1100-- -Dollars lawful money of the United States of P~erica, to it in
<br />hand. paid by EI Afortgage Caxspany, Ina. fO2tOT Depr~aYehire Circles Suite 225, Omaha NB 66ftlc
<br />a Corporiti.oaS, the party of the second part, at or before the ensealiag and delivery of these
<br />prer~ta, reieipt •G~~recf is hereby as~nomledgcd, has grated, bargaiaea3, Bald, assigned,
<br />trans€esred, and set over, asd, by these presents do$a grant, bargain, sell, assign, transfer,
<br />and aver ante the. said party of the second Bart, its saaccessors- and assigns, a certain
<br />Z~ AF i~582G6~GB, hearing date 14th of March , 19 81 Recorded "
<br />Oai~Ai ~ 81-UO1433 , of the Mortgage Records of Hali County, Nebraska,
<br />and made by Sharon F. Norassr., a single person
<br />to S~sTfoT A~sstgagat~ Inc. and all its right, title and interest to the premises thereia
<br />described, as follows, to-wit:
<br />Lot Trienty-2'tao (22}, Piper's Gien Subdivision, being a Subdivision of Lots Eight t8}
<br />and Nine {9)s Warren Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />describes ..d .h. _
<br />a~thsr wath tut Yaat$ u - ,.,. _ ,_._as d~u. rJr ra henna ~i,_n t!:eret.'nde",
<br />including iatesest thereon, TOLHAVE AND TO H4LDathe same autto the said party of the second
<br />part, fta sa,ccesaors and assigns forever. subject only to the provisos or" said INDENTURE OF
<br />MO81'G66E thereia contained.
<br />Brad the patty of the €irst past does hereby make, constitute and appairtt the said
<br />party a£ the aacactd part, its true and lawful attoraev, irrevocably, is it name, or otherwise,
<br />Batt at their own proper coats sad chargers, to have, vas, aid take all lawful naps and weans
<br />far the recovery of the safd seoasy and interest, and, in case of payment, to discharge the:
<br />same as the party of the first part might, or eotild da, if these presents were sot made.
<br />ZN htYYT'S£SS MTBEREC3F, S'aparior Ho+r'tgsge, Inc. a corparatioa of the state of Nebpatka
<br />has caused Chia Assignment of *Itsrtgage to be executed by "its President, and attested
<br />by its Fis:Ps~ gnsi its Corporate Sea;. to be hereunto affixed the loth dap
<br />of March in the year l4 81
<br />t
<br />•~- ~
<br />.~
<br />'dates
<br />Vice President
<br />STS 4P 11s1;i;'sde~ }
<br />}aa.
<br />~ fiF c2 ~
<br />kh3.a 29th deg of :larch , 19 81 be€are ma, a Notary Public, duly
<br />esia~d cad gwlifiad in arm for said Goamty and State, geraoaally cane the above
<br />d ~. $a~ President, and James ~. Rath
<br />~~ of the wog ~r'b$aBes Iase. who are peracaally knows to me to be
<br />_--1i para+ana moose s are a.'fise: ~.. thz- a~rvo asxiga~at ~f :ia:tgagat --
<br />Ps]rtsietExst and Vilz# Pi~aiideeL of sald~Garporatioa, and they acknavledged thethc
<br />~t tai ~s their voluntary act t~ dswd. and ehe voluntary sat end decd of the smmid
<br />sprat.
<br />SRS ~ hspd ate! aftisial anal,: in Gi~i Illeaid is ~;Sd County, the date
<br />~,
<br />~ _~~ tarpfjPub'ic
<br />k! Y,SR! EEPr .iu~uat 1, 189
<br />'lair
<br />Scrims` ~~. Ise
<br />P t3 Bisat 16R
<br />Ialaiade 588ti1
<br />5~1ZP,~a -i
<br />