<br />(6j Tv »se the loan evidenced by the note. solely for purposes authorized by the Government,
<br />(~? To pay when due all taxes, liens, judgments. encumbrances, and assessments lawfully attaching to or assessed
<br />against the property, including all charges and assessments in connection with water, water rights, and water stock
<br />periairring to or reasonably necessary tv tftr use of the real property described above, and all rases and assessments levied
<br />upon t#tis mattgagr or the note or any indebtedness hereby secured or against any legal holdec hereof or of the note or of
<br />said indrbte•iness under the Iaws of Nebraska. and oromptly de}ivcr to the C~izrnment without demand recespts evidencing
<br />such payments.
<br />t`,8; To ~€ep t_rte rytoperty in;.tr-~ as t€sduircd by ana under istsurancr policies approved by the Govcrnmenx and, at its
<br />request, to delivcrsite~i ptr}iciet to tlfe Government.
<br />p
<br />~' ~) To maintain improvements in good repair and make repairs required by the Government: operate the proprrr in a
<br />and husbandmanlike manner; comply with such farm conservation practices and farm sad home management plans as
<br />th~+noaterament-from tame to time may pprresrsibe; and not to abandon the property, or cause or permit waste, lessening or
<br />~ impitirtnent of the sttutity covered hereby, ar, wixhaut the writtrr. consent of ehe Government, out retaove, or itase any
<br />~ trmhgr, gravel, oil, gas coal, yr ot3ter mmetals except as may be necessary for ordinary domestic vurposes.
<br />tYQj To cemplq.nth-ail lawe. ordinances, sad rcguutians affecting the property.
<br />? i i; Tv pay err reunlt,:rte the Gorernntcnr for expenses reasonably necessary or incidental to the protection of the litn
<br />sad priority hereof and to the enforcement of ar the compliance thixh site provisions hereof and o: the note and any supple-
<br />rttrntary agreement ~ whether 6efvre vs after default„ including isut nac limixed to coats of evidence aE title co and sttxvey of
<br />dte Ixvptrty, caste of arcarding this and vtfrcr instruments, attorneys' fees, trustees` fors, covri costs, and expenses of
<br />C advcrtiaitta. ~Jlirtz pad mn,~e+q:,_a .he ..._...._...
<br />i.) N-ithrr the property nor any pa*.tior. therm. ar interest therein shall be }eased, assipnrd, sold, transferred, or
<br />eacurr6ertd, voluntarily as atherwisc, win4out the written ~vnsrnt of the Government. The Gvvtunmertx shall have the sole
<br />aau rxclusia'r rights as marlZagrt lsereun,rr, tnclu:iinR i,ut ;tot limited to the power to tp'ant consents, partial releases,
<br />wbordinarxant, arsd satistactioa, and as insurr.3 balder shall have anv ri~}tt, tide or inttsrst in or to the lieu or anv benefits
<br />hereof.
<br />13 !!s all reasonable times the Gtr,•rrnment and its agrntt may inspecs the property ro ascertain whether the coverzants
<br />r ancf agtrtatents eontamr4 herein ur :n .;ay supplrmrnrary a~,,ra-eesnent are iaeina r.erlormed.
<br />11 ; F4i The f;,wrrmment may ~a; rxtenxt ur deter she rtatu:itx „!. and renev.• an;3 reschrduie the pa}mirnes or., the debt
<br />E ertdrrscro „ 1st ate r dnL dcfstcdn rlnr t T tram 'urr,i ,h i„strvmen t, _U + ,
<br />liable unCrr nc na t x r( sot ctr e t- ; x iiity ~ ..ir t„~ e-'ease any party who is
<br />~,' - it men*, ~r se .xttens of t-ae nranerry and subordinate
<br />tts icon, anti 3 w-ss r -c -,nr .. r=oar" L n c~ "us t sstrurnrnr .kn: hs an - 1,+ =,vill ee d~orc without arfectin¢
<br />e :irn r he prise ti .su - tr. rar• t- rr-, r "_ -r am - r ~a - , at.tt:tr ., nc t:e,vernment for pa}'met:: of the
<br />nc tr +>r ~rht sett;a;rd l-; ,.hts t~ r-,t xnsnt its, tt.e r, ~s crrzmen_ sass , tl r ur.:: in wnxin~_ Fat1N'CwV EIL, any fasbearaatce by
<br />ne t;:rvrrnmzr,t._wfsrthr, e:ntc '-hers-~ r xr :isms anT ~ht ~-r remruT' :.ndc: rhts onsrrvmrr.t.:'r odtrrwtse afforded by
<br />-pputablc Jsw, ttradl t at 'tie . v,a sr ..r; x,ccl.s ~.r the _xerc:.:c r: ~ one ::~?t rgt;t <:c remrdt-.
<br />'i§= r it sac time it ~bta; anpcaz ,~ the [- 'rrnrrrrnt i[r f --r . ae naay br c t~ ohtaan a }oan from a produuion
<br />- 'rcd:t aasoeiatintt~,t a Federal land bank -ter acvnsiblc ,:>t p r tf+r ,.* rrrv'ate vrc fit sezurcr. at reasonable rates and terms
<br />tTr f.,iat t H YIImgar pi3rClnvs ~;,,el - tr;Irrr;Wrr 0.71 P '% t...
<br />- p -: r ,acre. apply t ,r and accept such
<br />kta.- in 3 7--y-rt aatount *=s rat k •a otr ai ,r`' ndebtrel.^rss .,i ~. r, ~-t-.,
<br />i~urettased en a c,:,tsprzatzrt crnxis ajt artsncs ,.- , ".,nr;r=-:stn :vstb :~xh ;:~ „~ •. "" , , f'ar t;se ant •_rz.te nrcYSSaty !,:. 5e
<br />3t>--- t5rtauit isr r pelt s'eaz .s to pit n'`e - .the( >~ sin -`r --n-..e. .c:ss ~,+eesc:tai prapcrty a ocher.
<br />u
<br />zr[E;{rTY itE]CF~m~At rl-1 ;~ f` '.-~ -~ F J t .. n}e r.., !e - -
<br />..tri1 "{ ...9.__,.... --:. •,.,~WY„ - ...t t:1LL~t nn,t C( dn}' $Lt l-it
<br />:,titer swcLanty tastrz«m_nt ,.rsa:l ..z..aertu¢r ,ir..a, s, Frrc,.-.;tot .
<br />,._ Sl~tr,i.t; z~rr~,t-iT
<br />1. t- r fart r s ~ s z r -. - cd l.y thts
<br />- st rzzr:rot -r shauta M ^art- s .mcu s f-~ -rr r - - ~.
<br />named as Horrvwrs i,e deviated a rtx up! '_ n.(tw x e _+r A r - ° t "-rt r tkc }+artirs
<br />nekn t= - r as -i sts a t„worn
<br />ntenf, a4 t a .. ctOn. wtrl` 't 'i h--Ut ~ .ftf t V: t'
<br />r,l Tor t;avrrnmrnT ft ropy r¢'~re'- - arrtaf Ltf .,,.^• aP - ~ - T a3' , i debtedncss
<br />aya.bt e i - r - ,: ,,r anv, t av reasonably
<br />t cxpentes f.sr par or rnasntcraas .- ..Lai ak t•.3sus - c¢r a .r n- r ~ .•,a.r., F' . -
<br />"op afatl(!n l?V ti and
<br />ptaduetraa nt .h Ft teal rtYmrat, 'It{tt}ytt 'mot Y;rF cv?.`.; t2
<br />t -- w3 tie ----L34 Z i -L'. - tJh I:aS•r a ttc'CIYrx
<br />appatIILCd at Fnr RtaptrtY. wifA "he trana_ .Pwr!; t- ~r~ ~ ;~
<br />sub Law. satt ?rb f _° r - - ..n,. as pnn-idrd herein
<br />t Y Yninret a..y aztr9 ad ottac rxr_,N is anv+ -t tint, rC., .. ^r r -
<br />{ 4Rs ~. w-
<br />I Tit r"'LaXte~ss .zf Eorrct u r :.i« an atl f+c appf err to the ttlawtn;t seer - a '
<br />~ tncid_ett t~ rn_f_nt~taw.nr:rM.atx,..,- -%s ;- ~.,i <xprnses
<br />-- r'.* ~. •• - t. ztxtste.. t rreaf. -" ny ram ens
<br />" be sa patd r tier debt rvidtnced I>y 'the n.rtr azsd a:l indtf:'tranrss :~ tn. f.:aketrsnrxr.,r• ~. eah t - `-naPcrrrt court to
<br />~~ - r F . ,:, cs. - rw,: - tzxfx'ror It
<br />:'• x='-~~ 'yanrei : :Fa at a ttt~mpetrnt :at:r¢ to tr a paid -e - c .ire ¢- svrtrttnt-a s tsvun -sv -ttlsrr vndebtedness of
<br />" 8ozs'atrcr tarwtn~ to ve mwzed l;y the Gaa+cremeat. noel ! anv c-oast a ,: R _.1-"~wrt. ,fir .r, .,;.au .r uthrx sale of all ox anv
<br />part of LITt ~.roprrty, the Ciomnmeras and its aa+eats nrac cid steer ~~_aase ae a rtes,. and. ma
<br />ttf the purcnasr pt•aet by tret:iting such amount un am dehtt .,i Satxnwrr o '~ y day cite livvcmmrrt`s 'icier
<br />+.irder prr~d shove. xsinF to ar irrsurru t • r'tsr C,'overnmcnt. in ti,c
<br />- (i41 $czrrt>wer agreex tt+at the C;:svernmtns w.ll not tz iwund icy any prrsta: u. :store )rate law. .
<br />valuaaion., a raisal, }tarttattead ac rxrmpuaa of :izr jsraprrry, -b; rohibiti ., providing for
<br />pp p n¢ mafntenancr ui an action tar a cichciency
<br />l jttdlprtxmas ar }imititt~q :he amount tizerrot yr tlic time vnthin which s.ult action roust br o:ouggre, c; prrxribin~ any other
<br />staittre of limrtatituts, idf allosvirig arty tsgitaT of redemptiot cr posaessutn ±nllaw-ir.g a-s ~utcc:NSUrc salt. of :; szmitiag the
<br />catsaitioas vaitich €ftt a;avernrts•a* easy by regulation tsrzposr, including tine snterest rate it rear- charge. as a condition c:1
<br />~. approving a trantfer aE tlte• prnprrty rc+ a new t3azcwer. Sum=veer e'pee's}y waives the }xnettt of any such State uws.
<br />i£orrcwrr hereby s«Iiuqutsltes. waives. nerd tbnvrpr all ti~tin ts, inchoate :x ccinaummatr, of descent, dawrz, and curtest.
<br />t n
<br />
<br />
<br />