<br />lztsder's wr#tterr agfrement ar applicahte }aw- t2armwer shat! pay the amount of al} mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />maatter prxtvidM tinder paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amaunta disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph ~, with interest thereon, sha}t become additioltal
<br />rtrdtbtedt of 11rnrower secured 6y this Mortgage. iTnkss Bortower and Lender ague to other tttrms aF payment, atre}t
<br />ssttootsfs shaiF bt payab~ upon noise Foam Lender ro ttarrowcr requesting payment thereof, and sha#1 bear fntereu ftom the
<br />dale of ttisburaemetta ai rlu rate payahit from time m time on outxtandirtg principal under the Note tmtesa payment of
<br />iafarsat at such rare-would be contrary to appiitabit iaw, in winch event such atrroutita ahali bear interest at the highest rate
<br />.~' trder appr'icabit iaw. Fvothing contained in this paragraph 3 ahaD require Lenrkr to irtcar any expettea-or take
<br />any action hereuttder.
<br />8. Iageet?ap, Lender may make ar cause to be made rexxonahte eofries upon acrd inspestintts of sha Property. ptcnrided
<br />shat Leleder shalt give Berrower notice prior to anv such inspection xpecifying reaaonabte cause therefor rotated to Len&r'a
<br />insztast )n the t'rvperty.
<br />~• '#1tc nrncttds of any award or claim for datnages, direct or cntiat, in conneetlot! with any
<br />entnathtn ar Sher taking ref the Property. or part trtereaf, ar for conveyance #n rice of condemnation, are tteteby a
<br />and shalt be paid to Exnlfer.
<br />In the event of a cant taking of the FraperrY, sha proceeds sha!! t>r applied to the sirens secured hY this Mortgags,
<br />with the excess, if any. paid in P}orrosctr to zhe cvrnt of a partial taking of the Property, uniets ti:ortower and Larder
<br />atherwisc agree in writirttt.}ic'rr :haL' {^,.- :pphed *•, ?he stems secerred by thix Mortgage sireh ptopottion of the proceeds
<br />as is ersst~ to that nropcxtion wttith the smouttt of the sums steered by this Mortgage imrttediarety pricer to the date of
<br />t_a~iwe Fears to the €a{r market-value of the troperty rmrtxdiatelY prior to the dare of taking, with sha balance of the ptnsaee8s
<br />vsid to SOrtt?sear.
<br />tf itx i'roptrty is abatu#one Hormwer. a ef. aher not#ce by [_cndtr to Borrower that the condemnor itRers to make
<br />an award i~r scttit a claim free ,>a:~~ragts. Harrower tails io rtspnnd to }ssdtr within t0 days after the dare such tfofice is
<br />mazWd. Lender is autitoriztd to roi}ect and app}y the pracceds, at Isrtder's option, either t~ restoration or repair of the
<br />Prop-rty r:r t~+ shz rums secured by this Marigage
<br />C'ntcss ttndtt and hormwer ntherxise agree in writing, anv sash appiecatinn of prtxeeds to principal abaci not extend
<br />eN pouporte the dot crate of the rstnrtih{,- :nun}{mr_r?s rcftrrrd to in paragrapi:s ? acrd 2 hetto€ ar change the amtwnt of
<br />Strri't ;naia{}lneDLx.
<br />tf. 9erresrer .'seat ~akaaed. Exttnx;on of ?ht time `nr oatmcnt 'r mad;ficaaan of amani2atian of the sums secured
<br />by this Mottgaee granted by [.tndtr t:, anv sts~tsux .r. interest ;*f Aorraw-er hail not „pirate rn rtitsse, in anY manrxr,
<br />tt4t habifity of the ~xsgrna} hsrrraw~tr and Harrcmer's surt:tss:rra :n intertsr. Fender sha}} not #x regtrired to commence
<br />prarctdings against cW:h s-u±ctssor sr rettrst ;o extend time far pavmtnt or ~>shcrwist madifv amartizatinn of the sums
<br />sOCUred by this Mortgage hY reason erf .env dtmand made by the r.s;g:nai flarmwer sad Borrower's avccessors in interest.
<br />i 1. i?estneawte br Laattkr !Kof a Wadvrr. 1nr forhearancc hr [ ender in esircesin{t anv riehz er retnedv hereunskr, or
<br />otYstrva<ise afforded ?+y ;npp};cah}t iaw +hail not he a waiver ;=f =,r ; reciudt the exorcist of any such right or rtnfady.
<br />T!x procurttnert of insurance err?he pacntent of tasr+,tt =~hzr :`.tn<,.r rharets •" I tnd,:r hail nix i,e a waiver of Lender's
<br />tight to acixterau rite maturity r,t tht ~ndehtrdne+s .erurrd h+ ;hro i•fn;.Yage
<br />`e i. °,t;--.~,,,- i ~-..~ t •^•t.A ~.,.~ :.. ,v.,, rl€ ~ ~ 1 ?it,~-e i - ,_mt,lstivr to anY ntite7 right OP
<br />rtrttedy ratrskr ?h;. Morrgagi nr , tf-. did by ,u a cgutt•...:n6 rna,~ tr •-en, .e.i ,nrut rr,tly, ~ndeptndentfy nr succrsaiveiy.
<br />t3. 4m'resaa+s and Besrad; )aaat awd 5t•ertd i iaa8iq: t'aptisets- }fie ~nvenants acrd :egrcernmh herein
<br />contatrzrd steal} t:ind, and tttt rtghzs her,•:-~ander slratl .note !;, ~srt ::<pnt:.c .~accecs„rs and asxianx =~f # ender and Harrower-
<br />svb}ect to rht prarittsxzs ref :°.aragsanh :7 hereof ~H .avcnants aaci agrcernent. ~+f t3arcfsrr shai? he tort.[ and severe}.
<br />7"i!t raptrar?s anv heasngs ~, tl~• -krz{lratshs ,{ +rtiz L1artRage 're `, r ,e;m•cnecnct .,etr .snit :.rc oat to i,e used to
<br />~nttrprt£ !'Y LtttttFt 4he ~FtFS ZSUSriS hiftnt.
<br />ti. •'~}esiem Facept far anv nra,ct rtgatred ;andtr ap?*}}cable saw ra ?*t gz,:r; ~n aatxhtr manner. Sal anY notice to
<br />m,rr:+wrr pravult~d ar' ;n thn t/orrgagc .tiz}} c,r _tv£., ,,+. ;nailing •.u~f: „t,,,~ :rs :_rzttfttd mac} ;.ddrexstd to Hnrrowcr at
<br />ttu Frepem• .Address ar .,*, sorb =,iher .rddresa ss harn,acr ^.:nv ,tr=,snare by nazice t:, i_tnder as provided herein. and
<br />=h) anv stm>;t tt+ } trtdcr sftali tr gs*-cn by erzafltS sea.?. ctt::rn ze::c:rt restt:esitd..:,r } en.#tfs address stand herein t,r to
<br />sorb ;rthtr address as }ender ntav itsicnate ^} r=atat:e ?.: Borr.•t.rr as asn+,dr:~' rvereen. Ans° notice psovideti for in this
<br />Mortgage shat} t•t tieeraed to have ;rttn g,ven t,, }3arrt++~tr <.r {.ender •-. hen bra-ce erx the msnecr desigttattd #rt€tin. -
<br />!~. LFS,~arrw .
<br />Mkt; ~„avtrr [.a.r .`xrerstz- Tres t,,rm ~f zxsrtgagt ccmL+inea un;form rmemtttx for nations}
<br />u~ ;and nan•uniform coversant<, =dish iimttr-.f :--ar=atu,ns kv ;.._-s:i;=tss.u s- - .-~t;nctt ;: ,smtarm secur;•v inurement covering
<br />_ real property lTt;+ Mortgage stsa}} ?v ~ errx+.f h4 =•?r ur:-.t etc ~nst!t t+tx ;n w-hieh stir Properiv ~. i.-xated. In the
<br />^Y!•~t r!t2t 3 ^-Y'r -i3.r~ ~ - €~ , .:e .~ _ n. z cn cam} in.a .a ., ...,.. ._°.: °~_:..- _- _
<br />e?tstet me +•rsecxzs .K t;s;s MarYgagt ?^zt \ _ie c,'i=c~h ~_~n nt ~~ n .[Ter; ~t r.,rt:*- 't-t .:antiirtan,~ r,r,.v~esiar . and ?~? ibis -
<br />_.:.j eke -~. :Eax:s r•Y :ha• '~1f*r?e;e?v .==:rd ±'~ .',rte ire ,-!.e.-;arc3 t.., he ~verahit - .
<br />i6. -'visa t,"air. H.,rro-.:t:r shalS tK >:rrnt,hee r c<niurme~ :~r{,y ~~i the '«ore .,nci ++t th[, tiicntgage at the time
<br />at txecutu,tt r=r actor reccrdarxin tttrcuf.
<br />:;. Ttyyier of ttse i}rrrpcriy: Amatssptiss. is ati c>, s»+ F.as::., .-t iTr^,~tns :-r • ~nttr•_~t th>•re;n is sa}d nr transferred
<br />iry H°wreswer wnixxtt fender's nru,r u•ret?c:! _cn+ra:, cxciu+iin .. the :seatu,n ;~f :~E:rn r,r encumbrance sut,nrdinatt ro
<br />this .Liortga;t. rbi the vrrauan cf , I+unhast tnrxrrv -.tcurtt.~ ntestat sae lrausthuid appliances, t;:? a transfer by devix.
<br />descen! ar by r{rcratx,n of ?aw !;.pnn t?ct eseatft ,st a ;.,tnt tenant =•r
<br />- - - !ender mar. ;t i ent3er's .,ptea^,. dertart cell the ~.rms steered by this 'lfartttage to t,e
<br />tmineattattty dui a?rd tsaYa#?it. Cinder +hal} F,a+~t .sae,rd s:.ci; .,p?trrn .t~ accekrati rf: },riot to [he wtk r+r transfer. Lender
<br />acrd the person t,, .v}xnm the Property r+ zo tk xe}d c*r t^an+ienie rvarh azrttmcnt :n xrttm¢ that the credit c,f such ptrxxi
<br />es sstts€t~.^rtr.;• trs t.tntitr aced tlsa; the inttrtst pzpaitzr .-n eht st;nrs -°rurtd [-,~ r?,;s 'tforrgagt shs}} tx at such rate as }.crtdtr
<br />abali request- }f t.crss#tr has waived tit[ „pt;trn Io ,:cct:trate pres~isftu sn this paragraph }7- atxi tt Borrower's successor in
<br />inttrast has txecuaed a wee?ion aastunptiart agrttmcnt arcrpttd in urttng hY Lender, Lender shall reMrase }inmrwer from aFl
<br />qtr--tom a t$ri kinrtg~e ?ad sire Ncrrt-
<br />if under exercises stv:h c>ptron to a.cticratr. i.cr.itr than rna±l Borrower notice 1:f acctitratu~n in erc<+rda»ct with
<br />paragraph ; 9 hereof SztGh notsrt sttal# provtdt ;-ire;*.1 ,•r r,at ;rf. tF~n 3?} c;axc [rem the dart tta€ satire s~ marled within
<br />wads Aorrotver may paY the sums des tastt3 d:FS ;? harrower iai}s :n pa= +urr:.~,ms pot+; tr* the rxairahnn ,:f much ntntxl.
<br />t.6wtrier tray, withaui furitter nattce t=r ticmant{ .-.; liter=~;a£r.:._.-..c e~,. ;crri3:~ t.~.,...,._± by paragraph 4 R hereof.
<br />'~s7ni-ftvt#cat~ C:LtYtc;+,s?t~S. $arrewet ant{ I ender :ur€her r.c-; e„ :~: rind m~rtc us faiktws. .
<br />I>)6 Aas~tetla~ ltessa~ea, t(sa[attt acs pavvided lg paar~rapa i Z t#Ereof, upae 6larevwer's braxa n! awe eorewawt sq
<br />a~araewi ai 3tawrt+ser iii tie ~• ~ tae roeteaats to paY atlas der nay snag seeercd M Inca ti4wt;age.
<br />fir ~ ssffi.r rh Ses:'emeca as prasidt9 is pyvagrapi {3 boreal spetify~: tt'r the tgeeca:
<br />- s3j-tie !,9 i'ii3a farce ttr~ra: dJi a daar_ sat as ices ~ dots free ta! dwe tae nMirr k wed fa Boreewer,
<br />a±+'- ~ r sz4 id; f to rare ar3 GteaeA aw ar attore Bite dam ie race aatGta
<br />ratio teiail 3r! ~ a# ~ aatws uraawi ht tale ~Eutt~e• itwetin«!arc ay tadiriial preceestiwa nwd sale td tae vntptatlp.
<br />lie taastise ailftlf its iafiaesw Narrtwes ei tM ri6tN to rrin4we niter tsrcciesatitss and 4I~ rgdtt ra a6Ktt re tae feeaeiatwaa
<br />ps~setiiatg dot Asa td a ddleil ar say ataer dafeata t:# liarett«er is aeeelcsataia [tad s+sreelarore. Yf tae btettcie
<br />ii eat-t'agad ae or ia^.tsatr Nsa dab M face satire. t.eadtr at Lewakea aptiow maY dethse cell ++f tae swan xxseered at
<br />lids 6 tat b doe aced i> s.NAuat fert#fta de+wsa# anti they fatccsare av tetiix~ial prroceediwg. [ ender
<br />ataiii hf aspWped M reileaV in aftcte pnae:aadia~ ail espeaaas aF ta.eeisaaw. iaeaatYy{. oat aces ti®itta to, etMa at darwaxwwty
<br />as=Iilwse~c. arst~esaa taafi NMa rgaata,
<br />6stafa iZi~rt to ~tr~. °:tztwithstmndst.,g }_era-s aactksra n-n f she =strrat +~ared t+y •'t = lvt.,rtg3;te,
<br />g~r~twrr snail htt~ sha r~{ttt s== htr•:r tier :,Irtn<edtn~s fatgun by } crc4rr err ~;+f s-e .>srs Start; age Jcsc~nitntttd oat anv ixmt
<br />