<br />$j°°~~4?lb~:?
<br />l.ender'.s written agreement ix applicable #aw. Barmwer shall pap the amount of a!I mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />tnat3tstr provsded under paragraph 2 hereo#.
<br />Arty amounts disburad hp Lender pursuane to this paragraph 1. wttlt interest therman, shall beteome addltiortal
<br />infi~SSednrss ~ ll~rtrwer st:rured by this Mortgage. tJniess Borrowrr and L.entler agree to other arms of payndrrrt, such
<br />atgemnts shall be pagabte upon rwtice fram Ixtsder to Borrower requesting pamtent thereof, attFl shall bear interest tcdtt the
<br />t1 ~f ~tiursr-t+,aent.a* tl~ r+~_ p;•,ah~ ft€Nit-tip to tisrx o€s cttr:•,t~ p*sttt"'ip'-i s_~r tl~.~ idc>•€ t>st-!~--~pt~tt~-ct~
<br />intt-mot at suelt ram wextld 3~ ctsnttary to appSiFable tax. in r+.-hich evcstt stsclt arttssmts steal; bear interest at tAe h.'gi~f r~t+
<br />perertk larder applicable taw. Noosing ctmtaitted in this paragraph 1 shad require [.ender to incur tFtty tapense or talee
<br />arty actiort IxreFttader.
<br />~ I.etsder trap make t'h• cause to "se maw rrattonalslr rnit•~s upon astd irtspertiotss of tlta FrdpErtp. prttalded
<br />that i -nder sbslF give -tourr t€cxice pric7r ?s3 attY suds inspac-~ian spaifcdng rrnabk cause there#or relattd to I>~r's
<br />intertsr in.the 1'rrtpertp.
<br />4, (',.srfaaterMEr. ?he ptrxefdx of am award ar claim for damartt~. dit+ert or cansagtmntial, !n conFtatkm with arty
<br />corrderttnatirxt tar other taking of the prapertp, or part theraf, tx #nr rnnveyam-r in Iieu o€ conckmrsation, are htt+eby a~ed3
<br />and shat! 1x paid to lrrrder.
<br />qtr the rsettt of a itual taking of thr property, thr preec~dr chatl lse applied to lire etets:s seetrrtd by this !+iort~e.
<br />witlr the ezcrxs. if any, paid tta Ittsrrtswer. !n the event of a pania3 taking ni ox Ikataem, tmlrss AnrtYawdr atttl.I.e^ades'
<br />rarttetwiae ague in writing, zherr shall hr applied to the .ums secured trv this l4itmgage such pr4lpfMICFt of the proeesdE
<br />as is rgttal to that pronnrtitxt which the amraunt .,f thr :_,~ts =e,:tz_rr~t t.v rnis >tnttgage ~nttna!diatr~p prior to the slate of
<br />talitsE bsan to the #air tssartet vaitir of ttte t'rnprrrv :mmrdiatrly ; trot t, thr ..atr of taking. wick the balattee of the proceed
<br />v_ aid to Itorrower.
<br />€f fire Prt'pDartp is altanttornd by ®rtrroxrr. ar ;f. alter ntuicr by I-:cnckr tc Barrnwrr tltat tbt candemnar olhttt to tnllFD
<br />an award tsr sank a clatm for dama~. Iicarrrnvrr lark to rts~snd to : rtuiu within 3f3 days after The daft stteh tine is
<br />tteatt~. txttdFx ds ~trlaorired to e'atlreK ae~ apyrty ?Ar prn.rrtts. at 4.rtttu#rr's t~ption. rttlter to reste]razion or repair of the
<br />Presperty rn to the gums aecttrrd l,v ?his L~ttan¢atte
<br />C'nlras l.rrtder and Borzraaer :rshrr -rse att..rer :n a-ntinG aloe- suClf sptai+cancm F~f ;arocuds to principal shall trot eztettd
<br />:r. ~;.~ ~ stet dtse dart ~F tlst ±xtta^thle~ .-tta!lrtsrrtt rrtr.^.r.d +. .. , _. _, states .-na ? !>rtecf cr change thr itmotttti of
<br />attcA irsstalimatsts.
<br />I9. ~ssaoxer'V®e Rtlaassd. Fstrnseon :. ?lxr v=ine ',. t=avt~nr .. ratt:+difl:.as:oat .~? ameriizatsen c+f itx satin secunid
<br />try thts Wortltagt granted by I.erxier ;c any •ttcceatk:r ~n +ntzre+t r~i Fr",rrower ,.half ::r,t r±ucrate tc~ relraae, in any manner.
<br />the irabtlita• ,a# tlu nsigie:ai 8tarrowrr ,end Iiorrs. roar's s. :xr.:.•~s :r, :;stet e.t ,-er,:3er shall riot `,e requsrrd to :attsmence
<br />prPCeCdittae sealant Ouch strtxrasar ~. retszsr ?a extend Ktar !nr Car~strns ~u =~atxrsv+se r*.xidif+~ amoniutisart of the sums
<br />vectored lay chit iiengage Fay ntatoaa vi :: m° demand madr ha ;ttc c,rtg,nai Itarr=~;rcr .znd Hrvrower's sut:cessots in interest.
<br />It. 4TSe0euarce Ira [.esder !Yet a iYrsisrer. Arse tortscarzn~r bs- l.cndrr in rser~srng one' right car rctttcdy hereunder, or
<br />:uhsrrrtrr aI#aeded tat` appitczbk 'aw. atisii axe nr s +ra..rr s+t ., ^rrciudt •'sr rsr:c=•ce :. aa1 +ttrh right or rcrssmdy.
<br />~x prt~urement of iruttnrxr +m she !'+av?rs~~+i nt saaee .., ,thrr ~=era ,.-. 7arErs `-° 3 cndrr shall =sot !+a a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to acrr3ertett the maturity „F s!sr ~rtdrirrdrscs..rc;:rrd t,: r.... Linn>ar<c
<br />12. l Crmnte~r_ ~4# remtcltrx t+rt?r+aicd ~^ +'*ts Ltr-riras;¢ arc S:Kttatr an.! ,::mtriative to anY other right or
<br />retrtes4y arndr shas 4lerxgattr .'r .alluded !,f `aw ,.; r:r„ _. .. .. - . ;c -- ..,ae, -rrcntir. •-rdept =drntl:° or atx.•-exaively.
<br />t3. Sgkrattera trr~ lerigrts 24otsrtl: Ioiat asd *+r.+ertd Iaslt~t}': €'spsltuss. ;xsr ,<~~rtnants and agreements ttrtein
<br />tiontainrei steal{ hind, and f#ir tights ixrrivndrr =hail ~n.trr +.. _~ +rprcr:sr ~~.rsy+~t< < ~ ~icrens „t i_rnder and 238tt'bwtr.
<br />x~; to ?tr prcrvistuns of pa[r$7a~ i' arses>f- x.37 eu-scnants ., .J s~rrmenss .~€ ScxrEwer shat! ~ joint and several.
<br />I7u capFrons xtwl hcadttsg. ,'t list paragza~-; ,:i v?:n M:,tt;r:ae :rr ... =.K..-rnecs+:.e •:nlv :,nu art ;'. t tc ~ used to
<br />Enterpt*~ tar rkl4rx the- pravsxirzns 3xrtrc,L
<br />li. ?Ietire. Bserpc for any :tetra TeW=++ral =,nJrt .,pgii.:at+ir ta,.:,• or Yrvrn :n anezher mariner, (a1 any notice to
<br />:=orruracr prcavettttl for :a ihtn N.-,ttgage v.haii °~ ar}-rn !..~ vnneiirzr s~-R :, _t:-::e ^. :ertsFad r±xai# ~ek~?rrscd ro Borrowrr at
<br />site PrcrjXrtr :~f~ttress -'r st v~h of hex aJdxr~A ~-z Tl;ar r.+*y-r ,^;.ES .;cs;r.,,atr '~v -..tu. =c, (-e:xlrr as prt+vidrd herein. and
<br />tb1 arty h€Nrrt eo t.rttdrr :hsii t,r darer. ny .rrzrfak3 a ;. retue,= r , - recietNe6. + , ? en.:rr'= adirrx+ stated herein or to
<br />~ttet t~dress ~s I:fir m Srsr~as N. ._, ~c <.' .ter - ,mod ; _ - snv ~ •t~ » nrovaded let n this
<br />?Nortgagr shall be dtxra~d to hsve',scn e:+ets to krvrtts><-rt cr l rnc#rr Ahren a;ern th thr msnnrr ,irsiRnated lserein.
<br />1§. warms ~; f+overritsg I~rt srseranr. rs.r+ :......:.... rt.sage ,-;inal>3nr_s "n.:ferm ~evrnants €c:r natiorat
<br />:sue and *tcart-uniform cevrtssnts Keth iimtzcJ -. ;at.ori.s ~ =....t _~m v, Ai,rzar=,,,,=e , ur.-:Corns .let=.r.t~• sastrumetst taverittg
<br />s vF. ,- r .n `ti6rtgiyr an.1i1 tat g.:rrneC '.% .!!r _i4t - y,; :_: rn~, x.il.. ..- -;v enCn :t'Y s~nprtty it llacatGA. let-ttie
<br />dYSitt ih3t ,snr f'i JVEblttr: Ur ~iau+e -. - -+ v;x*C°s ~,Ai;e ,,; "iC ~~,,t~ i ..i, :.. ,. .-, iZ!t 3¢xR3t.4(~tt' ew tiat~tt +. Ufl~+~-~. ~CiSEl nvt Xlr£L't
<br />catMri tnremskms ,±f the Maagagc .-t~r~hr .S',+tr -a:h+~~ :„zf ie ~: ,ra+ ~: rgrcr ,. rter,at 'hr ;<7+?thctrs+R t+resiaicn. and to this
<br />end tlss prtan~aumms=?i 'hr M:rrtga;¢c anal stet. `*~,tc are :atc6areci r, ^te >r~¢raErde
<br />if. Ressswer's l'.efg~. Bornvakrr ,na!# ssr ?atrn+crse.# s .; ,;s1~:=rmet# .niaa :.t the Ve tr and ,.l thrv Mortgage at the titer
<br />of eataiuiaxs :ss attrr rer.~ardatiaa+ ~.rrro#-
<br />t9. 7rs~EEi#a ed file dam; ~. if ~,: ,•r ;any ; ... ? ?!tr ?rc=t+crt; , ..n rntrrrss t#xrrrm is >o!d or iramferred
<br />lTY Borrmvrt wsittaitt Lendrix pn:,r urttten ..atunt.:xcsrslertg 53r t`?r .rtat4nr .+' s ,en ~u rn;umtataex:e subtsrdiria4s to
<br />ett;a Itlrsttgag!. {h5 the at.=.atttm +~t .: ;tur::f'a~ mrMxc Fee+trrr~ ..;~tcst ;. r h:*:ixr3t.`fai aplT}ratncrr,. ,cr s tramfrr lap devese,
<br />t9eaCent or laY cq.+cratton ut i.t« ,tpc+^ the ,iraih -:t .: trn:tnt ..r
<br />_ ?.ear rr€se 'set '! -_. ~.:+pcr=-`n. ,rtitare uii +hc tsne s.:c~•rrct ?<y thrs Ainttgagr zc hz
<br />+mratetpchae nmdpayatdr_ l.rndcr =tell ts.r ~aae,~lrasdr ,,,tern ~., a,xesesatz >f. a"--rut sc stet .ale ar transfer, Lender
<br />and tlse pctstus to :vhoatt rter propcrte• :-. s,: t*e soest - +r~r?vts:rr;~ *ea.." :agrrrmcnt , .+r,s•:;p that the ;:rrt#it n: Inch ;arson
<br />i* satist#~:wry to i~z<ndrr amt t?aat rhr :s;<tre. ^sxah#c r .:*r i:--t ,r<r„z.i .i:r ':lc~t~agr +`tai' x at sc,ch rate as !_ender
<br />shsii rttqusst.. it i-rrd.-.r i~a waivra ;src ,-;,t -., -.. R.,. ec. err ; - :deu ,, ~z;-.. Rara~rpt; ' ~ arts :s Fsarrc-wer~s sticeessor in
<br />irr€tt~t.hf~r-s~u3td a arretten :ssstr=ap;<cm :~g°ere~+ssr;,.;~t;ted~rn :,rt;+:s, ir.r~ f rr;~ter.:.zrcitz s%ta!i :ckau 33orrower £rom af!
<br />ts~sa antler this Mrsrtga$e arut ifar w:o.te.
<br />I! Lfitgier ezsrcist<s stta~h .,~aoa as xcix3vratr- d rrs_ier •~adi ;:tali &arrfr.vet ^cx,,.=e al :,:~eirratrc~tr ~.. dccat$aacr a-ith
<br />~atr~rsplt l#'tarccf. :arch ttot3GC >tra#s ,,rssv,de a ,>wtT~rs c=[ rs.z #rss titan =i3 da'<°c ;r: m thr, date the ncxt<c r, mailed wiihtn
<br />w#tsh SBr~ ~sr rrai i±ay ti?r .€:tn! dccitreci u;x. 3` Rtsrra-sbr kzrl• r:,t ,i!+;r =gin€s {~: xr+r t.~ ;he zxpiration or stteh period.
<br />LegsiEr may, tsyrhouS fcxrtecr ntxrsc .n sit»sattc! •-~. ;3sitro'ker, ;€reakr 3s;. ?._.. Farms f€rmtetril ?~~~ ~ragtxph i S hereof.
<br />'sic>&+t.-Ifrets'csau t`tavgt:wk;s Itorr,ssrr ,z?~# 3-trait-r ttt,°ttser _vk~c:,sr;€ zn~ Y,rzr a.s ic,{y}wa
<br />tf. ~ tlesrEdies £strpt as pra+ridiad ~ prrsRra~ia t7 hrrret. epos Bsrre»rer's ttr+tarh of ang eortearN or
<br />rQ +~~~i let t~ ~is:'ke. trxttE~, FBe ravrrrttais ter par ~ dtte ear sass serrated h7 tkitt !ritaN~r,
<br />14ar~/E tftbr is iectaltret~ew tdarl3 +owil nprier era 6,arrrtssrt as prta+~r in pirtptta~plt td heeeot at+ecafYit~: f tt tree IaseacA:
<br />4~~?l~Ikla#4a1 rsn9t is tare-iWrI3 0sfere3c +.tl R title, esm krsa bans ]d dare tram the ttde File trolice Is tasiMtd to )larnssrsa.
<br />M! aNd~t west Iw tarsdt trod tat t4aa fa#sre m crae s+ssb hrrne-E oe nr tMtnre the dsNt ~ is tits aatMSs
<br />tarEwt rsrrk b ~ d HtE trstta arctsrrd ~ tit t'art{agt, imertssttrr to j+tdieial pturrrdittK and sa8e ~ rtes Iste~ertr.
<br />TAE-rsrfiE tdssdF: fsRifttEr atfosrst Yaarmru tst tAr rilttt! Fa rrAtEt~r mats ac ratrrastoa trod tilt right to aarsert ie the farerfeewe
<br />lira ~e .tf a d ar rasp atlerr drtleme rf Ilisrnower to acxr7rtatks astd fs¢eckwvyttre. H the twstarh
<br />brat-~-tea ar hetfrar lists > hr tRe tssNex, i,asBrY at i~adrtr's ugliest may derlatr taf tAe ssme srcwtd b1'
<br />>~YIS~ ~ ' ~ a~ rile f~rtttar ttreasd ftxrc3ase ~ e#I prat I.rtsder
<br />sAEil~iattE~sii M cste+felt! k!t sasA ~ cxitrtt+x+n ~ ferrctozvrr, itstdaetlte~ h+a tuat 3irrktd tea, eets4s ts# deersatr
<br />~aMatfrrr3E are! tiA- srfo.rar.
<br />$~, ~ittEtsett~E"3 ~I is ff 's-cy'w tthzaxtatlrtg Sessr3zt-v :r .et-trsate~te ..;: !sue- :.r,,.= Ex~+:sarrd hr ship Rlorti{agc.
<br />EtrtrattCf thaia Ita~ she 514 sx: ltsss eat}~ grrt',reetiinga iu?= h4 f.~rutma s:. cs€=+rcc sl-,n *dt+rtttat*.c .ii»,.:s€tt+rtaed :=t a+ax t,ttrr
<br />