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<br />/-~~e~~ <br />8th-..: ~046~2 $~.--~(11~~~? <br />UnFFaaM CovetrnNTS. Borrower and Lender covtnane and agree as follows: <br />1. Psytaetat of Priaripal sad Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />rr~xtriedness evidenced by tM: Nate, prepayment and tare charges as provide) in the Note, and the principal of and interest <br />art any Fwuro Advances secured by this [7eed of Tout. <br />Z. lyetsda for Taza ttttd insurance. Subject to appficahle law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shat! pay <br />to Lander en the day monthly installments of principal and interest sir payable under the Nate, until the Nate is paid in full, <br />a sum (herein "Funds"} aqua} to Otte-twcffeh of t#te yearly texts and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />aced of Trust, and ground rents on the Property, it any,_pius one-twelfth of yearly prcntivm instat#ttrents for hazardmsttrance, <br />plus orce-twelfth of yearly premium instal#rtttnis far mortgage insura_,tce, if any, a!1 as reasanzbfy estitttats~! initially and frtrm <br />time to time (xy Latcler on the basis of assessments and 6+tts and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Fttrtds shalt be held in an insli[utiort the deposits ar accounts of which art insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agetrcy titultrding if Lettdtr is stint an institution}. Lender shall apgfy the Funds to pay said taxis, assessments, <br />insurarue premiums and grortml clots- Lender may oat charge tar sa holdeng and applying the Funds, analyzing said aceounf <br />or verifying and compiling said assessrttcnts and hills, unfess Lander pays Burrower tnteress on the Funds attd applicable law <br />pptetTnits t.errrktr to make sw:h a charge- Borrower and Lender may agree in writin¢rt [ht time' €sf exr~gr,nea ~f t_his <br />ITeeJ of Trutt oral interest on ehe Funds sF,al# bz paid to 8arrower, and unless such agretmenf is made or applicable taw <br />regtritts such interest to be paid, Linder shall not 6e reyuired to pay Harrower ,my entcn*st or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />sfta## give to Borrower, wnitout charge, an annual au:otrntmg of the Funds showing credits and deMts to the Funds and t#tt. <br />purpose for which each debit [a the Funds was made. The Fuuils arc pledge) as additional saucily for the sums stxttred <br />by th+s Deed of Truss. <br />If the amtwnt of the Funds ttetd by Lender, ttrgcttrer with the furor monthly installments at Funds payable prior m <br />lttt date darts of iaXF..,, assessttrrnts, insurance premiums and ground rcnu, shat3 exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />~..s_:x~.s. ~e~."carat premiums r:.d groan) rents as tf-rty ittt due, ,uch rxcr>s shall br, ut Borrower's optwn, either <br />promptly repauf to Borrower ar creditetf to }itxrower un monthly instaifnx:nu of Funds- !f the amount..sf the Fends <br />held hp Lender shall not be su#Tu:aent to pay taxrx.~astessments, imurana:e premums and gro+md rents as they fall due. <br />Borrower shag pay to Ler+~r any amouru ne€:cssary to make up the drficaency wath+n 30 days from tl*e date notice is mailed <br />by Larder to t[arrower regirestirag payrrtent thereof. <br />Upon payment in (all of alt sums scare) by the thrd ut Trutt. }xndcr ,lira pu,mptiy refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Lender. If under paragraph lg hereof the Property rs Bald or the Property .s ottxrwrse acyuired by Lender. Lender <br />shall apply, na laser than immediately prior to the .ale of the Prrptry or its rcyuisatrun by Lender, any Funds held by <br />l.esrrkt at tfte tithe of application as a credit against the sums secun'd by th+s Deeil of Truss. <br />1. Appau of LsaytseMS. Unlessrpptacabtc law provides otherwise, sit payments rece+vtd by Lender under the <br />Nate amt paragraphs # and 2 hereof sha0 he applied by Ixndtr fiat m payment of amounts payah{e to tender by Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest payable un tfae Notr, then w the prinnpat of the Nutt, and then to interest and <br />principal on any Fvture Aslvatrccs. <br />1. COtrrgea; LieNS. Harrower shall pay all lasts. a5sessntrnts rnJ ,rthcr barges. liars anJ rmpxations attributabtt to <br />t(se Property which may attain a prrarity over tins Deed of T:'ust, and IcascholJ paytrax+xx or ground trots, if and, in the <br />moaner provided under paragraph 2 hereof ur, +f +rm paid in sac h manner, h~ 8turowtr male+ng payment. rotten dire, direstly <br />#o the payee ttrtreaf. Borrower shalt prcmpily furnish to tender ail sauces ~>trmuunts .h+r under #hrs paragraph, and in the <br />event &xrower shall make paytncm direaiy, Bornnver shat} pru,nptty furnesit to t ender rrccapis cvtdcnrrng such paytnems. <br />Borrawtr shall promptly drxharge any lien whuh has preuruy uvrr then thed ut "1 rust: pnav,dtJ, that Botr€±wer shall not txa <br />required to discharge any such {ion sir Inng as Borrowtr shall agree rat v.rrtang to the pr}mrnt of the oblagauon secured 6y <br />such t+en in a mantttr acceptable to ixnrler, ar s}tall w uad firth ~untcst su>;tr i:en by _trit~~~ . .-• , <br />g .:,r .:.^.for_.r:x :r of s€+c:h }aen m. <br />ttgaf ^rsntxc'- ,. wAi : upcraie to prevent [tit entorcemeat u# the Len or tortciture ui the Property or any part thereof. <br />flaast~d Ian. t3ttrrowtr stra}! keep the tmpruvemrnts now ea+>ung ur htrcattrr recited ur. the Property insured <br />agaurst tau by fire, hazards imlttdtd within the tercet "exterrdeJ cuverrgr'". an.i such other hrtards as 1.rnder may require <br />att$ rn such arrsounls attd for such prnofls as LrnJer may rtyurrc: pruvrJrd.:hrt f srr:ier ~hatf nr,t ttyusre that the amount of <br />xrreh wveragt exceed that amount of cave, age rcqu+reJ to pat the sums u;€ured ht ttus Drcd ut ?nut <br />The insurance cattier providing the irasvraacr shaft be chosen hr Harrower subtect t.: appruv-at h} t cotter: prtwadeJ. <br />fayat tttteh approve} soai# riot tx uncusanab}y wathheld .4f! premrums en insurance po#+ctd shalt tsc peed in the manner <br />Irccvid~ under paragraph 2 hereof ur, if nut pa+d irs such manner, by t3arruwer v+aA,nq payment. when due, directly to the <br />tetsurance carrier. <br />Alt tnwranct policies artd rcrrcwals thestaf shat} he as farm ac,:cptahic u, t.eriler and she#l rn€:futle a standard mangage <br />clause in Eavor of and in farm acceptahlt to Ltndtr Lender shat} have the right to hall the pa}uses and renewals thereof, <br />sort Borrawtr shah prampt}y furnish to Ledtier ail renestsrf rwuces oral ::tl rt€eapts ut pr+il premrums. In the event of Ions, <br />Bottowrr sftaH give prompt mnrc:t to the rnsurartsx .stoat roil Lcutkr. LrvJer ma} make pr€aoI of lens rY nut made prampdy <br />by Borrower. <br />Unless Lender and &>rrowtr uthrrw+se agree in wnt,ng. a+sutrn.c pr€aeeds .brit be appiecJ to resturauan ar report at <br />ih-c Proptfty E~ras~ed. prusitL! ~ `. r~srratt€xt ur rrps:s s~ €:~r R€r :ri.:ffj- ;eas.b}e a=,:} iFr ~c`c.eNy .+€ flits t3etJ of Trust +s <br />teat thereby impautd. if stub testotattan or cepatt rs oat cwnumrcatf} icrsrblc ue rt tM: xcur+ty uI thn t7ced of "Trust would <br />err tmpairtd, the ttrst+rarut procteds she#} be applreJ to the sums se;:urril hq this fired €+t [rust. w+ih rite excess. +f any, part <br />'o Borrower. If the Ptopcrty es abandoned by Barrowtr, ar +f Harrower f,.ri; :u rtsptnsf to Lrnsk:r wttnm zQ days from the <br />date nsrtice is rnadtd by t.endee to Borrower that the ensuram:r ;rrr,cr .rdcr+ ro ~ttk _r ,.,a_,n fs+_r :.. ..~:._`__,-~_ - -- <br />is atuh~i=rr=! }? ~ Y~.:f.~r.,~t at~rf} ~.-- ~----rrru.c pr€rcceds r# Lenrkr-s up+r.sra ntlatr to tesrurruwt ar~repatr of it+e Property <br />or to the stuns secured by thex Oetd of Truu_ <br />Unless t_tntkr and fiwtawa attterw+se agree m wr+uetg, .rot suvA rppl,wr+un of pt€wcrds to prmcrpa! shall not extend <br />or paatQuart else dirt dart of [bt nawrthly icrsta#tme.nts relara'J au rn paragraphs f rn1 '_ hereu# ur chan®e the amount of <br />sttCh insta##rnents. #f unsftr para~rapb i Es ttereuf the Praprtt} n ..:~yuvtJ by t enekr..+ll right. t+tlt arxJ rn}trts[ of Borrower <br />+n attd to say inxtuatue pol+ctes and m r[rd to tic prcxteds tkrereuf rtsuda,ng truer danw}[e m the Property prwr to ilia salt <br />csr acyurvcan shaft puss w Lttpiee to the extent ut the wren stcutrJ by than i3erJ ut Trust rmntedtately prrar to :+uh sale csr <br />a~quuntoo. <br />~. Pnsarrallse trai Als~anece of Property, Lrseeltvli/s; l'n~l~wer~r; Pfruras-1 Unit Uertleipstfb. Borrower <br />slisatY ktsp the Ptu}xnp rn goer;; repair rx+cf shalt -r.rt €wrrr=ttr .~r pcrtrr+r trup,,,rnarn+ ur Jrurr€uatr€m ai the Property <br />arpd skal) ctmtply with the praviswns of any least of th,s tlecsf ,rf lsrust ,s ern r tcaathr>fd t} this [)eta saE Trout is an a unit in a <br />coRdontiniwn a a piaraned unit development, &xrwstr shah pcsfotur r#t ut ttaxrasvcrs ubfagattuns under the dtxlaratmn <br />tx tovenaws crest:rig ar gmantnj the catrd€utttntunt c=r p}aru~d uatat deve#aprtrem. ilx by-laws anJ reQtttauons of nc~ <br />. ar platatred unit devekspnycnt. and €:atrstuutm da,:wtrents. ff x uurahaminiutn ar p#anrtrd amt devekspment <br />ruler q tatctrted by Borrower and castled rogtttrtr 's:tfr this fheJ c*# i rust.:#tr : avenants aril :t}}reenxerus of such rrdtr <br />siraFl be intarptuamtl lino and shaft arntnd sod supp#tmtnt the cuvtnauts arx} agrcctncntx of than Dec) a# 7'rtut ar, if the rider <br />sire a part bareof. <br />7. Psras of lsrrdxr's SEet#isy. Ff f#Urrsrwtr fa,tx to f>erlurm t}ar .osrnants rat) agreements crmtarrrtd in this <br />DeeA rd Trtr~, ar if say actwn lac praeccdrzrg +s s:urturaer,s:ed wtvsh naattrraliy .Jittts t_trrJrr's ,nttrest rn the Property. <br />inchrrSiag, bW trot tirrriterl to, erttrrreru dxatrtarra, rtualvrn.:p, code cnfar.enxnt, ar arrangenrenq ur prucrcatings involving a <br />battkfupt or ttecttfctst, tea [.trades at Lttrrfer's option. upon rnttue to Borrower, may trtakt such appearanves. Jrslwrx stub <br />4~ and take starAt acttaa as ix rrtcexsary to ptal~-t Lerxder's :mane, tnrtuJing, liar raw ttmited tu, disbursentem of <br />tE?•st~abk mtorney`s tea attd emry upon the Property to nuke ttpa+rs if Le+xtrr requued +eaartgage insurance as a <br />crrSdifitm t~ tna#titrg the loan xcetutat by this t]eta! of Trust, Burrower shah pay tlx: premiums required to maintain stash <br />insutsfsCe is tilts-t t~t# at~t tirnt as tht res;turertt:nt tar stub insurarass ttrmitwtes m acevrdaru:t wish Borrawei s and <br />t,eader's wtwen agreeateru or applicable law. 8orrowcr shaft pray the an+oum u} ail nwrtgagc uuuraru~e prtmtwns in the <br />rnaROer txari@ad attdisr ptttagaph : (sector. <br />i~ fdr~wtrtd ~ [ tndtr pursuant to this parrgra{dt 7, wuh intrrtxt tttert .n. shah tsttwrn addnranai <br />stlaEt ~ t?y ttis Detd of Trust Uufess Borrawtr and f ender agrtr to other terms at payntem, sw:h <br />paya[Ne upotr tfplrct faun [.antler to Harctrwtr rtqueating paytrmnt tlxrraf, sort shat} hear interest tram the <br />diMa of ~ at tlt¢ rats payable from brae to titrre art uutstaniling prttra rpat under the Note unless payrtrent nF interest <br />ar arch rrtse wrxrid be coattttry to apglrcahlt taw, in wAtch event stab amounts shall f+car anterext at the hijhest cart <br />DKttta%niltte trrsries ~ taw. Nathittg cantzrned in this paragraph 7 shall stquirt t etuler rn incur any tapeast or take <br />aBy + ~. <br />1pstWs}tfitwt, latrtfer matt >s~e ar souse to ba mat:: reawruhk t»irrtr upon soil irtspeea€sn~ pt }rte, pr.>r,._ny R .~vz,t.-_i <br />Lest ~ $"''"""'• "°""~ pa".::._ w ±ui such insptctwn sprc+fytng reasanahfe reuse ttseret'ar caroled to Ltmkr's <br />taMUN irl ttttt rr~'tV f. _~ -.•~ <br /> <br />