<br />&40RTGAGE
<br />A6()RTGAGHLQANNO. L 23,916 Addl.
<br />KNOW ALL h[HT3 BY 711ESE PRPSEh`75: That lbzald E. Graves and Barbara Ann Graves, each ~1'l hi.s
<br />and her otan right and as spouse of each other,
<br />Mortgagor, sWtettmr one of taste, ~ of thn ~ pf
<br />~~41t~~Sd a.~ A3o/iG0 Y,i;8
<br />iwtted to said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and I.un Association of Grand island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 4Q0 tisftes tdattset at' - -. -
<br />said ASSOCIATISNt, Gertifuate No. L 23 916 . do hereby grant. convey and raortga~ tmto the aid AS~CIA'fift'IAI the faiswitt-
<br />dssc_rihed real estate, srtuatcd ^ N.ali Gat:.°:~+, ~"!wraska:
<br />L4T 24JEI,VE (I2) IN BLflC4CC 'IWO (2) r IRl IJ~2MAl+>DY ~rn`I't'fir AN Ai~CSITItY3 TO THE CITY ~
<br />t~ID IS1.AI~, HALL COtIIJI`Y, I{A
<br />todsthsr with ail the tepemenu, trereditarnent: and appuncaances thtreunto htiangmg, mcludirrg attadted floor ooroeritgs, aB window sty,
<br />window siudes, btvlds, corm windows, awnings, heating, air wndi:ioning, and pitanburg and water equipment and acaaorits thesno,putstpa,stavsa,
<br />refrgeniora.snd other fizturtt and egwpment now or hereafter attuhcd to or used m ,x,nnectnzn with said real esgte.
<br />Astd tvixrtz i!x ~-t ,^~^ -^• Fy ~+ °ra d~tshs:ri°,' - - c mo.s or shall and wrJ ail taxes and am~muievled w
<br />~:t-.. ~ ..r .E:r. + gag WY
<br />amued upon said pvetnixs and upstn situ atortgage aced the band secured~thtrchvtxfa:s the same scut! bemme detipgtten[; to furnish approtred
<br />ianusnce upon the brttldmgs on satd pretmxs situated in the sum .+f S QO 440.40 payalak to sand ASSf3ClATILiN apd to deliver to said
<br />ASS()CIATT9N the puficxs for said Insurance: and not to-wmtmt or permr~ any waste un .+r zb;+ut sa;d premaes;
<br />in case u( default to the perferrrunce of any of the terms and condmans of : has tsturtwtge .x the band srcurtd ixseby, the mortgagtx shall,
<br />an demand, be rntttkd to Imrrsrdiatc possestusr, of the mvngagrd premises scut the ;txz:tgagur hrreby assigns, transfers aced xts own to the
<br />arustga~e sit thr rsats.:tsrnues and mtuame to be derived from the mortgaged premtses durrng sucft urtte as the rrtortgags mdehtedrxss shall taro...:
<br />urtpard'. and the mortgagee shall here tt~ pawcr to appoint any agsnt ur sgenu ;t troy desire for tier purpox of rspaitirg said ptrmpes irld rtati>%
<br />the rani aced rnikcting the rants, revsnsxa and ittcarrte. and it may psv taut ,=f card ~ntume au tzprnsn of repairing said premises sad twsemnty
<br />earpams~xrs and czprnsa ttseurrtd Ie rcnttttg sad mnnag>nb the setae and c,f coikc-ttng rentals ihessfram, the bafancs remaining., if spy, to be
<br />applied toward ti+t discharge of sod rttortgage indebttdncu. then rtRhu .of tier tnortgagse may be ezetctsed at any elate during ttx eaistanee of such
<br />default, trrespecrisr of say umporary waiver of the same.
<br />Thtx Presents, however, axe upon the Cundrtuon. That d the sa,d Murtgzgt.r shaft repay card inns on at befott the maturity of slid shares by
<br />psytrtmt; pay monthly fa said .4.SSOCIATti)N of the sum specsfred us thr 3ur:d secured htrebq as interest and prsncrpai on rah loser, oa or before
<br />the Twtntisth dsy of each acrd curry tttonth, email card Scan rs telly psxi, pay all taxes and assessments kvxd atysmst said premises and on this Mortgage
<br />sad the Bapd scented thereby, More deft;rgtrsn~y: furnsh appraxd insurance uper., the f;uxd~s ihtresxs m the sum of E ~4 r 444.44 p:yab~
<br />to sstd ASSOClAT16N: repay to said ASSOCIATi6\ upon demand al! mane, B} :t , asd f,~r such taxes, asstwpsnts anu :nsuratta with interet at
<br />eF~ nta-,watim ftgi cast tht:rtan tt,,--„ date of payr~=°°,, at. a# °.vt°. . ., ;:: #~-rz°°;- ~,~s t; t:,y: :mat nu ~astt acs ~ prttrists; keep utd ttsmpfy
<br />with ati the agreetexnu and cs-xrtditfans of the $ond for 5,44 444.40 thn daF etvea by the sand !Nertggor to said A~fiOGfA17[rN, and map!y
<br />with a!i the regwrsrneats of the Caasuautrar.:ESd by-Laws a~ satd ASSQC'IATlG~, then tttex prsxats strait became WWII sad vat, otharwife they
<br />shalF rtmain m fay forar and may be foreclosed at the aptson. of the saxi .95~StK'L~TtE}hi after fadutt foe three months to make any of sad
<br />paymepts or be [Arse months to arrerrs m making said monthly caymans. ,+s to keep and a,mp3y with the agtserarnu sad conditions of sad Bond;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a recemr appointed fanhwrth in such torcdusurt prosxsdmg.
<br />If there n any chaesge m awrterratrp of the real estau martgagrd herein, by ,,,. ar :attrcrwir, clan the etstiaa :etminiag iaf hereby
<br />secured shall, at the oplinn of The Egtntabk Bttiidittg and taws Associatron of fta»d Idmd,tiebraska, betprtx laanediNS3y due nod payable vvitboK
<br />ftrtther rtotia, and the amount repurrtmg due under said txsad, aced sap other bond for say additiotul adranesa made theteaoder, ~teB, floss the
<br />date of ttttretx at said ctptttm, ixae iateresr at the rttaxunum krga! cart, seed iha mmtgaBe tray sign bC f0[EG$C9ad W tfdisly the smttssed doe as>.id
<br />botsd, arxl spy other bond tar addttsorui advaesees. together wtth sl! scam pasd by card T`pe Egttitabk Bw7dittg sad I.oas Asspetstbo of Grind l>dned.
<br />Nebrasiu foe ittttuanw, taxes and asaesarttrnts, seed abstraciusg eztepax.Kt charges, with inte:cst thereon, from date of payment at the
<br />rsu.
<br />As provided is tlx Bond xaued ?sereby, whrk thss mangage remaipa m effect the trsortggte [tray hereafter adestnas addkbmi aims w the
<br />rr+alrers of said Bow, rhea assigns ur stttcesors m tattrest. whst:h sums shad be wither ¢hs sectaity of this zrtartgare the same as the ftsnda.ad~slbr
<br />Nasued thereby, the iota{ srasuai of prirtrspai de6r rrci cu exceed at say [rate ore ortguul atttotmt o[ tilts ntortgape.
<br />t>~«1 ihb 1st ,'day of e,grii a. n., l9 8i
<br />1 r" ;'
<br />88tbAta Ann Graves
<br />3tA'tL OF NP.~tA5KA, ~ x. 4p thfs 1st day of April 19. 83~ ,ktlbsae sett:
<br />Ct}LiIV'i'Y OF t1Ali.
<br />the tpdersiraed, a Notary Pttblk in sad fox aWi.Gdoebj; peattul~raor-.
<br />tJC~faid t:.. Graves aixi 8az~ara Ann Graves, eft in his and her etas rite and ~
<br />v`tssit:r+ ;~
<br />- inn fo he *~tdenaseal peaon S whose coax g at'~ afftxed to the abr»v; imtrsrrnestt is ttsastgaigor g asst
<br />~ sirs Wend i~xtmsatu to be voluntary ass sad rtacd.
<br />r1ilTi~iESS ttry Assns sad Natatra! Seal the dart aforesaid.
<br />isaaeli ter ~-~~~-
<br />