$1-- U[i16Y~~ NI~IRTCAC~
<br />'PHIS IND~3i`f`LT88, ,arils t~ ~_ _. E S# dry ~ _ Ap r i E __--_-_-.- , 19 $ ~ by end- beteeen '
<br />! A~Rft~E E. HUriACDT AND ASNA '~. Nt7tdALDT husbard and w t #e
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<br />__.~_. .__~.~._~~__-~..,F CL ~ '__; _ g f.~}AFI RSS~K+f RT I~~N-
<br />~ri:ci_L -C~ty, Nebtwaka, sa mortgagor'.-, mad '~"~ D~S?AL SA4 INfa~ f;raad IsLa~d, • caepMa3sop
<br />arpaaiaed snd esisditrg smiler the Faso of Nebraska wft6 its prfretpat ofFioe tail plea of brutMea nt Crerrd Feiard, ~: ao m
<br />iY29'NF~4SLr'FFI: That acid mart~grr s _- . far aril fp ctMniderrttea of tke mrm of DOSE E-EUPIflRfD SEVENTY F f VE TF,i(}t1StlCJ~ .-
<br />'aea. i)~_.Q40 ~ l
<br />tke taut d rrkiek is kaerby aeimosledged, da __ by thsM presents mortgage and secrets aata~eafd~t, it--mss,
<br />fa+as+r. silt the Eagasiag dascrfh~ eml strata. situated in tht Covaty of _ . ___.__s__~ _~_ F#~,L! :~.~,-~- ,-.._ - -
<br />aad State d AtebefNar. to-vrit: - - '-
<br />~CT ~~;;rc ; d i f i.+ 6'.-ff tr'T't~^~D TH E r2D SURD i V E S i 0tJ r E tv THE C i TYvF GF'U1ND ISLAND; -HALL E;Qt1NTY;
<br />'dE$f2ASiCA
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<br />I Togathoc wil6 all Petting. rir rnpdaimmag, fighting. and ptumhing ~alpment and fiatruts. S;xtudnxR vrrsins, awnings, 9tarm wiesdorrs aril
<br />doors, erd wiadaw a or blinds. wed on ar in rnnrottiun with aabd prope~t.y, etxthtr t hr samr err rarw L,ceted on said proptrty rm hereafter
<br />f~'d -
<br />TO HAVE AFsfD TO HOLE? THE t3AhlE. tcgettrer with ad and aragufar ttx tarszsnents. hereditsar-ncs era! sppurtcaat~ ttere,5rma' .
<br />- Wig, ~ ire ¢ayWVSe wing. forever, aril watreet the title to :.lx same `sad margagrrs fxs~y corenant ___._ wish said
<br />nwetgaygaa that ... Pe '~{ £' aF the ddi+.°ery hereof. rte fawfui nwptr .~ ra the pretnrree aiwvt conveyed and described.
<br />~r~ #
<br />amt-- --__. _ ! 06 a goad tail indefemr7rie eaters of iaheriiaaax tfesatn, i:ze arm cwssr of ati errcua3israsttxaa, sad that __ heY witF
<br />wvrn-rt sad darted thr this tlreetra farwer agsmat tlss elarms tad d~3anda of ati persara ..t~exncs~e+-a
<br />PROV FpEt? ALWAYS. tad thm imtrttmaatt p eaeraaed and detivired to aonrrre tht paytrwnt et tht aura of '"~E H! !,,DHED JFVF NTY
<br />3 lk NGf.`r~Iiv AFau rt, ` ,-, ----------------------------------- _ J.C G7C --
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<br />..-_ _.-- _, _~ _ -- _ _. Uoiiara sp
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<br />evittt uxarast t'haraaa, taReaEer wick s3~u'.h charges ami advaacea as essay he doe and payabit :r> aa-1 rrr+rrK' ardtr tht teems aril c xrditions
<br />of the prsmi0sory matt of eves date heeewith aril securni hereby, esxe+sresF be card nwngag(r w tad rraxrgatG+rc, payable as cep, rased
<br />m aatd sate, tail to eaetue t~ perfermarxce of all the arms aril •••~e=„=•• caatsratd ttxrran. 'i'ht terasa of sail emote atr iretbY irrarparated
<br />It it skis mROatlea and agramrM of SF1r paetiM hereto star thin mortg:gu staW stet artnlee+aY tutors edvtaoes ands to ztrd ma:.~xs _.._...
<br />~ said ~.ar'ryfspgra, a~ nay tail aH ~ in sddrtiort tx, tht ern:=ant sbr.rr stases.:. sheet tad ~, or any +~ . `-, maY owe W
<br />avid ~. ttrsrevat evfdtmead. whether by tote. tarok scaoani ar <nthervrrat. 1`tsm M'r' ahaF3 reavatn d futf ford tail effect 6ettraea
<br />tJr parties tsetse and t6aer tear, parrorrl rapesteetatrvts, s+rne3see3ts :nil eaargna. antil at! amounem aeLUrtM1 hertuudtr, ine'Frrdire[ fuWrr
<br />trdvaotts, ate paid in fah with iatarest.
<br />T!r -.~., hsesby asaigi3 to awd mo+tBagrR alt rears and inooare arrirrg at nay and ati 6etree trod rid property aril
<br />hassd3y tartbaiae said a its Mme, at itr optim. upon deiatdi, to takr shargs of said prapmiy tad rocket tit rents tail iacamr
<br />tkma[rees red ~7 ehs sme W tFra oe{mr~ d iaterex, pnaeiQai, nraareanrt ;~---=,`~, tease- aae~ats, t+ ~ ~-
<br />sswseory to ktrry said praputy ip tsaemtrbie maditfaa. or ca other charges or paytnanta provided kar teewr ar irr tke note trey aacaued. Ttda
<br />ems MregamaM, atrN aoaparw ®faeos uatif the uaptd tralarace of sad note re fully paid. The uktag of poaraaaion hreup3ar sfrg-fa as arrpa~a -
<br />peav~,-er nttard aril smstE~e fa tka ce~dtsetiam r~ ~sd sores trY fsra~ioentre « vtriwa.
<br />Tke iMirra at fdr prrttpsgm w sasort tray of Sts Figt#ta 6eracadsr at any tt.~ rhaEl ~t tre t'anatRltti as a warve d Nt ryfht. to aatee@dMr
<br />rwe et x~ Safes tiem, tad Cr3 casist vpm and enforce strict comptfance with tit the users and provisioru of acid apse tad /d tFls m6fi~t. -
<br />U said ~igr3ger S ahak eavM w 1e peid W said martgagae the ~. care arrears dps ii heewndar, tad utrdsr chi tarps tail ptaetaiepr _
<br />of etid tote hereby staea3i. g Mart adsanaae. sad any aatmsieas or rtmarrals rhveof in netxtMraee +sKk tfr terms test ~srfif~risi.
<br />tkrwd, sail g Mid _5_ .. akag osmpiY sgh ati the proviaioas of said cwta tad of skis . Utem ricers: ptaarrtU NA# k! _i, _
<br />- olio"t+sMstarpertbsiptaRinsssapdel6tt,agdsa;<tmortgogwsLrUbeeatStkdtathspmeMSMtsafs8ofasidptvpaRty..+esdtalB~K~_
<br />driess His sdre4 sf ar9d ao4s aed aY fadrilsripaM repetamtad tbnby W be iimgedfmaty dne tail payable. tail try tancfaer Ehia tam
<br />er tab rigr atMa iepF artam b pHtatY ~a rigks. Rpfa wawsd.
<br />Tlb t y_,. b ~ aril skaif tease w the bsnad#t of-the iuirr. a:acatars, adminkeitaiorr, arrrmssaan tad sr~t~ps~d t~s.~
<br />a pMtiM hmemte-
<br />IFK WI't'NPrli6 WFIIi.lU%?F. Mid .. ._ #t'°' - -
<br />. 3teetp~g+ar~''_ En v.~ herauatn srt.._..._ ~_'_. _ _ Saaf :'.___._..ihe tfttq trail yrfrs.~'et ,class
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