<br />81--t~~~ ~ ~~>~ REAL. ESTATE ~AC~RTGA~E
<br />
<br />;rj~i -ter` ` reirua3ger called the
<br />of fix %nanty o* ~ and State o~ "«v"+~~~ ~+ pattq of the ~f~sl--part, in
<br />x~3deraitlon at ' riUnT'= ' .=t T;~iCRiSa,'3D .AN3 ';Q%+ ~~---------°-------------------- --- .
<br />-TlAi T AAS,
<br />IS head patd> do ha'eby gtraat, ~®r~i1H. 8@It and CaA9QY UnLO this ~'affi8 ~'EdEra~ $aYlD,4{ & LOiII Aiilit'iltt03::1i~i.
<br />tlraed Island, Nebraska, a~ its aaceesaota sad astgna, the following real eseate, aftuated to i#ALL
<br />Camb..S'tttE e[ . d is~~ i- ;. h:r ~ , towiY:
<br />1T ~ !1t ._~ E~ R(_`~ ._.., _.. ~<~~ ., ..,~u ~+n _.- :~Ut.T'r, tvEBRA51iA.
<br />Together aptth all the apputYenaaces thereinto trelaagiag, and all covenants in all 4he title deeds RtaIIing with said real estate,
<br />and alt the Teats, iasttea and Prafite arising ;lteretrosn after default is perfatataatt of any covenant or conditiop herdn coa-
<br />taitxd; sad wsrraats the title tbert4o perfect and clear a=ecpt for thts sortgsge.
<br />Dating the tfine this aaortgage is in force the maa4gagora agree:
<br />First. To PsY all rasa and special assessmeata levird against said premises. i~lufiing all taxe3 and asseaastznts levft$
<br />upon thin mortgage, or the debt second by this mar[gage_
<br />Second. To keep all baildiaga thenron insured against loss by fin. Lightmng sad tornado in some ccmpaaY, to be ap
<br />ysnven iri+ tnc said home l rderal ~avtngs & roan AesociafauTi v . -- ~ -.. .. •~~ ~ -,t!; i .- _ t `- fair
<br />the benefit of the said Association, and its successnn err assigns: aaoato drposit said~Imiicies with said Association, and shall not
<br />commit ar softer any waste on said premises, and shall put and kerp said =-ea3 es-cafe buildings and imprttvemeufs in good
<br />order.
<br />Third.. To try or cease to be paid to thr Home Federal Savanga & Lana Assachatian of Grand Isisad, ifs suceessars ar
<br />asstsaa, the s~ of .p - - . -~.e.~.~.-.______..._..__._' _ Df3Ll.AaS.
<br />paYable as follota:
<br />with interest thereon paYabte, accardiat` io the tenor and effect of the sae esKain first martg~g oaf said morta+agora,
<br />tx.`-fa;a even date ~siW these presetffis. After maturi#y said boftd drasvs infer^€si at the rate of =~ger cent PEr aanam.
<br />It said farce sad aaaeaanseata arc na paid when due, or if thr badidings on said Premiers are not insured as above pro-
<br />vided, or if any aE said interest is not paid when due, then said _ whttig,,debt shall become due immediately, at the option of fix
<br />said Association, sad shall thetrafter draw interest at the ntr, of pia! per cent per annum-
<br />The ntortgagar-. hereby :~it;o__- to said mortgagee s7S teats and income arisfttg at say and all times from said
<br />property and hereby authorise said mortgagee or its agent, at ifs option, spat default, to take charge o€ said property and.
<br />eoIleet all rants and i~ome therefrom sad apply the same to the payment nl intere.~, principal, insataeee premiame, rases,
<br />aaseasmeats, repairs ar improvements necessary to keep raid property in ttnaatabte condition. or to other charges er paY-
<br />meats provided for huein or is the Hate tserrby scented. Tbis rent nssagnnneat shall continue in fate anti! the unpaid. hob
<br />s[u:e at said note is fully paid. T'he taking of gassrasion hereundex shall in na manner prevent or retard said faortgaEee fn
<br />the colleatioa of said sutf~ by foreclosure ar otherwise.
<br />Wbetlier satd detu becomes dun by lapse .^f time, nr by reason of the failure of the party at the first paK to comply
<br />with any eonditioa herein. the said Home ?-^e~Serai Savings 'a f.oan tlasoctaLna ut C.rand island, the aueceasars a~ ate,
<br />skalt have the tight to begin the faret3osatre of this mortgage ai once nn the whole debt hereby soeured. ,.sad tp lalt'lttde
<br />fh~ein all taz~., asaemraents, }-°..-°-^e premiums and cosfa, paid try it or them: or said Asamcldtioa, its-~ISW's or
<br />may ftereeiatpe only as to the sum past due. without iniury to this mortgage. nr the displatxment Qe lmWiirma~
<br />as the lien thereof.
<br />Aai the said flint psrtY and the makers of said rate, oapeeially agtra sad declare that the separate est+tte of eatdt a~
<br />every one of them, itteiading Gala that nvw owned and riot hereafter acquired, is gled8ed and bound fa the lHymaat of
<br />the dew sccazed,
<br />Agar the t of sty suit in fareclowre the plaintiff therein shall ~ entitled to the immediate ~ ~
<br />void ptfs and ttx appaintaaeat of a receirctr therefor, notwithstanding they may be the homeatettd of the aecupaat sad
<br />iaotvriti~tanfifn8 the pstrtiea lubte for the debt may ere solvent, and the Sisal party hereby coitsents to the aPpotatnae9t of a
<br />)fiver upon thx praiaxtioa of this indeatute, without other evidetace.
<br />Tits foeegoiag e~adttlaas sad agreeaaeats, aA and singular. being fully per€ormed, this conveyance shall be void, otder-
<br />talae to ba sad rasaftfta is fttii farce and affect.
<br />fitgrasd thls..._._.___._.__-., _._,._...._....__....._,.__...._day afs..._._._-------_r._._.__..__..._._._.._~. P., t9 .-._-
<br />~ t. r ;.
<br />let au~wm;+e. ~ s ;may r ~. / . f~
<br />