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I <br />Lt3tiFEittM C`ov~Mw,t7E~Bszrrrswcr attd Lcndzr suvenant and agree as follows: <br />1. PaTwieet of Princi~ ~ lattrest. Borrower skail peomptly pay~whzn due the principal of and interest on the <br />3tt>i~todatss eviderrced by the Note, prepayment aad Fate chaYges us provided in the Note, and flee principal of and interest <br />oa any Future Advarsces secured ley this Mortgage. <br />j, panda ~'Taaea and insurtmte. Subject io appifcaixie law or to a written waiver ley Lender, ootraws;r sEtait t%ay- <br />ta Lender on ;tie day ttirmtkly ittstaltmtnts of principal and interest arc payable under the Note: umii the Notc is paid in ftt#l, <br />a surn (t~.~:n `"Fu:.d:"} zgtial to o~iwelfth of the yt~rly taxes and ass~stnents whisk may attain priority over- this <br />Atartgage, aad ground cents on ike Property, if any, Pius arse-tweifih of yearly premium installments for hazard 3nst¢ranee, <br />plus wx-twtfftk of yearly prcmfum snstalimtnts for rrtorigage ittsuranct, if any, ati as reasonabfq estimated initiaiiq and from <br />=inx to titt'~ by Leader Tin lras;s of tssscasrncnts and hills and reasonable tstimatts tf~rcof. <br />"f?Me Funds shah tx held in an institution eke deposits nr accounts of wisieh ore insuresi or guaramettd by a~ Fes3aral ar- <br />state agency 4ittch~ing Leruler if Lender is suck an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes; assesstttenta, <br />irssurance premiums and groursd Tanis. Lender may not ckargt far so knitiing and applying the Futsds, analyzing said tsccannt, <br />or vt;ttiiyiag and eosrtpii#ng said assessments atsd bills unless Leader pays Borrower interest ere tfie Funds artd applicable law <br />pemtits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lesx3er enav agree in u=riting st the time of executsoti of-this. <br />E2artgagc that interest ate the Ftsrtds- shall tie paic+ to Ltorrowtr, and unless ssu-k agttemcnt is made- aY applicakle law <br />regrsiies Buell. inieresi to l±t: paid, Fender shall rr£€€ tie rty{uircd to nay Burrower any interest nr earnings on the Funds, l;ender- <br />shail glut to BoYrnwtt, witttttut charge, an annual accounting of eke Funds showing credits and debits to the Ftmds ataf-tile <br />purpose for wktck each debis so the Funds was made Tltc Funds :ue pledged as additional security far the Burns secured <br />h#' this lvfartgagc. <br />If eke amosmt of ttre Funds held by Lender, togethrr with eke future muntkty :astatlmrnts of Funds payabtC peior fo <br />.lee due dates of taxes, attsesstnents, itruranct premiums and grnrind rttzts, ska3t zxcced eke amount requited to pay said taxis, <br />atlesaiittnis, ittstsrattce premiums and gmund rents as ikey fall dsse. suck °tcess Bleat! be, at Borrower's option, either <br />pr~tptiy rcpsid to Bwmwer .x credited to Borrower on momni} snstailrtiems of Funds. if €fse amount of the Funds <br />hdd by f..eaaler ska6 riot be sufficient to pay texas, assessmtnts.:sssurans:z oremsums and gtaund rents as they fal! dtie, <br />6nrtowtr skal! pay to Lender «ny amount neussary to tt;alte up the dztic€cnry within 3tl days <rom the date native is mailed <br />by Letutzr to Borrcwtr rtqutateng payment thereof. <br />Upon payment m tulF ;:€f aka sums secured tso~ this \itirtgagz. fender shall ;Tom{illy tetund t^ Borrower any Funds <br />kefd by LF€xfcr, tf urider parsgraph 3R kerznf the Prapert4 rs scld or ehe Y; o,^uta :s vthrrwise asqu:rcd by lzndtr, Lender <br />shalt sppiy. na tstcr ikon :mmetftatzkv error ro the ,af: of the Prnpe:-ty .?r :~s acqussnsan t;v Letstier. any Futtds htid by <br />Loader at thx urns of application as a --_rrdit against the sums ucurcci br th:, y#orrgagr. <br />3. il~t{rsnsws of Pavtatuts. L'rslcss aptHicable aw prcvsdcs c:tner~vise, a33 psymessis rrctn~~ti by Lender under ike <br />~tt>{e .a..d z atagrtpks ;and :' hrrcuf s;ta{t "+,; atzplied by f_sndes first ,n ;~acmrnt of asncunts psyab3c tc Lender by Sorrowtr <br />€stttiCr paragraph ~ tsereaf. ttsen to tntcrrst }=ayabic yin thr tiotc. shin tr !hv prtnctpat .,t the 'rote. and then to inttrest and <br />prir€Crpai on aey Future ,4dvancts. <br />#. Chsi Liam. Borrower shell pay ~rii beats, .es{essmrnts and ~~._, ..'i-ugz~. Y'nzs .,n,f nn{wxfUOns attr:butab3e to <br />...., °~N,.~ ...h:t!; ::'sy : pr...^ty ..... ..... .....:gent. ,~,.,. ° - - ,.,.., ,- g: ;.,,,u ..,...~ .. ny. .~ .,to. <br />provided under paragragk~2 tsrrro€ or- rf~not pa,d •n sss~k; tzzanncr,~hv4ito€r;,v:s:r rn3krnf? t,a}rnent.,,vhen disc, directly to.the <br />paean sht:rrof. Borrower sit: 11 promptly turmslt to t_enzlzr niF net:crs at ::r€:o:~nt; <i.;c unJrr tilts i;aracraph, and in €he event <br />B~zrrowtr shah make payment drrtez<tF}-. Botrosv-er =ha#S pre=met{y t;istits~ ;.- ,.snai:s ;r~eipt4 e-~sdrr±cmg such payments. <br />Borrowrt skatl promptly di;ckargt any i,en *shrkn hex k ria:ttj , wet +;+ss ~inr.p=re: 3'ra-,sdtJ. that Burrower shat} not be <br />:..yusr t~> -.{,v°A..''ta-as a =:,sr^. {v;t 5 , ,:;ng a: E*a,-rr~,x.€; - ~;es ;..:;t::;g =,. ah: 3 :vment ! ;hz ob!sration secur>:d by <br />surfs Frcn ;n a manittr aace#r¢anEr :,_ t.~nder..,r .nai- ,,°: go,,:ci forth cantea, ..rah risen #s , c:r ;iztrnti entercemert ut such lien 9n, <br />Itgai pr;x.erriengs wk:k apesatt to prrvtnt ';;t .-n€vrrctsncns .ii !tee ;.a.~ „c ta€tc:turc .,. ttse krrnparty :;r any ;=art thereef. <br />5. fzard tos+rnwce. 3orr~svs.= sk€att asap ;he ,Rtprc•d~emer€~ nr,w e+,~;, r:=.: ,..r :;-.s°:,itcs rr c.-se:t ern the property ansurtd <br />against loss t;x- firL. hazards s.tcltst¢eai -.•sth=r; the !c r,, _ .€c.=u .._ as r,, ~.. - .r.: -.::ra .h., €rs.r3;dc .ss 3.endcr tttay require <br />acid to st~h amottttts and !ot sneft tetrads as t_rnt#c: rnae~ r::a;usr,-.: s,s.dcci, :hat Lec,,.c€ ,hx(t ~c~t .-c y;ure !hat the amount at <br />st.1k em~tragt zzctt:d That amount vt ~t.vrta~t: =es;u:trd :.s ;-a+ =t,: *s.~trs -_.,..rrJ by ;,..; ,`.ior= age. <br />-F'k¢ atzsteraszce carr€e: prOVadin~ the tn3uranct shs1; fx ,trs=Ben :*y ifors=..wcr .s~ii;c_t :~ ap{xoaai liy 1_rnder, prevrdcd, <br />tl{at su=it ar;r~rrival skiaii net ?~ _:nreasa€=ably s'nhtickd. .lit ; rcrn,;rms ,:n :nsurancc t>>.i r.:c, ."ria3i kx paid :n the- manner <br />prcivrdul ursder paragraph '_ hrrtu; .,,, ;t oct lia,d ,n s=,ctt ;nann~r, 6y Besrtnazr sral.,ag pav:ncnt. when due, dirc.,tiy to '`z <br />insurer carrier. <br />Ala i=€suras=ec ~~z~~;~ and rz~ suss tttzrtr+t sttA`. z`~e ,a fLrrn „a +G#r; tar ,Brat •...~it :..„r.dr ., -....a.arcf mortgage <br />c3ausz in ¢nsesr of ,aid ;n fo€tn ac.:eptun3 ..€ Lcrtdtr ~ i.cnde€ -hat, b«.e ttaa : sga; ? aid rt~ , lei 1F3 ::n ~ r aewais thereof, <br />.: <br />~.#rrrricr st3aii gr„'c r.,nrstpt .:, .ac ;astu-,;;~t::arrtrr anal F-cm',~r E- €d>_ ::sy rr=sac r-, t„ :.. mss :, ,.. tt'.,uC pri?mptfy <br />by fiortower <br />L'niess Lersder and Bottuwtr .nfstrxv:sc agrtr zn ~.srutug, :ns,urant:t art>;.erds sna33 tae :; pi:rd to scstorstten :,r rzpair of <br />eke l*roi+t:rty damaged, pfos~stieti ssx;h ;sr repot: :s}y- ,easshic :.Tai ;1a- ~,zeu€ny <?t this ;vtarigage is <br />not tketebs+:mpasrtd. l€ soak rrstosat,sn: s>r rvp3ss . ,.,,.:a:cisi*tmxa3ty :easshfa or .t rite vreur.€y ,,, erns .ioragagt woutd <br />lee ittsparred, the ;nsurantx proca~trts shall ~~. ,appi€r;ixt.+'if}c suns secured h~ tfz,z idt:rtgage. ..;€h :~:>c eaczss, if aay, paid <br />eta rroavut. if tkt Proper[. :s ss;:*ssuc:rac:: '_+ ki::rr;.zcs.:., .! ti~:t:awer izats t,, r.-spFani; t_; J_crs9a:r tv;ih;a tit slays !ram the <br />a#a¢C rlottre is mattcii bE~ Ltntter tt= 3ere:uwrr ;hat thr rnsucerxti s:-srrrer caters s:, settle :r rt-=arn fur :nsnranec t,c nrYts...ender <br />+s assttor:rsd to ::ailed and appts ;#se :nst€santr :^ss3:reds at t.endtr, ,•ptron rrtitur t:a tgturas:on or repast ct iht F'tnptn_. <br />.x is flee ssittts scented try [his ~4ortga~x:. <br />t;.tt3e_s Loa~r ~ti $orrrnvrr s: ,t. xs3:::a;,rrr :n ~rt[ng, ant itech app3siatse,n :rf nrasrcrds ;u ,•r:nc,pa! .ha3i not eat¢nd <br />or pate the tfsic date of tkt morttkis t,^.stai;tnersts rcfcrtd .-~ an paraarapkw and crest .-. ~_k«ugc tRe amour.[ of <br />k isistatfirsentt. it uzuier paragrapi: i s isrrtzrt the Prape:ty „ acyuurd by Lrndtr.::ii ; zght :.tie oral :merest of Burrower <br />to ate[{ to a:ty irs>xur, lis=t paiicxs arsd ss ::nef to >.he p:a+::ue.1s ik~-rent rrsuit:ng trs,m lansar~c :o ;ist l'ropert}~ pror to the sake <br />ctr xeauistktin mail gags ra Lender to the c~tstnt L+f ih;s aurrs ss ~ureti =;~ th,s tiurtgagc ,meicuiatriv {rrsor to suck salt ur <br />acr}u~iitiun. <br />;„ Pvatfen aid st4a~ttnatite <s# Properly; F,catrchotds; C~aasfesniniama; Ptasaed S..smt lam. Burrower <br />shelf k ifs-qty ~ grand rtpur asa'i sliai# [tot ctrtinnit iaasse oY pertmi tmpasrment or ~itteritrr*3ioa of lire Propcrt}• <br />asdd s,*ias{ eotYtpiy with tl~ prpvis; v. any a; :f t;srs .'.tortgagc cs sztt n i~;,; chord. !t tF.:s 'itua;g; ~,t t:.=n :unit ;r. ,: <br />scstitttsrnituutrt car a pianri+<d lino iteve'svpstt:n¢. Botts?wr strati parSOrm :,lt tit Bt>rtetwer~ :=bisgasnYU under :tx 3cclaraucn <br />nr ~ e,<aring sir ~€s.*€-rt~g rs`» ^. cndnrr=tnire3t e*t ;}armed stnit drvet;,spiznt, the ht-to°.:a oral itg:s3ais~;sa tai the <br />ar alanuorf emit :fe*ei:,iptseeru_ and eusistittient 6t=- ,;ttcsns. tf a cans<imtmum car planmKf .anrt .`,rvrls;pt:tent <br />rim is-off fry E~ttawxr act r~urtfett ttsgctlsar v:stk €kta .*trFstrtgags;, rise cc enartts :urd agreersscn€<_ t:f such ssder <br />mfg ~ =1 trrNt snit sltsil attigtstt arxii supp#rrtsrsst the cr?s-rnants anal agrc~taenrs i f this Mo.rtaagr at rf tkcc rider <br />wrtrS a, ytaYtt lteteof. <br />". ~ of-€.F'a ~, if Butrrrwec zaiit rn perform. eke c-nvenartts and agrecrirtrris s:9ntasnad ;n tt{is <br />;~rartstttpR, -ar ff .tray selroti r.+t pz~. es ssltammtx~d w#tich materially affec¢s Lcrtdti s ,sste3twYt rat the leraptam, <br />:r~i:,r.>~t, +uE~.~t #§nwfat# its. trui d~3srn, iirsa~:€tt~y..,'.€!ds CXxlrX4'triteent, or arrangerstertis or prtaxrxtings snvolvrng a <br />zs+wi:ru{.v~. aH t~ i+atawars a~xi+nn, ut tiott~ tR #;«-'srtr+s-:~r.:ssay r.~kt su4-ts appraranc~, v':sl;u: se sexh <br />-lute ear! tam 3Rtsr~ t~#irin ~ st- z.arq tit prtttrai Lertt'~x's snks~ =x4txfrng- 8wt cscit ;;mifivf to. J.iabuaxemRnt of <br />i'~'T.n,~ a`a s=ue . =;~:r3i s ~ Pr-}~:y €.:-;na;4:: - - -, .... .,... ..,.. ~~ ,..s.yrsez~ ~_ <br />rui.:tadtt iFt ~ tl#>€ .:taste J~rs,°ed by iRtx Si~os-rga ~t'irrtvsv~:t -~li~*- ;+ay t.,tc prAFtit€ms tequsrt+f to maintain stcch <br />'-rai4~ i?-s t"!)t-~ itl~h tip ;=s ttiar tt4}itir~tgeHi.€ lt4r-~-sued ansitts~x€-€srnriraatcs m ~.`?rdam.Y wut± Barrz+w-tr'4 anti <br />