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An ordinance creating Water Hain District No. 352 in tht City of Graced ZgI <br />Nebraska; defining the batt?daries of the district: providing for thy-laying of a~" - <br />main in said district; providing for plans and specificatioas and atcuriag bidY;_. <br />providing far the assessment of special taxes for constructiog such vattr auin; at~t <br />providing the effective date hereof. <br />BE TT ORBAINEB BY TfiE trAYQR AND CdUNCIL fl£ THE CITY flF GBAND ISLAND, NESR~6SRA: <br />SECTYfDI 1. «acer Main District No. 35? in the City o' Grand Island, Nabratka, <br />is hereby created far the laying of an eighteen inch and eight inch watts maiA in- <br />Thirteenth Street between «ebh ,toad and iT.S. Ifighway No. 281, to scree Headovia±k <br />West Seeand Subdivisiaa_ <br />SECTIB:V 2. The ba-.;ndaries of such water main district shall be as follow <br />Beginnfn~; at a point where the erth line of Thirteenth Street <br />intersects the r',ast line of S: S. . _tih-,rev ,.o. Z8i; thence zutming <br />East on the ,larch lire of 2?airtecnth Street for r distance of _ <br />eight hundred fifty {850) `c°ec; thence rc.-nnirg Scuth paraile3 CO <br />the £ast lane o_' L.S. :'.ighway :.o. 282 for a distance of three <br />hundred forty !?'0) feat; thence r~~t~ivg «est parallel co the -- <br />South tine of Tt:irceerth Street far ~ distance of eight hundred <br />fifty (850) feet to the £ast line of L'.5. :3ishvay `la, 281: theaee <br />running :forth slon~ -he East line of G,S. N:ghway :io. ?81 for a <br />distance of threes hu;:dred forty (340) feet to the point of beginnin&, <br />all as sho~:1 ocr the plat -azked Exhibit "n" attached hereto and <br />intorparaeed herein ~y re:crence. <br />S£CTitkt 3. Said improvements shal'_ be made is accordance with plans and <br />agec!f!tstions prepared by the Engineer for the City r.°ha shall estimate the cost <br />thcreaf, and ~uhmit th_e sa:.x to the Ci*_y Cosntcil, a.^.d upon approval of the saa~, <br />bids fot the canstrue*_ion :,. such water ,xain shall be Laker. and contracts entered <br />fnta in the canner provided by law. <br />SECTYQS :. he cost of construction of such impzavement shall be assessed <br />against the yroperty within such distrrict abutting upon the street wherein suc,i <br />ester main has been so pieced to the extent ax benefits to such property, by r~_ason <br />of such improvement, and a special tax shall be levied at one time ca gay for ;uch <br />twat of construction as saaa as can be ascertained; and such special tax and assess- <br />ments shall canstitu[e a sinking fund for the payment of any warrants or bonds fez <br />the purpose of paying the moat of such water rosin in such district; and such s•:ecial <br />assessments shall :;e paid and collected eit:^er in a fund to be designated cad ino+aea <br />as the Sewer .ind eater Extensoon :end fcr «ater :cis Bistzict tie. 35?, ar the Warez <br />Burgles Find, <br />SECTIt3N a. ?'hie ordinance shall be in force and take efftct fsvm acid after ib <br />gasaage, approval, cad a~.},_ication, witteaut the plat, as provided by Lev. <br />As Y8 fQ~ <br />s~ <br />fAAf~ P 4 <br />iEGAl. OEPAR <br />1 <br />