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r°- <br />81-- s)tiiflC~ <br />To FtnvE,txa To iini,a the same unto the ;vlortgagt~, as herein provided. ;Mortgagor represents ta, <br />and cnvenants with, the M£>rtgagen, that the ~7ortgagar teas good right to sel{ and eanvey said premises; <br />that they are free fram €•ncumbraner~. except as hereinothatrwise recited; that thv_ Mart~gor wit} warrant <br />and defend the same against the ia~i~ful uizims of a!i persons whomsoever. i4lortgagor hereby re}ingaishes <br />ai rights of homesixtaa}, a}} marital rights. either in 1"av~ ar n squire, and alt other contingent in±srests of <br />the Marttga}tar in and to the. above-descritrf~d premises. <br />i2~~`2~ e~t,wai~: ar4<i t}t~e Isreserts a,r7 ~Reeut€d and d€>livered open the f©1}atsang carditians, ta- <br />ws'[: <br />liartgagor agrees to piny to the liartFXanee, or order, t}te aforeaid principal sum with interest from date <br />at the rate of fourteen ter rentum (14. ~e y Per annum on the unpaid ba}anee anti} paid. <br />The said pr}ncitutl and interest shall }re iutvable at the office of Mortggge plus Incorporated <br />in Englewood, Cbinrada , or ,it such erther place as the holder of the note mar designate in <br />writing de}}veretl ar mailed to the liortgagnr, in r:rnntitly installments of Pive Hundred Fifty Five and 77/100 <br />Driilar:q {$ 55~, 77 }, commereing on tt:e first d;ay° of ~y , l9 gl ,and continuing nn the <br />the first doe of each month thereafter unfit sc:id dote is fz2}ly paid, except that, if rat sooner paid, the final <br />,,;,ymcnt of principal and intt=rest ;=ha11 s,n rtne ni:d ckzy-ab}e on z?te first +?ay of April 2011 ;all <br />ace:.ra2ng za tae terms of a certa2n pram:vor}° not€• of ,_. r -< r:,£~• :i«•re;v2..h executed by the sa2d Mortgagor. <br />The Marigagor further agrees: <br />1. He wi}I pay ttte in£tehtedness, as her•einbef€u•e lirovidert. 1'ri:•ilege is reserved to prepay at env <br />time, without pmmium oe fee, the .entire indebttidne5s yr alt part thereof not less than the amount of are <br />insta}Imeitt, or one hundred dollars iS100.00j, whichever is iue. Prepayment in filll shall be credited on <br />the date received. Partial prepayment. other than on an instal}meat due date, need not be credited until <br />the next following installment due date ,>r thirty days after such prepayment, whichever is earlier. <br />2. Together with, and in addiiian to, . ne monthly payments of principal and interest payable under <br />the terms of the Hate secured beech>, ASartuaFn>r K-[Il pay to 3foa-tgagce, as trustee, {under the terms of this <br />trtsat as hereinafter stated) on the brat day of cart[ month until said note is ful}y paid <br />{a.} A sum £~tuai io the ground rents, ;; aov, next ,iue. p;us the premiums that will next became due <br />and payabIs <,n tKrlie2es +•f tier and +.thrr t.azard +nsurance~ roeering the mortgaged Property, <br />plus tax£•s :nett} .~sE~isnx~nts nest +i2:e .w the rrortfraq<°ri }~rrot:ertr (all as estimated by the iVfort- <br />~¢+~.e, an<l of v.-hick the 3tortgagor 2tvt;5£•ci 1 ?<ss nit sums aircaidy paid therefor divided by <br />the rtumt,er of :n+.aths w,~lapae i„•t•~rr •=+.a• :minas Frr2t+r to the +?ate v; hen such ground rends, <br />premium.-. tas£•x :end ,mss.=ssm«•€;t.s °.c;il '%• , •,n:r ,?+ iir:quer,t. =uc1, sums to be held by Mortgagee <br />in trust to }ray x.-tid ground r=•ttts, prrrniu^ts, taxes:tr:d s}x:iial assessmcnds. <br />t b) "}ise a~reg~te of +~e atnuunts pat:ilTir r+u r=£=ant to _,tv?3piarayirapii ?u t and those payable an the <br />nuts securcYi hvreteg, sE.All }a, pii~-i ,o a angi«~ ;wymrni +;tcta rat?nttt, to tae app}icd t0 the foilow- <br />ingitems ire r he+.rdrr stata~d <br />+ t j ground re2its, taxes. ;3s!:+°~strnrttts, tier and other hacard insurance premiums; <br />iul intr•restonthcrt._.tesevur«•«IriE•r.=by:ar>r. <br />{2dt} am£,rU>,atr:~n of rtes pr+2re2Fal +.f =•ai£t note. <br />Arty defseirrirg lit the am4rue+t ,«: arty wuch agLCrrgac._• monthly payment shall, un}e83 made good <br />lfy the itiortgagor prior to ±h=~ «iue• +iate +,a the :,ext such payment, constitute an event of default <br />ender ibis ;n.arto@. :1t ;g4nrt"~f~•'~ c.~rir..r_ tin.-tg~tg~.r wil.1 fey a "late charge" Hat esce~d- <br />ing fear ptr e~-ritum i~1';..! of any ii,+t:~lln.~•nt arliun paid more than l3fteen (15) days after the <br />due date tl2ercrof to 4ovra• the «~xtra ,airs., uvt=.i~~,~«i ir+ ha[sdiing+lelin~uent payments. but such <br />"late charge" shall nut iic~ luayabt,• •.ut „I rite },i+xc~-£li of any ,ale made to satisfy the ir,elebtetl <br />Hess s£•£tetrckS herE•l>y, Ft[tli':;a3 sot ti pr«wE•e~«:s arr_ ~uid'c€.~=rii t.3 ciistiiarg~ the ~nt:.T° 2811@bt.^dnaes and <br />au p~a(iei' Cr4t3,tntt czxp:.'r.,ie..s .s.-t-ur.-i; ihr~Yt-by. <br />3. !f the foist of the l>•symenis made by the Martgagar under {rrj of paragraph 2 pt•~ceding shall <br />eLCe2eed the amount of payrrtenta a,etually [cede by the Mortgagee, as trustee. far ground rents, taxes and <br />tea or insurance premiums, as the rase may be, sash exeeits shall be crec}}fed by the Mortgagee <br />oa n[~aegsunt payments to be made by the Martgagtx far such items ar, at Mortgagee's option, as trustee, <br />ill he refunded to M ~..~.-.. lf, hz2wes~r, such monthly paytneata shall not be suflitiend t~ pay such <br />it> when the same at2xi! bey due and payable, then the Mortgagor shall paY to the Mortgagee, as <br />ti^uatee, Ai"u a,:,r,unt nca"'", yraa.x`j t3 ° ' ::P the :leF:.i~.^.^.g within thirty (~f)1 ,txys after reritten notice from <br />the ~I~e stating the atne>uast of the deficiency, which notice may be given by mail. if at any time <br />shad ter to t3te*,~surtgag.~, i,• 3.~c,~rdar.Ce with the provisions of the Hate secured <br />hg^, full pay¢t of the entire and€~aterlness represented thereb_r-, the 5fartgagee, as trustee, shall, <br />is C ~..~gtisg ttze count of sit in =t~~tter$B~i credit to th€~ atieount of the &iortgagor arty credit bx}anee <br />aaeumulat+ad under the provisions o€ (s) of paragraph 2 herc~f, if there shall be a default wader any <br />~ tke provisiat~ of this martga~ resulting in a public sale of the premises covered hereby, or if the <br />;@ee acquires the property attserwise after defau}t, the :tortgagee, as trttskee, skutll apply. at the <br />ti~tr of the t of surd[ proex'edinga, or at the time the property is otherwise arquircd, the <br />a~e+uat tl~t retAlitg to credit ~ 'Mnrtgsgtar under {a} of paragraph 2 prtccding, as a credit on the <br />ita2teswst as,~rued and csnpaaid and the balance Ls tk2e principal then remaining undid on said note. <br />d, Tt+e lien of this instrument abet} rerisain in full farce and effect during at2y postponement or exttn- <br />stun of ttm time of pag-ment of the i ntSeliteclr<esa ar nay part thereof secured hereby. <br />S. Fie w€It paf Ali gttwn~i rents, taxes, asit~sarraanta, water rates, arnl other t~vuramental or munici- <br />pat ~, ~, ar inipasitirins, k>viect uprr[t said prertiises and that he will pay Ali tars Icvied upon this <br />t#a dc~t curt d therx, tagethes with any ether taxex ar aanenta >vhich max be levied <br />ter tiltz la+tvstif f~+~aka aitaitistthe Ht2rtrgeYe, ar [Pte legLil healtte:r of said Pr6nx:ipal note. on s~count of <br />t3tda lA$~? - yt when payYnet;t far all sash itereu has theretofore been sTiacit: tinder tan` of parrs <br />lph d l~rf, asxi he will per~tnlpt}x slrliter the riial rrccipta therefor ter the ~.lzzrtct:. to default <br />t~=f tk Murt~ may t» the a~ra~. <br />