8I --~~() ~ ~~~ AssIGHIlSS1T of MORTGAGE - corporation
<br />~iOLi ALL 2~@7 BY Tt1E5$ PRESEN'T5, That Superior Mortgage, Inc, a aorparatioa, the
<br />party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of gorty four thousand and Nofl00---
<br />-------------~- Dollars lawful money of the United States of America, to it in
<br />head paid by SI i46rt8ags ~Pany, Inn. tOLO~ Deeonahire Circle, omits 22y, Chtaha# i~ 6841lt-
<br />a. V®rptirat iaTi, t'~i~ yarty ~sf tsiic 5acvud pert, at or before the ~u$aBiisa"~ aia d i~eir' csj~ ii t, sc:=
<br />grRS..nts, *igt whereof is hereby acitaow'iedged, has granted, bargseined, Bald, assid,
<br />traaa€arre~f, and sat aver, asd, by these presents does greet, bargain, sell, aas~: trasafer,
<br />and set over uato the said party of the second part, its successors aad aasigna, a certain
<br />I~iCIEITl°iigg OF i#&?GAGE. bearing date 17th of torch , l9 gl: , &ecarded
<br />Drxv~ment8l-~C~l2ti5 of the mortgage Records of Hall Couaty, Iiebrssks,
<br />and wade by Gar} Kruger and 3112 E, Kruger, husband and wife
<br />to Ssaperior !!or'tpage, Inc. and a12 its right, title and interest to the premises thereia
<br />described, as fallova, to-wit:
<br />IfJT 3, Zn t99astin Subdivision, City of Grand Island; Hall rcgyrityr Kebr=:?[a
<br />Together with the cote thersia described, sad the money d~ er to becoee duo *.hezeuader,
<br />iacludiag interest thereon, TO RAVE AFD i`0 IiOI.D ens saaa unto the said party of the second
<br />part, its successoss aad ssaigns forever, sub;ecs Dale to the provisos of said INDP.PiTURE OF
<br />tfn,A&E thereto contalaed.
<br />And the putp of the first part dorm ~sereby seeks, eonztieute end appoint the said
<br />gamy of the second part, its true sad lawful sttorney, lrrevocab2y, in it same, or otherwise,
<br />but at their Dons proper costa sad charges, to :;eve, use, sad take all lawful ways and means
<br />toz the recovery of Che said money sad iatarest, aad, in case of payamat, to discharge the
<br />..d es the party of :.he !first part might. or could do, if chase ?resents vets not made,
<br />IR idI?itESS EOt• Superior Mort,Rsge, Ise. a torporation of the state of Nebrssks
<br />has caused this Aasi t of !iartgage to be ezeeuted icy its Vice President, and attested
<br />bs its ifice ?real @° nt and its Corporate Seal to ba `.*_eraunto affi~d the da
<br />I7th y
<br />of march is the year 14 ~1
<br />$y - -` ..'._L.~,w =-tom:-`~C 1..
<br />~_ tom? r Vice Presi
<br />f ' ~`` ~
<br />Attest ~. --
<br />Jazmesf~. both Mice President
<br />9R,gTE OF itebrsaka ?
<br />}.s.
<br />tSP.Y OP ~ ,
<br />On this 17th day of :~crch l9 g, before me, a f7atazy Public, duly
<br />caao#ssipn~rd and qualified 4n and for said L:o~mty and State, ptzsonally came the shove
<br />R. S. E~ncsstar Vice President, and Js~es tJ. Roth r
<br />pica President of the Sssgeriar PbrLgsge, Inc, whoa are personally known to me to bP
<br />t idsatisal permons whass aas~s are affixed to the above sssigameat of Mortgage as the
<br />Yiaa Psssidaats of said Corporation, and they acknowledged the
<br />iarsrx~meat to be theft voluntary art and deed: and the voluntary set :nd deed of the said
<br />raticxs.
<br />~S stp head sad official seal. is Orate :eland in aSd County, rye date
<br />sieseeaid.
<br />r
<br />~~
<br />!fY SS10g F~ttl Auc~:at I, l4@4
<br />'~ '4q}t
<br />~Tr=~''r crt ga~~, ?ems:
<br />P C't Ecs7c lbg
<br />~"a3etnd Tet2.ard, A4'g ~SsgQ1
<br />t~'~
<br />i3otary `Public
<br />-lI/79-1
<br />