<br />
<br />!6} To use the foam evidenced by the note solely far purposes authorized by the Ciot~ernment.
<br />(9) To pap when due all taxes, liens, j:tdgments, encumbrances, and assessments lawfully attachsng to or assessed
<br />aEtainst the property, inelt:ding all charges and asstssmtn[s in connection with water, eyelet rights, and water stock
<br />ptrtainiutg to ar reasonably necessary to the use of rht real property described above, and all taxes and assessments levied
<br />ttpnn this mortgage or the Wort or any indebtedness hereby secured or against any legal holder hereof or of the note or of
<br />__ ~ ind~ctd~..ss an,?»r fhc laws of Nebraska, and promptly deliver to the Gavtlnment without demand zeceipes evidencing
<br />xnch payments.
<br />f6l- "d'o keep the trtotserty insured as required by and nnder insurance Dolicits approved by the Government and, at its - -
<br />request, todeliver sssc6 policies [o the Government. ,
<br />4j To inaintain improvements in gtsod repair and make repairs required L*y-the Gov"ernmtnt; operate the p.opertp in x
<br />go~ and l[usfsandmanls3te manner: comply vice such farr[t conservation practices and fsrm and home manzgement plans ss
<br />the Government from time to rime may . esczibe; and not to abandon the pralrcrty, or cmtse or permit waste. lessenutg or
<br />impairment of the tsit ~q - out the written consent of the Government, cut remave, or lease nay
<br />timsbn, Epravel, oi{, 'tt~at>9 may br necessary for ordcnary domestic purposes.
<br />l10, To comp irh all re lations zffettinf; the property_
<br />2I ~ Ta pay ar ~f+ar ciperues reasonably necessary ar incidental to the proicttion of the lien
<br />and priority he€eaf and to thr cnforcemtnt of oz ttte camplzanct wirlt the previsions hertaf erect os" the note and any supple-
<br />faentxry xg~ement i tvlitz!xr bxfnrt nr afar default', including but nest limned to costs trf evidence of tide to and survey of
<br />flee proatrty, Costs of ztcordvtg this and other instrumtnFS, attotncys' firs, tr-usre;' ,:~........., tos's, and tzr= ~s of
<br />xdvertiaittg, selling, and conver-inEt the prapcrn.
<br />'12~ neither the property nar any portion Lhereaf or inurist *_htrtin shall bt teased, assigned, sold, uansferred, ar
<br />tncttsnbered. voluntarily x oF:nsrwise, without rate written consent rf the Government. The Government shstl have the sole
<br />xa+: exciusiet rights at mrxtgacc 'sr:cur iir, nctudi-[g Buz net 'imi:ec to [lie power [o t~ant consents, partial releases, -
<br />su6ordinations, and satisfaction, and na insured 'ttoldcr ;ha13 have a::y riyi:t, Liffc ar interest ir. Dr to lire Tien or any benefits
<br />hermf.
<br />13:~ At all reasanably lanes th. Government and its agents may :nttsect the property to ascertain whether the co~enaats
<br />gad ~atTTttn?CntS cf:ntasntai flertrZr .v Mpg! - =ar F'C _rxi e net - a - - rtned -
<br />tA': The {:vwefr""meat f[:as• a xzrn.i :ry .c:er zh:? saatun-s . .^e% ~a:d rssci:e+iuit the payments on, the debt
<br />rV'C need t'i- .he - Ur2 -- f . 1 1i„Y --£ P 5 =.tiC C ~- ~. t -SCT`..1'i - "L' leteale 3nY DartY w110 U
<br />iayle :ender trsr =:ate or .+f ,tse dct.:.c{e ;i... 9e l;: .,.-.{, .: s: ~:..•- st .!~. n:opta~ and subordinate
<br />ns iitFi, and -a v.-,aivr any e::,°: , ..ti,!= ~,., ~... r r :c:. - - + .u u~iti he dorr wiihau[ affecting -
<br />i}re I-cr ' r .* j +.,r:.t . ! r. F - - c - -.: a i~ t t ~ c t :v~rrnmtnt for pat •ncnt cst the
<br />rote _r aoirr ~cu[rcf bit h+t ,.T Str~, . E„ -,:::. 5ti :.+ ,. ,• n a, r.. ~ z ~ r _ -R-li.rL ~F aa. lZCbeazanct by
<br />!h- + .- eraser ^,...whettit° ,-,n+e ~-. .ry-.r, .: s ":- v k s ,- - .. .. .errs .e ^:En.. _r _:nenvise attardrd f?Y -
<br />;pi• t asie !aw -Nat r '*. [ r svr .. r. • ~ t ~ ~ fnc=!v
<br />25 ti .. a.•iv u.ir ,.ai . p +r - .ar - e :st tf s i < e !cs vn:arr ,: !e>an tram a prcduerian
<br />4redii assexiat€aa..x starts, x ~-u *~- • ..,..', ~+;,-,~. ' ... -. „- ~_~ stn - . ~ :L.iit sevrcr, at rrascsrsirte Ta[es and terms
<br />foe t. ens ern 3unt4ar t'±:rtsotes anU ~ c c -. ,;Y trt ~i~i': C. ~'1 t `~~` i '+ -''s a st. a Dlv ~rxT and acrepc suCi1
<br />!,sat ~;+ ru:fxtcf[t amnw .t ~ .a• '^r ".i, c a..,, .~.. , ~. ~ ,~ .._ .,_ ..., ,".. _-ac , , .a.tt ,..,sw necessary [0 6e
<br />r~ha:sti :a '.t zatiV -Y n¢ t - ",n -i ~ s Ss i - t
<br />ttl-- :3CIaL:t ,.r=i•tu;- ..:ai' -r. "[.x.axC -. -,... ~..5 „-itef ..S ._ Si. `:i:3." - 3tiaY p-r•,pi[F~ Vf urn Pr.
<br />ieCl?r[""r lit}ifw SfTtYr:` i'.tiu 1'.ISU: Sri -- - ._ .. ~b i, . ~ .J_.. _..3 -'- Y fF - tr, afi .ieiault L'n¢eF any t1tCh
<br />~lthft ?CGif RL4 i -' gift P:.F - ~ 1 -. r~ - - -' -
<br />S~ ..j~f,E,;2~ 23Et=!!i.l , -,t .. ef2,»'T?3.l:,:. .. .,5":• -'i --~i as;ti ": C:c~ya tY,:t: F- .-1.s ..,s, [fi F:lC n' FC 'FY411;Y [RIS
<br />U}SSfi:mtni. '-"f `i!,Fa.l+'. •il~ j. t.:!.ic aP+32.1 aS iS!3^•'%Y! s -2 -xi „.. ...~Il Gti2E'1 ,; t]U%~ s^Y '_•nC --[ .te ?arT.FCi
<br />exEn'.tL' SS fYl;-~tr1]aer Cxt it G#aI'rtt w - !-r" .t ,t, '- tut tP S -u &3'sj - net:i :.1 - ..rUYttfi
<br />.>, L *# psi=-,n wxti• =.a ot4c <. "- ~ + c c c i.a ., .. -+ie he -r :# rs tdi [edncss
<br />.C rite .K.3"ernmrnt hLrrtt st~._TM -rT~r-c..a. '.: dflt - -; r t --T -:iVCT _ u - ea-V.ubtc
<br />Lx K~~e,t to itpair ti? triatifi FT:aftiY - ,aft Si Y -F-f { .~ _-- '.- ~!Ka l0 ['• i' a..^.O
<br />ysrDducFlosiss-f ibis LnsiTUxnini, '.-th ~ t v+-?rr,..r ,. - - - " r sE 4 a :. ,.p~ a a 5`,n ~ a t -- r c •iver
<br />syPcsz*-iced i~ - t :_-~~.- 't= r rr _ ---t - ,:t r - - _. t -rrr- - e s .nst .t. Fe„ as ; t,. i+-cd ,.ereu:
<br />=,sF il9 2aYi, ansl" c -. et3[OTCS a.t; amt dJ .e. trT r!}. `t5 A"^. L..r[T 2.3st5 _v rYl 3Y,. 3 •_ .. .. re St .t :-T it:ESte :3i4`
<br />-~+~_ e'4Y ~,f":Yw _ _." ? bti4il ~'t aprS Fe"3 Y r 5: - tsStrr.{ ':'f iii ["l Chi _ i`T .f -A: -St5 #ritt rYprnte3
<br />fFiLiZflnt tt: tnt43ri'tfkg i3r <.:}'np tiiiii$ +i. -i.]c g><- t ta3ges r.exei:s i., .ay i:riG; - P .p Z' - ' ``=3Yf f _ um~eitnr t4`nrr iJ
<br />+?! t{5 pa3d, -,;' tFM1C iltlst _vt8xnctd i t the 'S tt aria LY LY,iS~reGi..retS3 D tae f.rcntrn[f,fnt YCJ[td i CTtt:i, ->i- [nitT[ot hrris
<br />ci mead zequircd 2?p taw *;r a camprtrn: eaurt ea :n. se, pntd, _ a- .rte t;ovcrnmtnt - >[ u~i- ant .the ande rtedness al
<br />236lT0~1er owing to M i[rittied t`Y LE[t S..aytrnrx3c[it, ifFli a[:5 L-a;an '~~ f5~;-+ri !WCr ±t - -.i-.ti~rr -Y lcr Sur , a,l 7r a!'..
<br />pa€r of flu proy+ertp. Fist: Gascrnment anti :ta:~.tats m+v tti gnu vur case at a vttamrtr gnu stay pay tilt Ciovtmtntn['s aiaarc
<br />~.i tl;t psi€c sre p[-nCe ny cfc~ sting sus: .sm+.uni =•r, u}v Sebt, =-~i B<:rr,i%cr -•xang',. •i :n.ufrri :+t 'F:e l~;usttninen!, in lire
<br />+adtr pstscrdrtd airoae.
<br />l9p Sorrasuvr s~recy that tie iuvrcnment •wdl n c :.?and _ .ni' r`Trsrnt •,r ?attire ytate law, s[onding fu:
<br />.~ainasazn, sppraasai, tuams~sttad uz rstm.etion r,t Lnt ~r putt, '.+~ _ 1. :h:b:Ltng +nazntr a^ce st a[ acuan i- r :. defxtency
<br />;tst a ?:s~x~ ». *.i?¢ as. +_+stc'- t-h+r=eui v:.ar tstse w[t+,_. w-iiasr+ .ct;s aetaun ;Host cc - t+~ught. '..-; prttcr.:ing uas ether
<br />.;yt~ f„ Timer-wt~".sat, ;3: _E:watat~ rte: ;e~#t; c;t Ftzle.rcptior, c:z P¢sscssion f;aiiuwtrj? any '-;?:tc!=pure to>c, ::r c; lianiiin~t ti±L
<br />cr~irdasiona which ii:r l?vtrntrtcrt may isg• rcituiau<:a izapase, arciudutg rhr intetctt :au :_, mar ci:arge, ,.s a condition o:
<br />apprtsri.rti a tcz=etici :.,E t t ~~rnpez>_r ir_ a near arrr-:aver, ~r~-wtr exnressi4 xs;ccs tilt btnet'Ft cf anp suci: Mate taws.
<br />l3rvrrta'wrtf RtlibT stun=}»itiiet, w.~2YCt. a.T:: '. ..:ft+Ers a~+ Zi~ft:.:. ~^..^_:xC: :,. 3£:SL`:F;?tis L?, _+t !#.c~SG?nr. .4.Jw<I. <n (~ tyyTtf3Y'.
<br />
<br />
<br />