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<br />~~it~~ l'~!.LT~ <br />81---- t~ l~ .l 5 ~3 4 <br />T}sis mortgage made and entered into this ___ 31~_ _, day of __ Marcit <br />i9__£til___, by and between Y' & ti Partnership, by Janice Thayer, an undivided <br />one-halt' interest and to Patricia E. Wissel, an undivided one-half interest <br />(ltcreiraftcr referred tv as tpvrtgagsat) and Commercial itiationai i3attit and Trust Company <br />(het`eittafttr ttfettged Gt as <br />mortgagee}, who tnainrains an offset and place of business at 424 ~ Third sum in Gram! tatanits <br />HaIE County. *ielaraska. <br />wtrvtsseTti, that for the t:ansicferation hereittat'ter stated, receipt of which is hereby achnowiedged, the mortgagor <br />does hereby tttortgage, sell, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, its sucecssors and as.^igrts, all of the fcs1. <br />ivwtng drscFibed property situated and kneeing in the County of xa21 <br />State of ;Vrbraska. <br />A tract a£ land cc~prising a part as` Lotvne (iI. Goluert sage viiiacTe ae~isd <br />Stxbdivisaon and a gar't of vacated Carey Rventte lying hest of acrd adjacent to <br />said Lot t]rte (2}, all in the Lily of Grand Island, Nebraska and more gartictil.ariy <br />descriDad as foiloars: <br />fieginning at a r~ainz on the west Line of said Lot 1; said paint being otae <br />ttt:ndred Forty Cnr= atu.: sixty Four Hundrw3ths 1141.6=!} Feet "icrth of the Satrtha!*est <br />Corner of said Ivc t; '=hF:nce `rt~sterly pergendieuZar :.o the W~:st tine of said- Lot 1 <br />r distance of Eighty one and Twa Tenths (&Z.17 Feet to a froint on rite West line <br />of vacated Carey Avenue; Tksence Ncr*_herly along the West line of vacated Carey <br />a~v'L'rt~' a di$tartce of 't'are Fl u,Rdred Ninety Taac, and Three tiundredths {292.03) Feet; <br />"_7~aence def2~ting Right ?fX> ~^• and running East.er2y a distance of Eighty one <br />and 'twc Tenths Feet to a Point on the West tine of ,mid Lot I, said point being <br />at the point_ of intersection. of the proio nqa=ian of the Snuthwesterl}r line of <br />c^ r?ri:•e xi t.. _.__ W°si• Line ^f ~,xi.. lot ' ; _.,~___ _-~,~t'~.~°ustcrlg along said <br />groZangation a 3i stance cif Ttao iiundrrd Thin-een i::lv.!J) Fee*_; Titenee running <br />Srruttxaresterly, parsllr~l to t!1e #relongation ot` t?te 'docthwesterly line of Baumann <br />f~rive a ristance of Tuo ?tundrr:d :end Fifteen ?itutdredt:;s i<16.15) Feet to the point <br />of 13ecgi:tring <br />together ~tf: ail the t.nerot;zta and a5~isv"rna~rc: 3f:errto e>t€on~nLe. ati the tent, s.=nr~ and },rofit< thervc,t, and ail <br />easetnents, rbkitts, royalties, mitacrai, w# attd gay tights ansJ ^ra,fr=,z, ti d',er, .v;stcr rights, and water stixk.:tndinclttding <br />a!t 1tea.Fag, ;>iumhi -ztr:mat:cr,, =rkt.,rf, E,t±,; {s:enr a;tt .ti# t,-.., W, «t ~4-rrs a'c~i*il3ticsn t±elonging to the <br />,nnrtgagix nitro 41r here:±ftcr .t?tac?ae=_i tbrretr, .,. s.zi= .sr :c nns~ :s+,n ~ tzn ; ~e , rrm!:es t;rrrrtt drknhtd ::nit in addition <br />t#tCrrto the ti2ii~tt~ d€+t~retsrJ rai~~Fac< ~~Il'.Ch a''r end iPrait Esc ds.rts~.i t_, Cx tl>ture4 rrt=i 3 part :at !hc realty, and <br />ay~re a portion c>f tht sex:urity 'ear :k:c rndet,trxlnc .-. hrrrtn +.3trit ! i? ners,r. -.tare "nusrr" a :vone <br />{43 [ig4i; Ytrid iV ixiid ilK ,ffrFrL USt:V ~:Ie '.a Pr S,k'~YL'C, ~3ti ;ri SC3!i t>f l'41~: ~Y,]_; <br />Iht mc~rtgagcrt is iawtull3 srrr+;d and misses+_ed ~f lad his :i;c rtgt;s zo sdi oral iun.ey said property: that the <br />cants is tree trrnn all cncumhrantts rtiept a, herrrnaho:r reatrd; ~snd that Rgor*.eagar ;osenant> to warrant and <br />3efttul ti'tz ritie aforcaaid thereto and rsen t`rart thet~erf a?tain*.? :he c,a€n:, ,t? a!3 perscns whomtuea~er. <br />This i utrumcni o ei~rr= 1st secnrr the ~lrnirnr ~~# a prannssors nir!e datt~ - -- -March_31~---1982 <br />_ - - <br />in the pn!:sef.*ai =um c>f S_,',u,~ _..____.- _-_.--___ --..ignec, ~t "sexes .ihayer and Patricia E, 'n'isse~ <br />in kxitaif of ...__._ _ T ~ rt_Fartrt rshi~-. _ - <br />also, as such ttcste or rtut~ may from time to time ix modiitta;, renewed ttt ecttnded +n wnttng- <br />In #'~ went tiu title to said real estate is transferrrti, :tr conttacttd to Let ttat~4ferr~l, [runt the an+9ersigncii for any <br />roan cr b} any ntetiactd ':.hatsoe+er, tha: retire ?snn~-tpai sum and ae.tueti rnttrest ,stall at lance brooms due and <br />;rya at tltt t:itt::af ttt ltoldtt tttrto[. f:aiittse tG cncr[:SC rtias t7p>siOrt fxstanse crf transfer of tnie as about stattti <br />#tf 4Ct itttst~ttxx shadl cart ertrtsPttuie a wais~er t+f Cite Fight to escs~ist the :amt rn the event of any sut:s~uent transfer. <br />i. Ilse ttasartgx~~x €~rttattts and agF€ts ss 1Li#ows. <br />a. Ttt txoly pay tkte inr,:¢tstexittetis ev:dctKrd ley cold ixtamissory nuts st the amts and in the manner <br />t@tas~n psaa. <br />h. T'ta pay all rates, asstsa,rtaents, water rates, ar-d cathtr ?)ervcrtna~nta# ~.x tnettti.:epai .:barge., !'rocs, c;. <br />iasapoaiti~ant, for avhieh prr>Ytsian ?ran nsrt been :node heretnbefcxre. and wrli prc?m?,tty tei;4rr thr atfiriatl tttiript. <br />t?tercttts =.c !itc sR~r me-; t;,agte <br />. Tn €.ar sts€'t: -ePessscs ash tapes as rci;~p 3~ its,~nrtccl ir, thr E rz3teitrcnn and maert!n:r,x°t :ai .and rraptrts, <br />snc#alaesg o t~ of ang art€uncg >nrntsltavesi try fbe rnxrrt@,se fns the 4o]tcatt~R .ti ans o' ati ;+f the° ratdthtednr+< <br />1sC#ttsa,- ~cr~iresl_ ;.r ?,>r~n l.s~;,:+^ hi- •n _.t~.~ ~r'+ isle, ;<r t~ttrE t?r ~?;.cr •i~u.,. ,-r . •s: `, :.t? t, <br />