<br />UNtFater 4:ovetvatrrs. Borrower and 1_ettder covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. of aittd /nhtxsf. Horrmver shall promptly pay when dtx the principal of and interest on the
<br />iridebtedttea evidenced by the Nose, prcpayttierii and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principaS of and interest
<br />on Futur Advantxs sixured hY this Decd of Tntsi.
<br />Xsis fart T~ attN i~maatee. Stiliject to applicable law ar fo a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to I-ert~r oa the daY inontStly itisiaflEttents of pnneipaS and interest arc payabR° under the Note, antis tEte Note is paid in fufS,
<br />a sum {txtein "Ftmds°) egeral to one-iwe)hh of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />teed of Tri~i, and 8rotsad rants oa tht Property, it any, plus acre-twelfth oC yearly premium installments for hazard insurance.
<br />ply o. ~-t a .h -f yG.. f pr ~itrr ~ssaSf-minis fur r-sr crtgagr insurance, if any, cif as reasanabiy estimated initiaiiy anti from
<br />time to time by Lender on tSx basis of assestrrimts acid bills and reasons#sk estimates thereof.
<br />1 ere Ctmda snarl be fold iR a,. itMtitutiext [he ~pcrsits or accamts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state ageecp {including Lertikr if Lender is such an institution). Lender shalt apply the Funds to pa said fazes, assessments.
<br />ienisnaice premiums aasd ground rents. Lender may not charge for sa hording and applying the Funds, analyzing said account
<br />or verifying and ccnt[pilittg said tsssesurxnts atx# bills, unless Len~r pays Borrower imerest an the Fonds and applicable law
<br />#~ratits I.entkr to make t:~h a chargi. Harrower acrd frrider may agree in writing at the' time of execution of this
<br />Dt~ of Trurt that inte:~t an She Funds shaft be paid to Borrower, and vnlesx Bitch agrcement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such interest to tz paid, Letter shall not tx required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to Harrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for whitilt cacti debit to tlx Funds was made. Tht Funds are pledged as additional security for the soma ~cttndl
<br />by this Deesi of Trtmi.
<br />It the arttdtnt of the Funds held by tender, togcttser with flee future monthly itistallmenis of Funds payable prior to
<br />ttie due daEes of taxes, astKSairitnts, insurance premiums and ground rents, shelf exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />asstssnxnts, itisarantt premiums a.'td ground rrnts as they fall dot, such excess shall 6e, at Borrowers option, either
<br />praattptly repaid to Borrower or credited fir Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. !f the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Letnler xlpll not be sufficient to pay taxes, asstssrnents. itisurancc premiums and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />&trrower shall pay to Lrndtr any amount rteetssany to makt up the deficiency within 30 days from the date noticz is mailed
<br />b! Lender to BMttiwer requatittg payment thereof.
<br />L!pon payment in frill of all sums secured by this fkerl of Trust, Lender sha[I promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />htld by [.tatter- tf utidtr paragrtiQh l8 hereof the Property rs Bald or the Praptrt_v is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender
<br />.half senly, no torte than imnxdtatt:ly priar to the Bak of the Propeny or its acquit:lion by (,ender. any Funds held by
<br />[.rnder a! the cites ttf apptierefion ax a credit against tht sums secured by this ~;~d of T: tut.
<br />1. Appfiieadesi of h7teeets. Unless applrabk law provteies othctwist, aJ payments rectived by Lender under the
<br />Note and paragraphs 1 and 2 htrtaf shall tx applied by Lender first m payment of amounts payable to Linder by Borrower
<br />uet~ paragraph 2 hereof, tlcen Co interest payabbkle an the Nate. then to the princepal of the Notc, and then to interest and
<br />prints an arty Future Advances.
<br />T3aa~. Borrower shall pay all tares, assessments and Mher charges. fines and impositions attribertable to
<br />the ?ropertY whleh may attain a priorty over this Deed of Trust, and leaxhold payments or ground rents, if any, in the
<br />mtntset pravtdtd tteder paragraph 2 hereof or, if not paid in such manner, by Borrower making payment, when due, directly
<br />to tStt paYtt thereof. Borrower strati prwnpily furnish to finder alt Waite-zs of amounts due trtxfer this paragraph, and in the
<br />eveot Harrower shall make payment directly, Borrower shall promptly furnish to I.entkr receipts evidencing such payments.
<br />Borrexver shall promptly discharge any Situ whkb has priorty avtr this Chrd o€ Tru-~: prcvtded, that Borrower shaft sat he
<br />regtured to discharge any such free w }ong as Borrower shalt agree in writing. to tht payment of the obligation secured by
<br />seats lien in a taantxr sctxptable to Lender, or shat! rn goad faith comcst arch !:en by, or defend enforcement of such ticn in.
<br />legal [~rocxstiings which ttperMe to prcvrnt the cnforcrment a€ the lien ar forfeiture of the Prapeny or any part thereof.
<br />S. EI~A Ice. Borrower shots keep t*te rmprovemeris now carsung or herrifter erected on rhr Property insured
<br />againt~..°. Sot Ely 8rc.. hazards incttt$ed within the term "txterxkd coverage", and such other hazards as E_ender may require
<br />acid itt such amounts and (or such perrods as Sender may require: prandtd, that Lender shall oot requirt rhos the amount of
<br />Bitch r;Itvtfage excttd that anriovet of coverage rcqurrcd to pay the sums stcurcd by this Lk:rd of Tnrst.
<br />The irssurartct earner providing the inxtarancr shall tx chosen by Harrower st~htec[ tct approval by Lender; provided.
<br />t6st welt approval shall riot be unreasonably withtxki. All premiums n» inusurance policies shall F+e paid in the manor
<br />orOVidtd unttet mragragtt Z hertaf ar, e! rout paad cn stub man-ncr, by Borrower ~nakmg
<br />paymtrt, ',vYlrn dix, dirtiy to :',e
<br />itutiraace txritier-
<br />Ali i~trarrct policies acrd rcrxwals ihtreof shall be m farm acceptable !a Senskr and shall include a standard mongage
<br />elatsse in favor of and in farm a..ccptabk Ea Lenrhr finder ,halt have the nght to hold the policies and renewals thereof.
<br />and Harrower shalt promptly furnish w t.cnder all rerxwal redices and aft rccetpts of paid premiums. In the event of loss.
<br />Harrower shall >1« prompt ntCK1Ct to tht rmuratnt carnrr anil Lrndtr. tender ma}~ make proof of lass if not made promptly'
<br />by Borrower,
<br />Unk~ Lender and Borrower cuherwrse agree in wntmg- msarance prcxteds :hall hr applied to restoration or repair n(
<br />the Prctlserty damaged, provided Bath icstanahon ar rcoarr rs c_arwnueatty feasrble .:rid the security of [hrc DecJ of 'Trust rs
<br />tier. thereby imptured. Pf sue:h sestaratran oe repair n not ecunumrcatly feasible ar if the utiurtty of this Dred of 'trust would
<br />~ i,.:r.~.ir~•, +y- :tom+ranct ,~n?edx shah t>e atepirc,f to :h:: w.^,.~s xCertd by !hit fXrd of Trust. with the cocas. if any. Pail
<br />to Burrower, I€ the Proptriy is a!+a*-"densd by Borrower. ar ii Btvtrower tams m rtspesnd ic> i_riiw:r witu:r. 3~ day; front the
<br />date ntotice is ntaikri by t.tttdtr !o Borrower titer she rasurancr carrier ofltr; to sctttc a claim far rasara~.:c nrxfitt. E.cnr~r
<br />ss =utfM"e~ to oust and api~'y tlse itssuranct preneedi at Lrtsdi:r's aptean enher to restoration or reparr at thr Property
<br /><sr to the cans scevre:d by this Doed of 'Trust
<br />Unleu 1-etsdtr and Bornvwer otherwise agree m wasting, any such appficauon of pracrcc-s to principaS shad not extend
<br />ctr pc>stpotx the drit dots M E!>= rno:ilhiv irssta!Srrrenis rcftrrrd to in paragraphs t and ? fttreol ar change the amount of
<br />sexlt installments. if urtder paragraph !H hertuf ttie Prop~ert} rs acquired h} i.endtr. all right, uilt and rnterest a( Borrnwer
<br />in Baal to any irisurantt poiicits and rrt grid to the ptocretis thereof resulting tram damage to the Proprriy pnot to the laic
<br />or arxttiisitian shaft pass to ixrtder to iii extent of ttir Biota secured by thin Lleed of T'ri><t rmmetliateiy prior to Basch Bak ar
<br />tttquisatioe.
<br />d. l•aarveliOS sari/ tt>lteSaseetertt d Preperty: t.eneha4ds; (:tip8oeilaiums: Plsaotd licit Devtlopeteels. Harrower
<br />shots kelp the Pmpeny :n gsxKt reparr anil sh~lE raft .exnmit waste .x permit mtpa:anent rx drterinra!ton i,f the Property
<br />surd Blasts ctnttply wtlh flat pravsssaas ci any least if this Deed of Trust is an a ttaschakf. If this tied of 'T'rust is an a unit in a
<br />eottderrttnwm 'ar a planned iron development, Borrower siiati Fzlorm at( of Borrower's nhhtations under the detlaraiion
<br />or covenants crcattn; ar governing the cansdorainitim ar pfantsed amt dtveloprrtrni, the by maws acrd regulations :+( the
<br />rnrulomittitust or planned vrut devtiapmtni, and coit:uittunt documents. S[ a eortdominium ur planned amt development
<br />rider is eaec't#sd !w tle.4rasrtr and recordest tagtttxr wish this S7erd of trust, the covenants and agreements of su:.h rider
<br />f hem mto and shsil amend anti supplemrni [hr corenantj and agreenrrnts of rhea [Jee1 ,+t Trust as it the rider
<br />7. lsrvldctlma d !seder's Saeoritp, Sf flarrcwer fails to perform Ehe covrnants anil agreerrstnts contained in this
<br />Deed of Trvar, ar if say action ar prtxxeeting ;s catnrnttx:td which matenalty affects tinder's ,nttrest in the Property.
<br />•i~laa., bsri trot hm:ied to, eriticent do:s~ir., inspiv_~-y, cam e:iloacmtnt. ur arrangements of prixeedings inrcrivrttg a
<br />Stsnkrurpt or t>ecetSerit, then Esndar et Lender's optical, upon notice to Borrower, may make such apprarancrs. disburse such
<br />sums sad take zuch aetton as is ne<tssary to protest tinder. nterrsa, inctudmg. but not limited ta, d:shur~emrnt rat
<br />rtrawrtahk attorney's fan and entry upon the Property w make repairs. If Leetdrr required mortgage ~nsuranct as a
<br />tvrtdilittn td making Ylte Soar stxurcd by this t.)etct of Trust Borrower shaE! pay the premiums requurd to maurtain such
<br />awe io atlett ito•il sitclt tirttt as the reytnimment for sw:h ,nwrancr test+uaEes an a.:carc±anct witft Borrower's and
<br />E_etsdtr's writtto agi'ttemeet ax applicable taw. tierrvwer shall pay the anxn;nt of alt mortga~ insurance premiums in the
<br />ram tt~r paraph 2 S.:rtxtf.
<br />~aRiptl9ta disburasd by Lender purwan! ar this paragraph 7, wrth ~ntrrrsi themm. shalt t+ccamc aelditiexr:ri
<br />uI Itrxra..er ~utsd by this Lets cif 7ntst t !n6Fw,s Barrrnvtr and t ender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amRranls staalf Iti¢ psyaEde apses E>rHict fttzm I.etider i:+ Burrower rruucsttng payitserit thereat, scat shat! brae rnttltYt (Wens the
<br />dam of at the rate payable froei lima to amt on nutstnnding peens tpal unttkr the Mott euilras payment of interest
<br />ai atxfi rain tvrsutd be ;stnirary to applnabk taw, in which evens s€nb artx~vnts shaE! tzar inisrest at the hr>lfetst rate
<br />p!ie strider applicable law. Ntxheng ~ 7ntairitd in Ellis paragraph 'shalt require E.ender ur ittc yr am expense er rake
<br />+e+Y acsimt ~.
<br />~ kll!!sa'flMi, l.ertder may ntakt ctx roust to br mtat'e rcatss?nabSr rntrtea upc:n and rnspC~i:ens of the Prnprrt}- provided
<br />tai I,CndE; alts!! givs tbosrrwsr rtuiss't prtur to any . - ~ ettste,.ffz an.cs€yt;~ eras; a4tr ;;:use iherrfnr i-crated to i enskr'~:
<br />rrtrargt to isle Prppeaty.
<br />