<br />t
<br />This term is used in conr3er-
<br />tion with mart{Lages insured
<br />- ~~~~'~`~~'~' under the ar3e- to four-family
<br />pravisians of the "r'atiana}
<br />Q t tt ~~ tt Housing Act.
<br />G~~°~ ~1t7-F:~~~
<br />Tf€t3:dt3FcZ~iAfa , tttedc.aazi rxe+rr.°te# tftia 27th day of f~farrh ..4.,'}.
<br />}'< Bl . isgtteo `veiwrren Rit~sard xirrtald- Riggs 3r. and Carolyn S. Biggst htxafband and wife
<br />of iftrGratrsty of 8e11 . a;,d State of Nehraska, party a€ tfrr first part, ftrrrittxftrrcatkd
<br />tftr it4ortg~gor, and ,
<br />HRRiC OF P~
<br />2 rrer~t~ ~g a3~ a=ittt~g orxrrr t~ }ae~s of 2~braska
<br />prftty of Hse sxevad part. hereinafter eaf}ed thr Martgagt>e.
<br />ii%Tt~Y"!~~SF,'f'[i: "ifrat tfre saidnfart~agar. far and irs considrratian of tht strm of '1'iee3t~' ttitte thausartd three
<br />htiat3s~d a~ ~II00- ------- Lsaltars tS 29 , 300.00 i, ptid by the !tfart-
<br />@~+ the artceipr of whicft :s fxreby aekaarriedited. has Granted and Said and by these presents darn Gran[. 8ar-
<br />~liin;. Se}}; Cxrttvey ttrtd i=ontirm nntn the f3farega8re. its sucstssots :rrat assigns, forever. the falluurirttt-drscri€+xd
<br />ieai ssa~rF Ve€t^d ~:theCartr~rY u€ ff8il , atG r„tae
<br />of u~A-ea*kA ~+„rit:
<br />The irh?rrst Self ti$s 3 of Let Seven t 7 } atld the West Six tenths t 0.6 } feet of the North
<br />Ninetssen atsi Seventy-five ffaadrehhs t l9.75 } feet of the East Half t E~ } of Lot Seven t T) ,
<br />Blr Bight to}, n,-igirsl T%~m of Grazxi IQIat*~, xall r•t~~ty, ?~hra~ka.
<br />of tfx Sixth Hrittefpat Afrridian. ; nrttaitting to ati ,ire, si.~:citn)< tee .ion°trn-
<br />7£3 HAVE A Vf3 'fFt }•!O}.U the prtrntsc+ ahetvt s3tuni•td, usth ,rli the :s; ~ c;rtenanirs thcreuntte tx#rrnipzt}t and snciuding
<br />aft hea[iog,_pintntartg and tightztta ftR tllreS and eitutpmrr+t tx.r.- esr rtrre:utrr at to hr3 t~ .,. ~sc~! :n :unarsiien usth ;<ud rta# esEate
<br />uato the !~frrrtet. etnd tar eta atxcrasars arxi a3atgrt£. f.+rre~er 'r'ht kfart~_ teprtecnt+!:= _irrJ ,:,.,: Hants utth. thx :kfartfitr~
<br />ger, tit thr ~irstpagar has good right rte vctt and convey s~:l ::rrrtr~,, sh.3 _i?r~ rre *-s f --,try enz±;mhrance' :sef that tht
<br />a:~i varrant attd xtefrtat the sage xgatrrst ttM ?sv, tu; ~ iE .ef z€i pertun~ ¢h+_3gtseret n ; anQ t he c,ieu Stcrrtt;aztxx hert-
<br />?"Y retitztittis aIi ttxhts r,f ix3aurszeat, a.Rt a#i tnart;ai nchta. rather sr tae..:r m eawt~-.:~tid ~t r.rivrr cr:ntttt~nt trtrse?ts srt the
<br />tStarin and to the atxevt=drsr:ritxd ixemtara. thr trstrnbots t+trngc te. ~.rnsrv htrthv r. ahurlute ut#c, rn ire atmple. inctuu-
<br />ir~ tiit4 ut ~~~, a rrs ~ ~~_--. ~ v._. _~.
<br />[}:ff'~r.} f rt ,YS °ttu ~~ -r~,.ettt°: aria exe;:t-. ~ _~:_.. ° . ~s.,
<br />a y s+:. rs. u;n~eexu u~*n E ec =. ;' :.-ism tieri}u'iiietn~. tiF ~ ri.
<br />Tftt e4iar3gagter agrrts to paY trf the btarzfta>{er. e,r nrdrr. six prtnctips# oum n 1+p,Enty nixie thaut3at3d three
<br />htiSldrf~ and N©Ilf}0-- - __ - - tzs:ti'ars t4 Ggr ~00.t}(} r.
<br />vrtitt it32etr>a frt»Q data at !}tt rate of 'fvtelve 6 t;3see-eights sxr cen=.um # 22.3750 `~ } peT :,nnam :en
<br />tht ~ngaid fifEhn>s~urtlt3-paid.'}'ttsairi pttett:ita ar€d interest shasi he ravaxtstr at thr ~,tliee.•f
<br />L3F Ph`iS3
<br />trt Pectic 3te}:ttas3:a ,+r at +ux tt nthrr p#a: r a. !hr h~dder of
<br />tl~ n~ rosy drsigaaate iti writtng. iti marttf3}t tnst:si}m¢nty •,f Three httr~tx€!d nirsrs;A 3-38 871200------
<br />^ i.~tiara `~ 308.87 . _=~mmcndrrg+m the ricer day of
<br />. arul ern tt3r `s'itu ,ftc .r3' eath merrttta tt;cte::terr -.tntti ihr i•renerpai and tn-
<br />ttrrst tut fttffg paid. rl~tY~t that t}ir htiai fiay.~.~r;nt ,af pntitipfs arsd ~ntcre t ii t >c<tttr sd hzi# ~e ' ,e ..r:d
<br />~`i~~~p~~ ~:? ?QYl + catdsngh•±heeee.-: f,y_ rr,~n;+rtmnr
<br />wry rxtte of #vtn d3fr-}ttt~,.~itft tzet~.ittd hY~ rite ,aid Rftxrz~t._x
<br />C}3e ~arf{t in qtr r?rarr ftrifp ttr ixaxect the etc tttit; of tht. =,g,,,trz~t. z.3:rt4.
<br />i- 'iha[ Cie ~ t tf+x iadrtvs. as nrrtit+f>efrtro pravidtd Ynvttryer is rrcrrvtet Po n:t4 silt dtht rn a•}taa{p, .>r to ;sn
<br />xarRA~t. C,~L'tiC:ir€-- t; ~+ay.~atLt tut tAt rilrrkiCwz Fiat art text derr errs rite rra.te. e+n !fit tir5t ;lee ,., ana m,+nth
<br />fit3ta t+¢ ttity:. F1es'ie~d. ate ste .'tit avrttrrt egeticr at an utttatiatt tta e~tterst ,rr~h txtsttrgc n ut*en .rt tc-.aet rhrrty + :u-e
<br />~t+'tasy~rtt:
<br />'..:$rt~. rth~ wi~'t. ~tri itt;+n ti%, t}3r tttayntn{t p~irttsBnY, cf prt> <"rLe# sad +rtert.t rtiafric undrr tht tcrtne s.t the
<br />'_ft ,tn ~iti y t~ tf~`sfcrtr. ~3q try first de}' .u each matntft urttt# the a n,rtr is #.!}t p.rn', [ire
<br />€ saatia:
<br />~igi ~itttt tint is3~Ftinttr4e t~ t+ziittttr hErruf 3vrth-fitnrSs tv RoY tt3e text t;3art~tet tn+,~tt'atet~t ~*rtlrttUtrt !t trst~
<br />lsitd€tsrrsent m~' tf~ tta~ arecttrtd hetrafry err ireg3ttect. pr a scup c}tatgr iarc firm r,t u rrrr,rt~r.~ ;nR[rrfurrr ,,.E_.
<br />t : ~ .f Ghr.- are i'ta~ #t>€ rtfie S~retary rr- ffauairsf{ a~ L~tRars flrrve}s€rmtttt, as ird:rcws.
<br />sf} if; su>}t'# s Hate of even dtts snd this a~t€3ttr~r3t xre irt~rrtxt ~=r are !estss+srr>: are„c.se c•,,.
<br />v?= ~i t._ #~tttse.ef !'k+r~- Wit. asz sar.€zt~it s:iff';;zt :,s aa.-rue:tt:ls:a ..t ct k~ ds r,. t;,r :.ss.z~; , ~~
<br />+aaa~tart r#,i:tG#,t1tN,vrzrm sAas trrr a+rw7 a:•rra sbrsmev ,s e„ye,,,~ ~ Y t `f£- ! 3F- \ F fiR.i:~fl.:i
<br />-yy,r±~z-ra~rt :jt-tvt
<br />