<br />1VIOR i ~J~CJ~
<br />$I-i~~i:t55F3
<br />This mortgage made and entered into this ___.19th-__ day of .____ March
<br />!9 81 _, by and between Gerald L. and Janice K. Reimezs, husband and wife, as joint
<br />terzants with right of surtrivarship, each in their own right and as spouse of the other
<br />(hereinafeer referred er, ac mortgagorp and Commercial IYatianal Bank and Trnst Company
<br />(hereinafter refe>red to as
<br />mortgagee), who maintains an office and place of business at a?~w. Third street in Grand Istattd,
<br />Ha!! County, 'rbraska.
<br />WITNE3S[TH, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknow{edged, ehe maregagvr
<br />does hereby trortgage, se!!, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, its successors and assigns, at! of the- fo)-
<br />!owing described property situated and being in the County of ball
<br />State of !debraska.
<br />T'ste South Twenty Peat of Lot Thirty-One (31) and afi of Lot Thirty-Ttttp (37)
<br />of Hawti~,rne P.a~ ~in~ located 4n sort of the Northwest ~tzarter of Sectitsn
<br />Z~nty-Two i'2) i-^- T+?wnship Eleven (i1T North, Range Nine (9), Wast of the
<br />Sixth P.M., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />tether wish aid the ?rnemrn. and .;p!+:,rtcnancc =hrrett~ hrinngtr,;:, afi nc~ rent,, i.sues and profits thereof, and a!!
<br />easerr:-eats, rights, royaltres, mi:irrai.:>33 and f;ar nth;{ and ~rc~lit. Hater. ,+~tter rights, and water stock, and including
<br />aii dteatinar. ~!umt,tng, rrfrt¢rrata;.n. it~httny. rqutt+trtent .:rtd ,tl! 'ixture> ~>t everti description belonging to the
<br />martgar -...ex >., .~..-..:::,.€a:hr;i ,t.~.,.ti E,: ~,~; , ~ ......__z?.5.~ Nsth ii;c nrrmt.rs herein described and in addition
<br />thereto tfic to!!o~tna; ~ .,tad , ~,.; ....h „ _+.c-r r t_ rr r+itu:es .;nd a part c,t the realty, and
<br />see a parttoa of the.r[urrty fi.r the±ndcbtedne?~ trLrci^ ~.,a?cu r!t ntar:r. :tats "none"i Yone
<br />fo have and to troll the ,ante ants: the 's9ortagre..;, i;rs~tr= ^tsr.s:trd
<br />The mortgagor is lawtui!t ~etrrd anti txs,.e=sect .~t ,tts~'. has the rt:;ht tt+ art! and .ansey +atd property; that the
<br />same is !fnr from afi encumhrancc~ etieni ,,y hrtetraabrr:r >rrstrd: and that 1ortgagor ;covenant= to warrant and
<br />defend the iitic afortyatd thereto and errs •krtt t ,rrr.~t .:gaanst t^c:iatm. of all persons whamsneser.
<br />This instrument i. ginrn to sector t.. ; arment .,i a p<=nmsssurt ne±tr dated March 19 1981
<br />nr - --_ ~. ---- ------ --
<br />in itte prtncipa3 su:n of 5___;)=`.--_ :3gntd b4 Gerald L.~and Janice K _Reitners
<br />in behalf of _._-.___. ._ >•.:^smas3.Ys~._._ - - ~.
<br />a)so, as such mote rr tithes may from tune to ttne he nr,.aitf'ird, renewed cr extended in writing.
<br />Itt xhr eeent the title =,o said real e,tate is tran,ferred, or ~ontractea~ to be traruferred, from the undfrsigned for any
<br />reason or by any method whatsoever, ttae _ntire princtpai sum and accrued interest =_ha); at oree became dire and
<br />paYab!e at the :~ctian t~f ttte holder hereof. d at!ure to exercise thi^: option tsecause of transfer of title a, above stated
<br />in Otte instartir stroll trot constitute a warvrr c.f the right to cxercis.° td;e same in the event of arty subseque»t transfer.
<br />I, i fie rntrossgigca ia~"rcitarlrt5 aaiii a~tczz da a`t,iiu~+~.
<br />a. To lsretrtgtly )may tt~ instrhtrdisrsv evid~tced by soul )?romi~x~ry note at the times and in the manner
<br />therein provided..
<br />b. Ta pay ;t)l taxes, acrtwstnettty, water rate,. sr:d other tiovrrnmrntal cst muri~tpal , hary,;rs, tuiry, ,x
<br />tnttx~sit~tts. fcv w}tith -t~rttitsic~n ?:a~ s=~ he€rt rnadr hereinbeforr. and utt! pr€+rnf+tls cirh.er the ,.fficis! rr~ctP,z
<br />=itrreftsr r.z ;!]e 3a,id ?flcartga~rF'c.
<br />r. )o teat ~uttt cxpen»~rs anti dee< ,,: rotas t>r inc-erred in t!te ~rutet~tt.att anti :*.aa;ntenatt,.x ~.,! ~atcl prcrtwrt;,
<br />tratuding the fees :,t stay at?.rrnry rtn(+it,.f~,,, by it,e nit,rt{titge~: fcr ;he tzsi!tt'rsirn ,~ fns -, a!! ~+i floe nrdrbtrsines:
<br />tt,srt"!+s -.v-strt3, ~,.e,~,. F1 `s~~, t~~± sta. t~ •,a ,r€' ' xsr-
<br />}. ~' „eu-, ;nt cs-'~hra~~. ;,.- ~, :,.- ;<r;>rat- ;t „ .~-t,k-c•~!~ttc~
<br />~Ff CC^. - ~ ~. st aai 5 ~t~s.ct.
<br />