STATE OF t~iEBRASKA) ~ 1 _~) ~ ~ Z r ~~ ~
<br />Jt?HN R• BBD~i`JELL, being first duly sworn upon oath, de_
<br />poses and says that he is the attorney for The Diamond Engin,.
<br />Bering Company, and on thQ ;af4 day of ~
<br />Trailed a notice of the filing of a Plechan~c's Lien agai~st~the
<br />property described as:
<br />A tract of tared comprising a part a£ the Northeast Quarter of
<br />the Northeast quarter {N~ i/4 NE I!4), of Section Fifteen {l5), Tod*nship
<br />Eleven {lI), North, Range Nine {~}, '.hest a€ the fith F.M., Hall County:
<br />~veoraska, more particularly described as: Beginning at the Northzaes*_
<br />corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast ;uarter iNE l./4 NE 1/4);
<br />thence `southerly along the West Iine a£ said ortheast Quarter of the
<br />`;ortheast Juarter !NE 114 NE iJ4i a distance of Five Honored Thirty-eight
<br />and Fifteen Huxxdreoths (538.1 k
<br />_ Si Bet tF, puit .:,n ri
<br />u: coos line o£vistanceghwav No. 30; [hence ':ertheasterivoaiongssaidyri ght
<br />«f ttau f a ., ~
<br />` +~ne 'r:undred 'fen and S ght
<br />iit~.'SlyFeet; t! evenly-five Hundredths
<br />xerce ~iartheri,,~ parallel to tfie [+`est line of said ~.orth-
<br />east `3uarter of the Nortrease :luarter ;};E :;'4 NE il:i) a distance of Four
<br />Hundred.igt>nine andr"arty-iive 'rundredths 487..i3j Feet to a point an
<br />tht tiorth line of ,aid Northeasr °.'uarttr of the Northeast Quarter {.IE 1/4
<br />NE 1/4); thence WYSteriy alan;~ crxe ?forth `ine :,r ,id ,
<br />~f [he tiorr?x°.°.Nt ;t'Uartet r. - ~ +*vPiheast Quarter
<br />"Bet to tine f~oiat of - `~ '~=stance ,f .:re Hundred {I40)
<br />beginain~, ,i:xi %,,ntalnin~-.,zt acres,
<br />iris ..ertair, pt:apert;• ~leede<. ,;, ^.xrre ar Less,
<br />=ia[ed ,fuiY 1, ;g `+"e:xr~ska '~~xiventr, ~.'a;apan~r bs• warranty deed
<br />8<~. :Ind r:ec~,r~~u in ttxe ~~2: f r- *r t;s,. <:essister Deeds
<br />•.3 i' Hali (.Duet:', :{C'~]r$3k~, :13g :-+a c'c1ffiHnC .sue. ?!.ij-(j(ij itf. +
<br />gnus, `rec.. ~asC „
<br />i:ounty -xiryhwa;• 3=,. Errand =s land, x
<br />`.ehraska 638D1, the .,ar.. i-tal~
<br />~f such property ~;~ ahe _ _~ 5.^,own ~o be she record owner
<br />:iall ~cxunty, :+ebraska- ':;vices ~_t _r,e tes;ist-er .~~ ;,eeds F
<br />e_
<br />tlffiant. ~cit;~ -,,e oni.~ ad~fress ~:nowr: to the
<br />Ths above-'ne nti~n%v comtuuricaeions :were properly; stamped
<br />with sufficie•,t ost-~
<br />Y aze and depos*_teci i~ r?~r, t~.;~.,`d ;,rates mail.
<br />DATED this ~~~. da~7 of _
<br />-~~1.~.t.:1 1 ~8I .
<br />John ~. Fsrowneli -------
<br />S13BSGRIBED and sworn vo,'h~*o:e ~e rhis zp vev of -
<br />I98I.
<br />~ i
<br />~i~p ~.3otar;. °ublic
<br />a~.e^-s-
<br />
<br />
<br />