<br />MECHAc~7ZC' S LZEN
<br />SS.
<br />COIJNTy Of' BALL }
<br />~~ 1~t1~~~~~
<br />Affiant, K. d, Woodward, Secretary-Treasurer of The Diamond
<br />Engineeritg Company, a Nebraska corporation, being first duly
<br />sworn on his oath, saps that the i:.emized account of work, Iabor,
<br />skill, materials, and improvements as shown an the attached
<br />Exhibit A, which is made a part hereof by reference, was done
<br />and performed and furnished by The Diamond Engineering Company
<br />for ~u.dwest Coatings, Znc., under dater Main project 8d-W-5,
<br />dated October 27, 1984, being for the instaiiation of certain
<br />water mains and other improvements of a commercial building on
<br />the following described real estate, to-wit:
<br />~ tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter of the
<br />Northeast i?uarter (NE 1~4 YE l/4? of Section Fifteen (15), Township Eleven
<br />(lij, North, Range pine (5), West of rice 6th P.*4., Hall Cnunty, Nebraska,
<br />ire particularly described as: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said
<br />Nnrtheast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1!4 NE 1(4); thence Southerly
<br />along the West line of said Yortheast Quar*_er of *_he i3ortheaet Quarter
<br />(NE lf4 NE I; 47 a distance ;if Five Hundred Thirty-eight and Fifteen Hun-
<br />dredths {538. I5? Feet to a point an the `orthwesterly right of uay line of
<br />.~.5. isi.gireay tio. 3(i; thence Nort:reasterly along ;aid r,~ht of c~ay line
<br />a distance of C?ne Hundred Ten and Sev+~nty-five iundredths (II0.757 Feet;
<br />thence Narttrariy parallrita the West line of said .'Northeasc tuarter of the
<br />Nartheasz Quarter (NE L:' ~iE. Li GI a distanc:w of Four hundred Eighty-nine
<br />and Forty-S`ive hundredths 448#.45} Feet r_n a point an the North line of
<br />said Northeast 'luarter ~sf the Northeast uusrter fNE iv 'NE li~+); thence
<br />Westerly alcmg t'tte North line of waid Northeast ~~3uartez of the :Northeast
<br />Quarter (NE IIb NE lf4) a =i iszance of ~hce Hundred (1.41fl3 Feet to the aoint
<br />of beginning, and containing 1. i8 acrea, gore nr less, less certain property
<br />deeded to ?i,ebraska Sal*aents i:ampany by ~arrsnty died dated .iuly 3, 198,
<br />acrd recorded ixt the ilffi~:e rat tht Register of deeds of hall County, Nebraska,
<br />as Llocument No, 3i1-tJD"331 a.
<br />iaiat at the *_ime said co.~tr:~ct was made and labor and
<br />~teriais furnished and delivered thereunder, ~~idwest Coatings,
<br />Inc., was the owner of said premises; that the date of the first
<br />ite£a furnis:~ed and delivered acs on or about November 1, 1980,
<br />and the date of the last item to be furnished was the 17th day
<br />of December I98O.
<br />Affiant further states that said Iabor was performed on
<br />and tl:e materials were furnished far, delivared at, and used in
<br />said building or the premises thereon, on and be*_ween the dates
<br />specified.
<br />That the prices charged therefor are fair and reasonable;
<br />and that there is now due cn said account the sum of Twenty-
<br />eight Thousand Three Hundred Fifty-two Dollars and Twenty Cents
<br />~$28,352,2Q?: that said The Diamond Engineering Company claims
<br />a Iien on said premises for the full amount of said accotaa;t,
<br />toawit. Tate sum csf 5~8, 352, 2{3, together with interest thereon
<br />at tha maxam~ legal rate from the i7th day of December 1980,
<br />and xurther ~ffiant sans not.
<br />~,
<br />t#. r~'oodward
<br />