<br />$ I ---~) (.115 t3 ~
<br />U@ttPOatat (;OyF.atAM75. Borrower attd l.rnder covenant and agree as faliows:
<br />1. ad tCriocipsl ~@ Its. 1#onawer shall prompity pay wtxvt dtte the principal of and interest on the
<br />traded eviderxed by the Note, ptt:payrtwtrt attd laic cttatges as proviricd in the Ntxe, and the principal of and interest
<br />cat Fmtue Advances tEecerrai by this Deraf of Trust.
<br />ear•me t~ 9~ ttrti Ye~ee: jttbjact to applicable law ar to a wtiiren waiver by [.ender, t9urrasver shalt pay
<br />to Lt~r an the dap rrwstehlp itffitalHtt«tts of prirtcipa! and interest are paytsble under the Note, until the Note is paid in full.
<br />a (trereio "Futtds`~ squat !o acre-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />fled of Tana, and griwad rdrU on the Property, if any, plus atx-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard rtnuratrce.
<br />pig t~•t+rdfih of yearly ptaemium irutalttttents loz rntrrtgttge iosurattrx, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />tip to time by t.eerder vex the hatsits ~ assessments and bins and reasonable estrmates therwf.
<br />The t7ttstds shall be luld in an irrstittrtian rite deposits ar accounts of which arc imurrd nr guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />mate agetrey tirtrludmg tender i/ Lender Fa sorb an ittstitutionl. Ixnder shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments.
<br />,aswar+ce premitmaa sad grourtd +MSts_ I ender may ttm charge far sa haMing and applying the Floods, analyzing said account
<br />to vetifpittg and t$n$ said asstwsrnertts xttd trills, tentess !_ender prays liarrawer interest on the Ftm~ and applicable taw
<br />ppeerrmmits t_crrarx to mate srtch a bltarge Borrotvtr and t..-alder may agree in writing at the titrre of rxecuti+m at this
<br />I~aest of 7'rtau shat ittterat rtn the Funds shat[ tae paid to Borrower, and unkst satc'h agreement is made ar applicable law
<br />rer{ssm such ink to bt paial. E_etader shall natf he required to pay Borrnsvrr stay imetrst oe earnings oa the Funds. l:entkr
<br />shalt ! to fiarrawer, wtthtntt :Marge, an annual accatmtirsg of the Funds show+ng credits atxi debits Eo the Funds and the
<br />prtrQoae far trrltieh each debit Co the Funds was made. 't'he Funds are pledged as additional security for the stttua stxwed
<br />try this t]tacesi of TrtuA.
<br />[f she aatoettr! c+f the Furl hard by I_endcr, together with the future monthly installtrttrtts of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due ,Sates of taxtx, atrstaettente itasttrarrse ptemittms stns: ground rents, shalt exceed the amatmt rrxluared to pay said taxes.
<br />ataessrtutats. ittutrancc premiums and gratttui rents as they fall dtu, +=+clt caces~ shall tae. st Barcowu`s option, either
<br />ptttargatty re{said io Brxrowrtr ar crettited to Harrower an rtrsnthty tnxtailrrrerttc of Funds. If the amount of the ttds
<br />luld try i.etrtkr sipdi rid he sts8'xrent to pay #axes: aasessrnents, insatrartee prrmiuma and ground rrnts as they Fall dtte_
<br />Bsaro~r =PtaN pap to :~aakr any amtwtnt :ES.c~~xsary to mast up :hr drfurrnev wrthzn 30 days fraxn the date notice is mailed
<br />Mt` I *.e Il~tot+rer ti~ttes;it~ payment t)tes+btf.
<br />Upon payment it+ tuH of aH vents zecured by thin heed ui Trust. I.eeder xhat? prantptty refund za Barmwer any Futtds
<br />Held br lretder. If ttndM paragraph 1 R hereof ttu Property :s <aid or Stec a tapertp .x uiirciwaY acy:<i:,:d by t.~^^..._--:. l.e.°d.-.r
<br />shalt spelt, tm layer Shut ittttrtediudy error Ea tttr sale of the Drape,-tt ar ns a,:quiset:nn isy Ixnder. any Funds hrfd by
<br />t _ender ~ the tritse ~ icai~+ as a credit agaitu,t t}tc sums +:ecvred by thrs i]r. d nt Trust-
<br />3. ApitraYaw ,ei Unfess applicatak law prcsv,+fes othrrwrsr. atC payments rerttved by C.cnder un+icr the
<br />Nate and parag[aphs t atr3 2 hertx;t shalt tr appiitd by under first ,n pavtnrnz of amaonts payable to Isnsler Ay Borrower
<br />tttarfier patr~gz>gri+'_ turaat, :hen to irtierSai payable an tlae 'vote. [her. re the prrnc+paf art the \tuc. and turn to Sourest and
<br />prtrsct~ tan any Future Adra~.
<br />(]rte [3eata. Brrtawrt shall pay alt tases..tsrxsaments and ,.t her charges. frracs .rod :mpexttions attrihutahk to
<br />tlae Prraptaty which tray attaur a ptiorrty aver thn ISeed :d Trust, acrd traselta#d paymerts or ground rersts, if any, in the
<br />astteAer prttvitfed utxkr paragrggrE Z Iterx»f tar, if trot paid in saach man:€ez. h; fiarrawer mak,reg payrrtent, when due, directly
<br />to the paper ttawutf. Borrosres slrtit pratnptty furnish is t ender all tunttces nt amounts dttr antler this paragraph, and in the
<br />coca! costar stead trtate payrttrart dtrts:tly, tiorrawrr shalt promptly fa;rn;sM tr, i.rn~r rerrrpts rvistrttrmg such payments.
<br />Barrrawet sisal! promptly tfisclsar~te any lien whail+ has prrorrty ,over thrs tkrd ..t Trust: pr+?vrded. that tlorrnwrr .shall not tie
<br />rtsgttired [o discharge arty such Ixn sa long as Barrewrr :hall agree .n .+rttrng ra zhr paymcm of the otrhgauon sreurrd by
<br />arch lira in s taantter acoaptabk to Lender, ar shat! :ra good Earth c+w,trst .ax h l,en hy, ar defend entorrrmem of ae,ch tiro rn.
<br />regal prace~ tags whit#t operate to prtwrnt tttr ettfascrmem :d ttre tern nr farfeiturr of ttu Property or :toy part thereof
<br />3.= adtllftstas$ ifwsf~r. Borrower ells!} ke€p the rmprtrvernents ,ww csnt,ng ar trzrra7ter ermted nn the f'rapeny msurrd
<br />against lees lay fttr; teazatds ittcludtd withsn the term "extraekd taverage". and •,uch r,ther fiazanls as !.racier may require
<br />and in strcir ttmuunu artd tat s#tctr petrtxls as l.txatier may requ:rr: provrdrti, that t~eaatkr ,hail rak rrqutre that the amount at
<br />rotate txrvera>ic rxc~sl that arrtottot of coverage requsrrd zo par the sums secured by rhrs I~rt1 of Trerst.
<br />The ittsurattre ::at'tut pravidir+g the inwrasrce shaft ire ;-haven r,Y ftorrtawrr utrgect zu appruv:d by I.endrr: provrtkd.
<br />tel. ~sth~arai sindt trot tae ttnrra+xst+aMlp withhekt ,4i! premneem cwt ,nsuranrr pairc,ta shalt he paid in the manner
<br />pposldtd ~rtt$ttph Z ttctrot ter, ;f rtat pant m stuff :nanaer, t». Barrowe€ n:al:tn$ payment. veleta dtte, directly to flu
<br />ittWttrrAre airslR.
<br />AH Ettquartet pt'riici~t amt retaewals tt>irra! :hat! #sc m form accrptatrtc tt, frnairr sari shalt ittrhede a standard mortgage
<br />etttsne in ftts~ of acrd in farm aecrptabk ta, frratler i.endrr .hall have the r+ghl eo halt! the policies attct re»ewais thereof.
<br />a+sd timrasnv shall prcaanpity ttuntslE to k~trckr alE rrnewat :snorts and alt rccespts of pa,d premiums_ In the coral of lass.
<br />tlorrawet shalt gtrr prompt rsaltr€ to tits ar.asarame tarrrcr aml t_certisr i_rn<lrr may make F'rr+af of tress t: not made pramptty
<br />by Bcrtrosrrt.
<br />Utricas [„antler grad Bartntver atttetw+se agree rn wrnrng, ~nsur-a+xc r,r+k-cods ,itaiE Ix appFicd Eo rrsiurafron or rrparr uF
<br />tht i}toperfy dam~d• pravi+tEaf such rrstoraitan ar rrpa;r ., :fir*etrwntcally Iessrhte :rrxl Stet sKUnty a€ th,s [Teed crf Tnnt ,s
<br />not ihswoisq impaired. It .wcM r,i~orttt+an r,r rtparr r. 7tx cccrtxunxaFly tcasrbk ..r ,i nc~ :c-ctu+ty ut` tots I]eed of C'tust wouFd
<br />Gc ttttigrtatotl, the ,rtw+earx-,r proceeds sAaFl kte apptcett to Este sttrm sec urrd hY thrs ISeed of 't'rust. wrth the excrss..f any, pard
<br />Err `r~rstavree. If EMa Prt~xt ' n~«~.,....,.,~,# Cq Ba.>ti,c,~vr. cw of ti.:,rawrr tarts to respatrxf to t.rrxtcr w-+;htn it) days tram the
<br />lisle rtotirx is ae.:4r~ by t_mder to )loertss+u tiaat the rrewraare carrier octets to arttk s claim faz ~nsurara€e txtrrtits. lRtnlrr
<br />is authtxiaed is saaHa;t x~ apply the irurarance pra+ca^etls .+t !.caller s .,pEwn caber to reatoratian or repair crf the Property
<br />or to the starts arctued by [his t)eetl tit Taut.
<br />Unless I..cmdet and 8orttstraer t~itertw ire agree rn wrrung, any rush apptte:auan of prorceds to principal sttaH not extend
<br />ttr ptutpane list due data aJ the ttxmthlp ,total#ttunta referred to .n paragrapfis l srui Z tumor or change the artraum nt
<br />sods installtrtenta. if trrtdcr paragraph IM tureod tttr Property :s ucyutred by Ixnsirr, all right. title and interest of Hormwer
<br />in ar+d to a9Y inSr+ranrte putts and in acrd to the prartttts thrrti•t,# trault:rig tarn damagt in Ebt Pzaptrty prior Eo ttx sale
<br />ar atigYlattital shalt parar to t.ctteter to the extent u£ the wins xti:urad by rhos Y}cexi of TYttst imrtudtatdy prior tv such sale ar
<br />ttcgttkiRitm.
<br />S l9teaEattttUan sd 'Mtuiafassssee ~ fib; txaacltoitist i'ttiatrn: PlasnteA Unit llevelapasersls. Harrawcr
<br />shalt koe¢ the property to grx~t rrpa+r .+nti .ball ,;ur ct>zr+ms: ;.ante nr ;±crnnt ;mp:++rmsnt .rr .ictcrirr attt:n r*t the Prnprrty
<br />and snail axrrnpiy write the pravutaras z,f ant lease rf that tlkxd ei Trust ,s txa a teasrhald It tars Dsxai of T'ntst is an a stmt m a
<br />~:artdrwnini:grt rn a planned unit tkvelapttrem., &urcawer shad prtJorm alt at ltatrowet's ataligauons under the derlaratratt
<br />or s~tytlr2altrs cteattttg ,?r aovantng Cats ccmdarrtruttmt ar pfantnesl unit drvciapnunt, ttte I?Y-Saws and regtriattem .,1 nc~
<br />onradtmsitsiwn tw plaattcd amt devrkapment, acrd cartstituerrt d+xuments tf a .t+ndattrinium or planned amt devrinpn+cnt
<br />rrdt'r a r9taa,~.i troy Bortarr+rr and rsa:orded te~het w+zh tMts CSe+rd of C rust, the ravrnants and agrermrnts r,t such rider
<br />shalt rte ior~arpexated iota and shalt atruted and wpplettrent the covenants :met agreenunia tsf this Decd of ~froat as ,f the rider
<br />tears a part haraaf.
<br />~. '~11 is tsf l,aniQt~ ~'eas'4ts;~, if Bamrw~ tatC~s to pertarat the corenants and agreerrtents cantarnrd m nc~+
<br />thmsi ~ Tt'», +~r rt ~v arrest .., €.rnr«t~~.. ctnatrter+c~ai wbss:i+ rraatrrratty atlects t ~ndrr's Fntrr~l ,n the PrUner#±,
<br />+tfcinda~, tent not litnNed ta, eminent dantata. imtvlveney, Cade enlar+xment, or artangemrnts or prtxsxdrngs :nv,+tvrng :,
<br />tuntsrtulas +a d~xedettt. titer !.ender at Getader'c aptian, upuu natu:r ttr Horrawer, may make such appearattres, dtstsurse ,tx?:
<br />scams aed ti's weir atlton as is rtrxs~ary to prtuocE t,c+xkr'; mErrest_ irn;irtdtag, !rut oat t,mite+t :r,r. +Irshurvcrneat „t
<br />r~ att+trney"s [tsar atsd entry upon the Prapcrtyy to rnakr repasts. if l.ertdrr rryuired :rrortgagr +.uuranre as :,
<br />,ate of +tnaltittg ltte kr®n secssretl sty tips (haetl at Tsusi, Harrower vhal! pay the perm,ants rey„ired to ,nernta;n ouch
<br />iw + until aria t:_~~ ~ tip re{ttirsttutrt for sw:h ;ntutanr^r terntanatrs ,n accardanrr w:lh Horrnwer'E ,:r:rl
<br />t.,eadtrr'a +rtititNa agrae3ftOnt ar irk law. Tiorrttsrer shad! prey she arr+twtnt of aFl rrutrrgatr nasurancr premunwa :n Ehr
<br />A1ol+ a1laaWatF ~tr{€a~htsrectf.
<br />itldOHaaRil9ala crf i,~Nt'ctarer trecun~ad i?y~et~ttlatD,aert at trtaat tA;n~sa~rro vet attdtfl.e rnder~t rthcrrmher tcrtm~omc additmna'r
<br /># payment, +us:h
<br />~a sf_#ttil br payrF upon notice itnset lxrxkt tsa Botrtawer rtqutsting payment s.ltcrraf, a+xC shall bear ,otcttsst horn nc~
<br />tt[ - al tlfe risk pa;-ate tratft tirt~ tv.+ tiasr ton crtstatu)ang prrnctpal ;tnder tha Noes rmtrsa pagtr+crtt rxf int<raat
<br />ai aErCA rttfs .sasnrld hm-trxttrary tit ap}riicabie taw, in watch rvrnt -x:A 3mnut+ts rhaC! #>par ,ntctcst at flu htghesi rate
<br />uxftkr at~+iiet~le ftpt_ ,YtNlting containgl ua tttu paratu'aph 7 snail rcttuire C ender ts= <ottar x#ty° expetsse err take
<br />aeri+ rgttkp .
<br />R ~, l,tkr spay trtadtc c>r cat,tare to trs ttsasds rtxesattsahk rtEtr+tts upset noel ;ttsptcrrc?+ts tai the pxops:rty, Far,wiskrd
<br />tirafl i,apri0r_ i Baerasrtst rrxtiice pxr+t; to ,inn such. rmspcctrtm sDet:ilyittg reasanat*fr Snort t[tcrrtoz rc?acrd to I enc'rrr~.
<br />N its tfrta l+rq~gat.
<br />