<br />r...~ ~ ~ i _i ~ c) ~~ Huffman and Felton 8 Wolt Walton, qe. 68461
<br />SNOW 1LL BEN $Y THEfi~ PR1s::3ENTS, `Phat
<br />ROTE ANNE ESPELUND, Also knotan as
<br />CORDON L. ESPELtSND and/RUTA ANN ESPBLUND, Husband and Wife, each in His and Her owtt-
<br />right and as spottae of each other
<br />herein sailed the graator whether one or more,
<br />itaeom-iderationot FIFTY THOUSAND, TFDtEE HUNDRED FIFTY ANA NO{t0O ($50,350.00) DOLLARS
<br />reseiestt frnm gratttees, dose grant, bargain, sell conaey and confirm nnto
<br />H. TfItk4AS COTTON and ARLETTA COTTON, Husband and Wife
<br />as joint ta€aanta with right of snrriramitip, and not :~ tenants iu common, the following described real groper!y in
<br />Hail Conaty, flebrsaka:
<br />3(7T 'T!?IRTEE~i {13), IN 3LC)CK THREE {3), IN LAKE DAViS AtiicES
<br />To bate ntt.I to bald the abc€re deaeribetl premir;rty together with all tenemerta, hereditamenta and appnr-
<br />! t$nattrecr thrrr*w brlQniring rtatrs the granters and ;a ihr>ir axsigtas. or to iha heirs and assigns of the sarvi~trr of
<br />' Iltent !errPer.
<br />.~tcd l,r~rantor elae€a herehg eos•rnant }title the ~r:int,~«, an,i with their arsiguv and with the heirs and sasignr
<br />of the svvrriror of tliear' that saran€rrr i+r 3auFnlYy Mrrsrd of vatri pr~nttse~. that then err free from eneumbranee
<br />exea:pt ~ae~n€s and restrlct:ons of retard
<br />i
<br />€h:t€ ptranttar has goad ritrlat anti !awftti ztath,;r}tp tr, ,•„€:~•~, the xame; ansi chat kraninr warrants anti will de#ead
<br />?_ flat title i4 stand pre€niaes agaatas,t the leer#ni ,~taitns c,# ail irerso:~ n°Firtnst,ever.
<br />It is the inten€inn u3 all par€iea hereto =,hat in the rvrrsit r:i thrt ,i€=ath nr Yither ,;,# the grasttePU, the entire
<br />#re siingle rifle to the real rotate shall rent in the rtrirriv:nA irrant++e.
<br />Dated iK~ ch ' 1 l~ 5l
<br />/r
<br />' ~ 1; `. t~~`°~irt- :~ - `~ s-e ~- - f .,~ - ! .ro-. 1`~f~ r'~~IC alzt`.-.•~sc' ~~^~~%~--"
<br />tcrdgn L. ~apel,s~ ~ Ruth Espelund ...
<br />~ ~T:#7`E' ~F . ;,.~Ee~L . ~ :jn this <* d{:y c+j '>~ ty 4''/ . F•efore 1
<br />s ~ss
<br />' ~ ..... ~T ;.aaaiy i ~.~. .k.~ k~.-~~r yid -~' ''. s•ry t'€~~ltr, ~_€'i n~ntrf~nn-~d end ruulihrd inr
<br />r in s~tia cOSaNly, i~rraLSatfy cxma. - i
<br />Gordan L. Espelund and Ruth Attu Espelund, Husband and
<br />E
<br />~; Lti.fe... - - .
<br />f ~~ "~ ~
<br />~ ~ ~ .' ~ ` r;~ esee F-n•rtt+a trz <',e the id.ntsa'a! per,:rn yr pcrscns xvJs3st name is ,~r nam4s nrr
<br />„~,,~ s ,t~..red £o tic !mryaisy instrument and :ehn,>t~~lerto~'d ttr,^ exectetion t;a<^rea fn Ire 1
<br />t _ _ ?- : 1
<br />a. '- r - iris. lser yr tha€r rotaKlar~ ace and deed.
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<br />>i°atnrss m~° nand asst Nvraryal .Seal the iaf. ,nd year tut al~ar~r ;€~ritieu_ €
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