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<br />,; ~~,-~ t)~.~a~~~ REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE
<br />'{
<br />- FO Rm Fl8 208-RR (Rev. 1 77} ~ ;;
<br />n,_te March 23, 1981
<br />38bs E. Ta.xcY:er, az3 nathleen M. Tavehen, hvsbard and wife
<br />mortgagors,
<br />nr Hall Nebraska ,y,,, ~
<br />_- Y.... ~-.'n`--v, „~. 1. r. ~Dns.^u.a.i~a Df
<br />Ctae a,zance?' the ,~.^Earig=a2 s~ ^e,'?eg In 'hc' re5? tare?rattr)r ~P^-cr#bed, rBCeipt r=t a'hlch :; srHnoe+Ied3ed, hereby
<br />~.Drtgag@ and aorv?y t..•
<br />THE fEDERAI LARD flARit OF DkAHA, a Corporation,
<br />of 4tmaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />~s ~arrn Crad•.L flnildrnq, t~!aha, nebraska 861DD,
<br />'t;r~gx e ~-.,in~e::. -.~~ p:. cr^ ~ ...: ... c,ts .ant'. .:. ;-:r- •.*~ -.nr. „_. :~i~;r~: >xis-lnw easements of
<br />"x
<br />.a:-... ..: ..,. ~a°t~.t .. ,.,. 4_e~ :t:~.~_ u!<.-,. ,~ ~. .... ..:. ... -. -. .. ._ .. zl: 'i'. dnfiay:>). the fulioreing-
<br />«.:,..a~;.. .. _..tAta in Hall ..- .. ---- ?veb-asks
<br />SEC. IIYp. R0.
<br />Lot Eleven fll}, Westwood Park Subdivision -- - - - - - - 14 L1N IO W 6th P. M.
<br />,D~e±hrt w?-r :g^ - i !acid .l+sI; ht;i1d1;18S.
<br />_rS;rr~: .f x: . - - :~~r ~ -- 3- ny.t =r- '~t:lPmert fixttin-gs or
<br />t _e.; r ~e .,iI1aL cr ether sgw-
<br />..tc. ~. _ - =~d!ti>, h,:ILrh9t .invited Lo,
<br />~t^r frt. >g1!_, l :w;', nf.' -.. , S-; ..-dd_~S' tkRL°. aiR'tih~S,
<br />'.x£E31x?:; `.2°rY ger!i. tY f- ,p .1..f'. ~aLiDmefl G, 3;` Of 74tSi Ch
<br />-> @ ~. ; .T'om'., - 4 ,.2 " r . c _ .,, 1 _ ....... ...... .>.. ... .._ ~::.: ~°g@x!gd K ~_ +;rtlDR Of
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<br />'Ce ^rtneii,~i ;sr r^0121'Y F't}I.iR TfKiLSAND 'BHR~E 3~Lt?~T-RE- AAI- :~0/liHS - - - - - - - - - ~JLL&RS,
<br />D'lc ii) :..^,~Lx.c:nN.. t., r; t.. ..,.., ~...t «- . ~ ..,- . _ .... - .._ ;:_r a - _... ..._ _,.:t 'r.~ts21m@nt 4eing due Sad DgS-
<br />ai:#e 'zn )- t'rsf. day c.~9 A„j?rii. 2(?11 .~____...... ~Ti^. -:,;tveya;:r~e ::hr,~ ny rDid usxa. the payment of -s8.1d
<br />D:"CrS4 rzs„ri ..v.. ..
<br />x#:e mnrEgs~„•rs :.greet "vie, :t •~agae„tad,, .~-tr~;gse, :,n -r~.n -.tai::~2ri, date, !n ~Sdi'lon t. the su.~es reQuired
<br />:n t*dt at)DVe s:crf he <,m~#~ _ nre, .,r r •*,c 3:'x,;:r". a e*~., lr:~h ?~ Lhe -r t
<br />t y -`tt"~g~eE rSQtS-:'@d t8 3G,^.veiC29L8,
<br />3:1d r2~ :2`$ :;:£t;t @S!f- D-t'°j,~. >'_ ~.r ^a~ €.YEr-3;-C. 17B FGGrt~aged DrealiSeR, and
<br />:7?'="~A3 f'.tAt( `bTcea a,.~ii .3___'etlS)' - ..i.3.gg.. s,=fnt,_ '.liy ., ,-5i v.. P. dII@ vAL88 t2tgreCf. In
<br />3i~ -.~`AIIt that =KA ^fus.: ,~:_ -_ x,~sr .'e 3 ~ -r?F _Y 3 ,:EB.>t„gnt° '.s.^P 1Lt$:iffiC2epC, the
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<br />s~,a,~.:.e avi:kSea uII t~rtn .~i~~'s~.a -~,*... _..,r, .a. _ _. _. se~ni* i.aw.: 7 t^Dr _ ~ d there.ar
<br />i`eliv ,re511fRiS. _.KF~, ~?f' ..,,3D:'.-'~3:?.. .. r y C3%~~E? :6r Lh _ r)CtCI3t +?f
<br />"ASS ~rtq.p~'. ~ ^t.t. ~sr ~ T t- ~ -.. ~ :- -7,.:,; r s--- Inc ~ L.• - s.•n>-- ~ -J >hereef ~r- suDDlemenLai
<br />F.. B~>t, st. LN ...Ct .,-:3 Ty'.tiA ..:.$ r.P 3L a:. ss^~y tY. a: ]e ,~i?E. .. v,r rJ.>.;.sR.:> S.,NCi.fic.. .n rF> sN."taag4r8+ $pDii-
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<br />-~~ T tSad,:aev. '¢n; easfs ^f her herettir +w?!'r'!r _tey Are fee -ter'. ~f @ - F gsge" reai -; c arty; rhaL they
<br />^r_'.;: tiufead ti•,e titi@ =sgai. ~z 3i., ^«a #ax:fLS ~z..sc..uer, :3;d `13s*. ..A#s ,. ~pery, `rag kr^~ sLl .,.c~.: asrvs<:es, ghat
<br />t>tct„-~3% Kemp ~,i t;sv 1~^nvv'~gni.s, t3zt•.~r~s, s1°: a.F,~•ss ::et an^es -:tp;ed end `^.~srcx;d r@patr and ;,@tyns*. nn arts of
<br />~:.`Zn. atr: '?sgy ai :. r~; i';Q3z1',. u.:: "#r^ai'.':: t .,^~e_,,_~ ... afd ~.-?mx 3?E, an-..... ;.r.zaa:r. .~,s zyt;.er ai.F th@ martgagee,
<br />fn~.:~xs:
<br />ri1 '' &_ rrTl Fa1t' ~@fl -ZEE tx. -_;xen, _iete> .. uCai:~. ,_ -nefeC_ u~i'.. r~,.9` to _.swF;:l :y 'i msfss~i mains'.
<br />.ta +„~..~~rry ter`!: r ter*. rhea.
<br />"fiat 1•r+,. rxi 1 s : ~ e d staa a ~. ~ , Y r€s .., - h rv - ent° rv - .. ~ hi _r -He ereafter ti3~ - _tced
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<br />k r A ~ : st e v Para x, ~ - ie -'*-"` ?,"3it a ~ .s --mod
<br />~ - fist ..- A - ,.
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<br />e_~• .€ f..~a~ -y' 4Y :~; ~_y~-.. ...r*', .~._. . e,:. 'ti-.,. !'ey ., n., ;rx , '. t5..
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