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<br />ts)tlitt wltt!,all teneemeitts ktezexli;amenis acrd agptutettances helangittg thereta
<br />'t7ti. HfcVfi APdtF37~f3 tIOL-!?Mite s6e~we t3eseriktc~i ~rmatam arith a!i the gm<ik$c$ and appurtenances thetettrtta bdtnn~IngSS~udlag
<br />all'teit~,+es anti pry theteaf trttttq blaetgagee, fctrtwex; And Adartpagar hereby covenants tha# AMrtga~r is wad}- and trstty s~aad af'
<br />_ ~t~+ ale t~ ~° g---t;F~^• aF +v ~ar~c# :.t #zy. !arv. its fee ~+p?e.~t has a ,rxi vaaht and lawful authnrsty tarnnvey-tha:s, and`
<br />t<ha! the !itle sQ cattveycd is clear Exec and unencumbered except as at<herwise noted and that bltsrigagar will fatever warrax# amddt>:'
<br />f~td. sash to tiAt+rt a~utsc all e3sitttg'wf5at5Uever,
<br />_" zt Yu*t-r ry °~trt~a~ts t~ ~c~tre t?ie;gesfi rsr~z: c#' ~:.h ~-.nent cantaisted persist, and to secure the~y+metti.
<br />of,g li~u--t~#he t of tiie-~btai vt Faymettta ,dtvwtr aisorc. whir;(s iasn ltetrt~ evidenced l9y a-promiasorp ante tte~iug evert sftl#~.
<br />_: kh.~;eBr}rerh ti ~kitfe'7ti ritswrLatYz~SaA---- -- -- ----- - - - - - --._.. -- -
<br />. ~ ~; ~„;ti;~~~5~iS, attd thrse guts:tae t~atr dte rp;i c; .tdi€i~., :hat if €'se .'~4t~-t~ts s in fttl!°ta tree 141~€-
<br />gB~Et.rgsmttf~try+~afe tieatitt~ swan cla#a horewit3r:it tJte attsrxcnt sea forth aknr#ve, psyai~ie in ias~#ttnests ac~arding t~ the tetttts'thete=;
<br />~ :3f ta$etlter with 'rte*.exest as set forth therein. and sltsS# pay aII taxrs anr! assszzsstnents levied uacnx sa#d r~l edtatt before tltcsabe-
<br />~.i cashes detitsx~tt;, za~d : `h= z-a'1,-+,:.*.~; .;:t s::dd g: r;t;i~ i:.s::red ;:tr a ~:=.r. ^_~xai ±cr the iudetetedness secuxett hettFry, l~s, if atty. pay-
<br />11~ able r7 tFe saed lulzrrt~gee, thew thew presents ¢a he null anal vaid, atherwise to he attd rermin in ftati t'brce.
<br />,tea
<br />v _ 3'}~iS TG,iGi; l5 3L.SO T?.3 Slw...#s"s'A LEJAiT#~i~:k. TO 13E, FRQ~tR "T[1ltE 'f0 '1Y14tE, SECIiRITY FOR THE FAY1MlEiVT
<br />#: ~E,`C'R ';~ 8~]L SItaLS ~ ttY ~ T ~i€2HTGEE ~in'i FI'cG-r's' i ~c Tv i L~£E igi Ted FLTi:RE t133F.tci~, i~3 T##£
<br />#''~G9L;(,~. Atdl# 1~,~£L# EY ~ 5€9#+4LEt"~'F.~f, ti7t'23"E CR Nt)TEs. S~: SOT Tfl £XCEEI? TKE TQT.#L.L'F
<br />~s~75~$C39eAE#*~*~***~:'~t~Y' EQR A.~iY ii31YAAiCES TH.R3' ;MIRY BB M~I}€ TU PItOTF.C1' THE SECITiIl'Cl' IN AC•.
<br />~cn~;srde~ wml THE TEICtM~s o>: Brats TC~c~.
<br />Addttitsaa3 l~emts attd f;s3ncfitirns •,n the reverse ~f ibis ~greentent :c_fc made E par. t;eterri ;,red incrsr;xnated herein.
<br />t4i Wf'l';E~ WHE3lEOF~the said iMk+tt~xs bare exe+:uted t!t€tf,e }x~nts the day seed year first ah»ce written.
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<br />3tS~ T!lAit£:!l . {~r 8l s,ctcxre me, the under a Alatsty Frshll : dul
<br />'dot ~ ~Y s5I _,.~ ~_a~ ~ >i~ ~ y
<br />~tetied frstated in sway state atx.. -~3s;nty, netscnat#3 arrc Fg't•'tt W_ .f,``taiG~i,. FRi?~3'Bt?TdT iSF TC
<br />~,e_,,,nt~~~ rsst r44rss r t e€art ___,,..-~_vt<nsa~tra t-f~i3#'L#3?s~TM~3L3~R~. E ~~'rx~, n~m_~AU.r ItTr: M.
<br />;~ tom- kr~atts tc he ?ls~ ddetrtie8i pe'r~.±n ._:t -,~.a+~ts ;vh:r:s rsrsr .s ~sr 3sr:~ ~.. ~f fia_~ ~o the fareg+aing iitstrurtttnt and uknawfCdgeci
<br />eit~,tttsm thes'cerl ts_> ~ h:s. het ... st<src .estssntartr act seat Jam. '~SAR?ZN, FIUSBAND Ai/;3 t~FE
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