<br />~; ~~- reCpre~~cf
<br />_ 8~-~-1?t} ~~~~ ~1- #~lE 15.`.'3
<br />Re-recorded to st~tw date of ter~rtgage and date of acknowleel~tteret.
<br />tlOR1GAGELOAMNO. r. 23911
<br />rrA#a.i~s$'r~SEIRE~EI~'t'~:7'-mc Frank E. Kolas a single personr
<br />~-~}X ~ a~ N[3jI^^ - - _ , whettser aee or moss, is osmsideyttueaf the tans of
<br />t]tH * `tea
<br />teerd hr and hs' iix aaat tnm Aaoo~aao of c:raod ialaed, tietaraeka, amrt~ae, ~ .:760 >t~m t~~dt of
<br />id d~EZA'!~[Ilr, Cert~au t~to. L . do harehy ~. ~ ~d rmta the eeid ASSOCIA'ttOf~t the
<br />daersawd teal cause. ,:tai r stew c~tr, Fkhradca:
<br />IAT 'ff~2F.E i3) LtiF FAi;7I~Y PLC StJSCIVISI~d,
<br />r4 :,I':'Y C3k` ISZ.A.'~, FTAIS, (_'L7fJNfI'Y,
<br />Wp4iKS wits alt de teeeesseeats., hsams aed agpsetee®acz thesesmser brbsrisng. iag attached boor . a9 rrmdoe atseems,
<br />ariedaar shiadet, 5liadr. rtatm r:ndors, asegietp, heW.~, au siw~. ~d pt ~d spa aq~eai aed ar~earits thsre~, Poeaps.~t,
<br />ta6i~uaibnn., m3 atfer fs~ra aed neap ar teereafter attacfsed to x sotd w txmsnesta+s rph sad read ~_
<br />Ass! siemeea Hee aid eeortp~or ha apead and Berea hereby apse stns t6s mwtpytsx ~ and rAi per ~ face and tmesasmtta as*:d a
<br />soeead a}ma Sid [ aed ~ tfda nesxt~e anrt the band cexved ttrrret+x Aefwe efts laser d'wQ iaawme dstisgemt: to [taemh sppeowd
<br />leerraases the trsit~ ae and senatvt ~ ebe eiesm sat' 3 75.040 , 04 #Ky'sile su sand A55Fa['tATM)i't amd to deliver m teid
<br />etas paGstien far wid saaerawes; aed asx w saw ar permet rely rase ~m rx s#+ovs test ge'sraoes;
<br />~ rase sat' dtdsh i rtes gertsxmaeez d aay s~ rbs and sa>ESS aE ~ mssipype ur she ts8cad sa~stad
<br />a. dee'~ L ., . . ~ . _. ~ s, F ~°~d ~~ ~a a'we _ Y. d~ moetp~ce thy,
<br />ati the roata. eesearaa and es. be deed from sir esaxtpRd faresnnes~.t ~ y transtera and n:ts wet en the
<br />aapnd: asd ehr ahaG !we the sss ~~ inrtabtedneas zt~ mmem
<br />~ +s3' ~ ar s n mey Beare ke the pmpwe of sspraeeg ytd peemaa aed rotiq
<br />t11e asses awd she ra+ets. reeeram aed mnrme_ and r< mey Aei' .rut exf satd ewe ~ e ssf reps said pea~aee and y
<br />oeeetiana~ aeei wgsrrcd s renstses atd nneeptos ~ wme cad at tee rentafet tirr~isom: tha bahmce if
<br />mrrard tie srf sud a~rlptye : tlsese .ghta ssr she .mrtp~rc ~7' Ae e~t~.+d at ~!'> to ba
<br />~Pe~e ~ ~! e+~erY aoleer itf tier spas. asY tn~ rheesisimm-a[ seep
<br />31wee tom, trrsrrees. R ~ ~C°.xsn, 7~ sf she wed tfkNt Tei~ey seed k+en m ur 6efiva she mparKy ~ red theses
<br />f: P~' !' w said ]ClAStO?~i .af flee ~ spno/sad w she sevv~d hesaby as mtaeg sn4 fro slid Coen, rm a bets
<br />~ T day ~ s~ a~ ` . _ ~ 1e~ Pre ~ and asa®mtra tared ~ suei psen>ass and w this aaartps
<br />aet idte Hoed waved . fiedwe wry: fusrnaah appcnor for apoe rise basidep rhetara i the sees a# 1 75.000.00 peyabts
<br />~ w~ A'€iUCiA; sepia w and ICgfst' ~ese+3rssserai r~ ~ ~ gear to rst~s, tlatl~i.a cad weds asiermt ad
<br />stet slacraserm tept eai dssvase fram d#e of petyraeui ~ of rteieh 9isut~rx hereby #ras w psq, persgr sso waat as and petawra:t~ and S'
<br />w~ si the ao+sneneta awd asutdstesraa at fir 8csad far b 75 s 004.OU thee day prm t+y the sand Msxip, s ra led AS3flCIATlOIY, cad Y
<br />= ~ ~ ~ w =A- :'~. ~-' t:T :.sets ~ mitts s ice." i sia~ sh<s fiats mowi seoonse sew aafi saidd. aehanr~ ~q
<br />slek raeneta ~ fy~ t:rrcrr ~d suety br tsse ~ thK -ua .~' the ts~ ~R':5t)[`tAi',r1Ao af3m f--'---- tar shrse merNhs ps ateie car of wid
<br />pspeeneu asr ke ttexr meettm w aeaera ae aorss# ,~ Pa3's%. ~r w iur~ ~ vsnh the > mi coadltiuae of yid. flood:
<br />r.. #teri~w apses ao haw a asrassns isnhmi m nosh farednswz pew.
<br />7.f ~eee n cart ~i ee aeaeraiip d mee tai aerr eseetNed hpsws, bg teie ar aeherras, cis the earns ~ yititledeeuw haaabp
<br />aegeed t11aMi. ai Lie a/Igisq at the tleddiss and [awe Aseer~etaee at C.atted taleted,f~tsiwsin.besstms des aed pe~ahfe aithoet
<br />fasirtse ae[im, api der aeeesot eel drer_ aeip send tglsd., rod and Whet hnad fer ~ addkir~ai adsamesa estde Yhsas®dr, siei, faaiee the
<br />Bsae of of sri s~enan, isp irseea at aee aeeaine~ ~ ems, aced this may then bs fosseteaad to ~ the ayeaett Bee oa yid
<br />ta.ti,asW acct sa0mr i~aed far aAlhpemit adwesats, ees8 alt asses pard b7 std '[Le tenable eL aed I.aee Aemeatioe atGrsod ielad.
<br />tiebeetloa fer int. taste nad taseweesesa, aed slyxaa~ asst:miore c~ireies, verb ~t chsnan. fenm Brae ~ pa~ett n cite rein
<br />~~.
<br />lia~peasided i tie went sepnad trraby= ss~de Ura seyreas ss s~fay.1 the mfrtpgLd neq Apeattar adtepa et®e to tbC
<br />erreaa assd $sir.#. were sx , ~ ama s be reshot she secsitsty of ~ wsnrpde ~e ywe a the ftmds ori~aa&y
<br />thin. star aaiasi aa~aeee ~ date set to eseaad ~ aag Lima t#e osir~ai amt tsf Wes eaoet~e.
<br />~d tbs i9t~{sfE ~ day ad ~rc3t ,~. f3., Iv 8i
<br />Qi~ 3fi ~d ---_.__.__._
<br />fSl+ Qff'IiklRat, y car tes 19th der csf
<br />~~ ~ d9 $1 ,be(eaeme,
<br />tie , a fiatary 9sdlfic a aed fie[ aafd Ctearttr, f raven
<br />Ftik E. Ka?2aACr at ale perms ahn. 1& pano~aannwy
<br />tiM #e is eke ~ wipeesraae atftens! ra trw abnre ~ dd
<br />~ ~ to ie ~ ~ sc+t cried .
<br />yes ieessr led t+treraeut the Base _ F ~ ~'
<br />A ,~ ~ I ~
<br />s~I
<br />r r ~~~f~ - ~-~
<br />~ a r ~x
<br />