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,~ 2 "'° U 0115 ~ ~ ~Ii~A~Tts~At~~ <br />!'>~ ~, neeeie fef.,_._ 25TH ~ ~ March ----__._..__.~, is ~1., bs and h.easee~ <br />i&'i'i,~~;r it~TFsT `<<~r.#.~au,';.` ~g~ 4~.,,slc5 n 4i55~~° ..t <br />~, Pas t~;, Nval litst~;t?. E3€kacrn aiW Truest <br />R~aer £, Jensen. Deacon and Trustee.L Roy Cu_pples. Deacon and Trustee. <br />~ N$ l l f,y; Nafyetgila: a ~_ , and Ccnmd Isimd `f'rost C:ampany of Grind iehad, a casporsfion <br />atm. ~! vat tit Lae of ?rfebrc~a w~h its pr~ai afgca amt gLae of bvaimss at Grand Is3afrd. lVe3itaake, ~ Via: <br />WI7'NEE~Is't7i: 't4ue ssdd tara4.gtstptr. 5.- . ~r sad in mtgidseati~ of rho asrm of _~~, <br />Taltsnty Five Thousand r~'e~_.k3uttdr..~.._Iaafelwtte~ 7o1_lat•:s. ~'!!~' - Ito 1, <br />the tamd~et o1 nhit3' 6 hatshT admoartsdge,~d. do . _--- by these presents enortgrge ieaara and assigns. <br />, a'i LIm fdaaisg daacrr~td teat palate. s~uaGd is the Gwtnty ref __„....ti--.-~-.~~--• <br />~ t nr lam: ss-wtt: <br />Part of the Northwest Quartf~r of the Northwest Quarter {NW3.;NW?~) of Section Seventeen (17) <br />Township Eleven !ll? North, Range 'sine (9) blest of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, <br />i;xare particu?arty described as follows: Coir~nencing at the Northwest Corner of said <br />Section Seventeen (?7) Thence due South alortt# the ',lest Lane of said Section Four ha,<ndred <br />Seventeen and Four :Tenths {4??.~iti Feet; To "U" Pnst; Thence East an a line Parallel tc <br />tiiC !\;!r ll ifISC isf ~a?U 3eLtiU~i i3 ~ tAn4L t",ff CiJUr uU~idrRS~ JCVentCCii and Faun- Te^tha (17.4 <br />Feet to a Steel "t3" Post; iherLe~NOrth an a line Parallel with the West line of said <br />Section Fs~ur Hundred Seventeen and t=our Tenths ~,dl7.~i Feel to an iron Rod in the North <br />line of said Section; Tisence 'nest along the 'forth line of said Section to the Point cf <br />f reginning. Excepting Therefrom a Tact of Land more ;,articu?arty described in Warranty <br />~ Deed gook li?!' Page 46?a, RArorded it; the Regiter of Deeds Office, r+a11 County, Nebraska. <br />? <br />5 <br />Toga 5aiE6 ~ air , !~. acrd phtmbiwf rcrstxpraxat sad [iztwem, usrdtadina scrapau, oerntlir(e, stores wi~ws and <br />doers, asd xtatt~m r er #, used an or in caanectmn with .sod prvpsvtx. w>iWhrv the same ace now located 5x5 said PraPertX or horrafter <br />i+~ . <br />TCl MAVtti Alto Tf3 ItOi,f3 THE'.t`Alt1r, eeith atf and sitsgtttar the tame, ~ and eppuxYenanwa thaeeutko tae-- <br />' teagtng. or is ae{raimsa ~, fuee~rar. seed wasrrest rise title tp the same. tiaxf rnragagw Iseta toy eavpmat .,. _S__ witk said <br />atertg~as that .~_...~iLr.,....._I ti_ __~ a_-._ __. ,ass t~ ~fivars7r ie~paaf; :.he iaertui ~~ of the pa~eiaea aiaace caaveyed and draErfbed, <br />~d.__.»=,5.-_.-_asind of a gtwd cad iad~e~ttr ~trca of setiarttaace tf~retn. free arced c4aur of al! eecum4ranoee. and that _.._.., k4c-i-t-wiii <br />twrraat sad defseti the title thewfo forever a8aanst tna claims sad uamaade of alt pares>:.a whommevaa. <br />-- C~F3.r~;Ji43.sis 45?3.~*~~~~d-~_._..~...~'-'.~~~sr;£g~s ~€~m eat _ - --.-.. _. _. <br />S~_.L.!:~~._l.,~Ists~ia~ttst.. t..~.s t._ .-~. v_ _.r. ~. ~ ~_,-r _sx. v:~-,. . <br />tidUc iafalpat fhsraer, toyeNlet avith such cFurgm sad drsares as may tar. xtoe std poya8k w said mottgagea under the terse and rnnditiams <br />at rtes pso5rraaeeS amts ad evaa daft hraewitb sad eecta+ti hereby, eaatuted by sad moor -.___ to said taortgagce. PaY~ as atzpreased <br />ia'erd-sees. ud a settee t3a peefaa!oaaas of ~ the Coma sad eandiaoas ronamed ttletsela..~ terms of ruste era hataby uK'e*Pa'a~ <br />-. k is fha irYirtiaa sad apeaaesat at the partess hssefo that this martpie shall alto stcute say 25,uwe advances made to said nsortp~tx __- <br />hY said aced aaq' sad tit m scion to thre 6aaouat abort stated whid, ~ moet-gagors, su say at thr~. mty we w <br />awd . hewwvsa asdaetold. sebe6htar by nets. hash aocouat ur otherwise. 'IShis aenrtgypx shall rxSlLtia in ha3f fmco sad effeei betereep <br />eke hasm4a sad tfleir beret. pereowst niC+<~tati~t.: xeassstw. and aaw¢eu. uatSf ail amwnta sacura,d hreea~tsr.saeitding tut::rv <br />edsateaaar, sea paid is felt with atirsaet. <br />- - 79w -_.-... laaeah?' _..5-_- t+o acid ~ aU rtena a~i usaama ar>sin6 at aW' sad etc tiapw ttom aaxi property and <br />- r.atta8~ra said :~ its ate, at its . upon c~ault. to tskr charge of said pmporty and collect all treats wed rnccmu <br />- ~ ~ the , ~ R, pa&trspat. is pose., -tsars, asearaaemis, repairs or Etta <br />naalaas,°y a rV+~8~7 ~ tars+stshSMtaadRfar, or tr3 other c6argea or psyasmts provided far herein or is the epic hereiay spewed. 4'his <br />- ""..'_--'.....*;e...~*~~•- '~E ~L-xass~f»~h~3et1Y?~-'1~t4llt.!f;±~mr!e~t h~nus:d~stv!5U ?3lF+ma2.~ <br />Psaeraer4ae aslasd aid in tlr c+ititeGiea of add sums tat Lmarlawee w otherwise. <br />The fssi3xas o£ tlm,eaaet®tgas ta: ~ any ~ its rights tYraueder at asy temp shall rat he o waisrsr of its rigix W assert. t35a <br />seats ac se4Y teyat ZMr: sad w recital sapwa sad ea¢orge atriaY tiroce wilt: SrJE the terms a~ prariskana of said mfa and at this tnesrtplake. <br />t1 erid rases to hoe paid to said saawts the salsa amount due it hatestadw, sad tsada~ the tatrna sad praroisaspa <br />d said arm )tselirq sesalaed. taWee adsraaasa, watt say atasaueae w nmowais tharecf in aeaeedsoee w~-the tteate sad teravmsiaaa <br />tiysgs4, wed ~ aid ~_ _._-. stea8 eecas~y >:itb a@ tits p:evmit~a at mid nnas sad of this msari, than- those preseat3-shat! tar mkt: <br />a6tsMtsA<ea4 i~tt~Y fiesr+sada~f+l, aadaid 5~ he eaEiited to f~rpa at ag al mid pe+apSeL~. sad tne&. ~ ua optie®, <br />iireesF+m~a w ss~rr+r was. is?i5F sir sir ,8.......a naatasassrisd theraoa tea he ;»m+rss clue eau psgtaley wan may meecasase xrus ania:gtir <br />w taAss wyr xaBsse trgat_atsiaa is psatevi pre rfgiet• Agpeaieseaatr <br />~. `cart ~-t~5. a cG3 ~:lL' r,aaaeY.. tom. ~as~i r# cks tom.. mss, foswors sn3 a +A €ftz <br />atarsstew paefiu 45aesnea. <br />flM WlYSttl , card-.. hr 5...... t,eratnto aet_..._. _.2'CS5___.____ heed __,_.. the day and ti.aY' fleet ahs+:e <br />~y:~ ~~~, nr„t~s» ~`85tcsr f.y~ N ,_ se ~.- ~ <br />/, , <br />....._ ~, ..,~"s - ,k..~ <br />