<br />.. aaaie ylRe..~ 26th _ _. dsy oe____~~ "Aarch --__ ~.__, is $1 ~ ~ betaaea
<br />l~t~y, L. Moir a~ IEaren L Nkie^ husbaind and wi~?s, each in his a;t~ her- a~ r~cth't
<br />~! as__,~n~ffe~a of ~t~ ntls~r, _ _ _~~------
<br />d4,~itral i ~iEmei,Y. Piabeaidai, rr --y'---. and Csiaml IsWld R'enat Caropeiey of Grem3 Ietaod. a rmpnaation
<br />ae~ , e~ L~ ed rldca witl:% ics iI ass pt~ iar 6u~se ,u Grand ta4ndt , as ~:
<br />71ar.,~_auai,- Kaw~. ~~~.
<br />msc~trl,.~ar.d.al~ ~._syc~.wl~ca~a~.~ele~ar+uw~e~r+ - aaawlQ.
<br />tenant. a6tir ~Yeeea~ dsaeri5ed ~t ~tcts, s~murt is ihm (,panty of _---~ ~ 1---___~__-- ~ ~ ~} 4 - ._ _ _
<br />lot Twenty-six (2fij in alf~ck One ~i;, in Dale 12oush Second Subdivisian, in
<br />the East Na3f of the Southwest Quarter [-~~ Sal-=;;< ~f Section Fourteen (laj,
<br />TEn;rtshiP Eleven X11; ~VOrth, Rance Tfxr, [ii?'.., dE>st. :?f the Sixth (6tt~ P.~l.,
<br />in Hall County, 'learaska
<br />1Et~r .Fad au trl~i~. err ons~. 'sga'~ti~. sod band c amt fucu,~. incFuaing ~eeo.. a.rrir~,. su3rm .vinan..s and
<br />dare, wad vfadoe shades or tom, woad oa a iit <srcoeRiorl wi4h railE E~peny ~ ,rtsElmt the name ara now iawted <ai sax! pmpaty nr tax®tter
<br />`!'131'pA{FE IENEZ TQ IiGI.I317(E 31i19E. fneperbar w.3t13 e$ std aiagEtlar tie lenamentn, Eafrsditamemts ~ ttEreaata Le-
<br />or m aa'>~ tar~osr. sad ssrtimt tha Eit&e w the saau. Sari nintgsgw _~a-__ hae~bX covenant ___.__ with: said
<br />} ._ _ . at Ehr dsiivary 6lmeai.:he tsrrtnf n+rt~r ~~ pnen»eae ebwe caivayed eml deeetsbrd.
<br />thea..._. _~ is .,.~,-_ ..._s~_.. _ W. of Ells
<br />~. t+PL'_ oI a~sed n!id wdata ~ t-'--"---- Lhutaa, fear sew ct~f <# al! aseombranc~, amI t-h~_ ~ heY_wift
<br />a~aea-ii<Id dmhod tea t#3ltheeeae fiwa-ar a t.+.s risase sad dnsaamEe of ell persona ~_
<br />YI13SI3 t13.3ttAYl~. sad this wststermai ,€ sad deiiveesd xa aoi~iis-the pagmra sef the som oI _ .__..___ __ ~ _~
<br />Ir~.~n~ TFS~t~~~ni ire _^ii~:~eis-e`~.~ =.i sr„ ~>~v~"; _.E)1 _drs 3na -3~irlla_ ~s.~~l.`~~! _ ,.
<br />- oel~eiailw teaeaaa: a.ach seem caaps cmd saverttm as mar na wa and paysleie to cwd muctgaipee- um3er the E.ams and lxeldit.sona
<br />~tl~ihe.~pae~a~oea-AOlsw€axaadataleaaa~ter6l~+adtunaby. esreeeaad by s+d alwtgats~-_.=.:._toand-ma~tae, PaYabta-as$tiuasrad
<br />aiE.aaiet letMil, ~edta~aYasae tha ps'w [dad tha taeLea and cm~i.ioae aeaslttaad tiarase. T}s tatms a( said- irWa errs why inwrP~'+eted
<br />ItisslEala~rasae~ee~s of i8a ~Qls io.ea~a tips is m abaci aces •eraiae nay f+anre aavBmee made ui said-.. 5-
<br />aald Wa: sad ~ and slt tadabiaiiara m iaiditiea t0 tht s9itYwt s0aw etetid wltk6 raid ma[R~C+ra, iH BnY oI- therm. RIiY'olra ED
<br />said haaaver avidesrd. wheeher alyi flat!. 4noii! ssement tit ttrhrl~lese. ~I Efia emrt~ shalt ielaata iII hill fA(CE sad c~aCi tYHf.Meaa
<br />the p7la-hrowb Bail: their haia. pera0lal 7~BNeit~.iVlt. aaneesnrs sad afel~ne. antic sii amauwte nsluted hsauode. kneladi>~ filWtE
<br />e~raaaes, SFaF paid is a ieitdE }.
<br />- - T$8--~... - aam~Ea ~. tee ~ x+sis sad iaesene srimg si nay sad ail Eimer Exam xoid pmpettY arld
<br />haN@=-aaa.-acid aeMegl~la Qr ~a s~~pex, at ~ aprtios, man +i~tt to fal~ rhe:~s of ~d peoPaetF Bad coibct a!t rnts sad incooia
<br />aalbaltW'a~EiEy-#4: YSyr payalemlkak nEMwe. peiarl~pd: r ttsa~,. aresamoeo~,. n~a=s yr iwpcav~sarats.
<br />>T~a~eeR'ri!3~mapml~gsatsaa~iiea nr m aeier !'hBSAIe ar pagmoats {pasided Lu heeds or is Ella seta IweeiEp eeeared: Thin
<br />raertaaaiaeeasrf. ahlifitatuaiemara kaaee msd the,itlpaid halaan ed sad men ~ fmliir prd. the E+kiat of peseeeeiod heed rha9 in m manner
<br />. ~~;;_~~~ "- .,_ .. ~ and raaa~! .r- oR~ -
<br />1 ds mat the iwsmem to nears Bag s3f irw rgdiapa heesemder ea .ay canna-.tell laic he aamatmsd as a .ever oI ice riadrt to asstrG-Ens
<br />seMeiraCaw,g IdCle' F.blee;-aid En itaieE sr~aa and en~lae ainx ce~e .est8 dl-tha Eas® sad Iaoviaioaa s£ aa3d mts and of this mortgtge.
<br />tt'.eriippii~ga~r::5- r~~aHe POid to said arf5~ea~tillailfil'a aeoumt Ant It halm.Bad lmetsc°ttee Etl'Af aed peovisiona
<br />- at~rrii.aats ` errred, ibMdw~ai-Itlone selvemtea, ao•d >~' eaa~now! ~ nrlanis tiate~dvi mceaadaaee with the teens wnai yewisiaas
<br />liwsef , prF.~aaae~:aeeeal~e~er:.._...3.. aiiedlwat~iy s,iHt ed tiispwvaisal st end aeon lad of ~ lmetipl®e. the tulles Pteeeeaa e1ia- k» veidc
<br />- - aadeaidaewtge~aaeba~ia ~ tbinposeeaeiea aI W et wrrl-pea~pwlsy. sad nlsp;:asitaasptaaa.
<br />f1~iMtr#ilRal~oia+alaaiitais•a aait~{ ieyttraatl ca ba3mmsdiaiaig Ala sad patra6le< asd mag f+m~elasa.a meles~g*
<br />+ie#i~ieal~+il~iri~eFaswse~paeaaes~x~R- eilbyrsirares.,eard,.
<br />rpa sad dYaltims to sba aQ Rht heirce. rraaROea. eda~alctleeaea, saseaarra rind a ~ tine
<br />~._
<br />vK ~ aeiaE~4ae~aaaarar_~.... bli't~..~whaaamle sr.~._..I±~I#3?.~__ banal-_~..dag and yar lent
<br />E'S :
<br />~,
<br />.~ -'~-__
<br />~.~ ~ ,3.i" -------
<br />arm l;. ~a~ r
<br />