81--•s~r.~ ~~03
<br />, the d fitrst party lterefxy ceprts~y ct,<-tnants and agrtes: (1) Tr, {may the said Note and interest
<br />itt ftt#i rxt the tl~~s the sarsrtr sha#1 sewtral'iy tseconst dae ; (3 ? Neither to t^antmit rsar perltsit waste an the said
<br />}treniiat~r ar4r! to {mt axed ktrp tht isJid real eatate, #turldings, and impravtments in go€xl repair; (3} Ta pay al[
<br />rtxwes arld assesansertts sxI tht.said real estate lticf~rre tla~linc{m~rtc+t and until tht ,aid Note is fully paid.: (4) To
<br />} alb takes >u~ ass+itsttcttts t Itarrlrs thi.~ 31art+e. -and fire tlcht stcnred rh€retry, together with any ether.
<br />iax~s and. ,'stsesstttessts wnit;es may 11e #evier# t.r arsesscxl, rlndcr tht f ati+ss of Nelsraska, against the saki secatrd
<br />Marty; flee tegal:hole#t*r '~°ttse :~iet Nutt an accs¢ttm df this indebtedness ; t 5) "Fo procure, ketg in-fare; and
<br />dtiiver Iv the ,aid u~=rst.# {tarty }xltieics nt itsurance against toss by nee atx# tornado, in sucFi amounts and-
<br />irts{Iran.:t crusspatcir;s ac tltc aitl eeamf i~tty st~l# xttc~-t„ ai aslt t~ ai al# tstrles slctisfaets7ry to it, cacrterin~
<br />the htii#din{;s v.-hiets nasv are or nsry hereafter lee erected m the said premixes, tsrakirlg the bass. if any. paya6lt
<br />ttr tlsr said se~unc! {nsrry ar its "=~it5ns, alsd every such tantract of insurance effected #xc the said parties of tht
<br />ne=t part .Ir fat their 1celsefit ,haft !,e {uittsarily snlstcwr t.t :tpprapriatian ht- the :aid second }xsrty fur tlst
<br />pasast¢rtt of said itszkbt€rtnc~i. F~titirre to ~3 maintain ~uCB insurssscc s11a11 ,tut}tlssizc-the second part}; ar ire
<br />axsigtss, act its ar their o}ttir+~rri, tc~ c~tzt arui ;staint'tin .arch in>t .it rht t<xErnse of the aid firert arty, and
<br />ttx~ tirttY }w•srtt' a~ttx•s`ta~a a#1 «sma ~; pau#, cvltrs interest at~rcent, aad .,!refs ~,~ xa }said h}• the scaeat:d
<br />}tamp, with mtcre:t : t rcc=rtt, shal# itr ,retixt~l by thrs ][ortgage, fb. F'"irat the aaid stxaud party or the
<br />etssr•rtrr ttt the Said \itte .ear r.raAe kph rr{srira. F=a vch tape= anti {sap :snt# remove any lira fram ttse
<br />#xtxrt:~s. ; faitur^ _rs t':e `sr.t }sa.^ty ,n zt~ ~a sI>*1 tll rxstsn,~ ~ acs a€#s'arrctxl with interest at flee rate of
<br />lrrrent {ter :srrnum thcrtaln. irr:rts <iatr e.f lttcitrn7st..lxt#l 'rtt re{fiz,<1 ftt- the .atsl firs! party, tspan delnamt, and
<br />stlal# rte seeurc~d ttv this itrs3rrttslrr-
<br />Ash it ix itttthet tnsttstsllo~ ,_c,s';esatrtrf :,~~{ „gre€-,f that in ttte r:etnl <,s th;' {rasagc. at`ter tht date of this
<br />g~csrtgagr. ep aSl4lasr zlfnf03€€tng+ZISP tiers thrre~ats !tern the +alcus .,f 'rand fur-the }rurptast t.f taxat~rnt, er changing
<br />an ~~gt a~p~ tree f~,-»'~. tsc~- iu ?~srs~c =r.=t the :uxatstasi ,H rc-rartgagrs ,.r zleliis -ecnrc<f 1Ex InartgaKe or t#th rnattner
<br />s s:~ . f±i€rrrt t,f an3- ,,~}s t~ces -•s t to ai;rtY thrs 1}artg;e, t#:e :a~a>1S .,f the {tr-fncipal Burn ~ernrrxl b_v this
<br />3}crrz#r, ttaq€~thrr v; ,h mt~ inYrr>`~t ,}ter th rrtas. •_.aa, ;., nr ,~t:r~ ::f thx ~ txt ;;art: of the :,^r3md {szrt.
<br />w~tt#srttt nl~ttcr_ sxctfisse r:asEe:rz.liattly ~#sIr an<i t.rat'ahfrt
<br />l4ntf the -:u3 lir~r {felt=. iut*i,t~ . ~s ra>r. tt>as s. {ss9Itlt !~, ,,,.;a.l„ ;:t the l~rtts~-nt =.i ~z.~, ... ;;tld i.ttcrrEt, nr
<br />}sn t,xrt =.lartr4f, ..- .q ass, ,rstr-rr s tlsrrr~>e+, .,t =t. *at,i `:`t.te tjp fzs•: rhrrcc , .. vi =asp' s:strt<>t ttrtrruu,
<br />ear ttt F17r lrt7rt~rnShilCc _ ;.t~. ,ii tllr ci+~- z4u_ts ~:€Cr .t:rrS 3t Jt =i, '.1te; -, s, .;:3k 4,eSE!' t;~TC3rY@r c3ntTI!}~T t1K`
<br />~ttr ss•~;.IS;r t? -tuts =7ev ,. t-^ ~ .°Rt r.. :. .. e -.e.,i t c .:>_: r rt' p.. ..,a te{attsrss rn tlse lt~sl
<br />It4.r3cF+'st tttrsrrtf, -r~#r az -ari: .ism >tcrr. rc tses'YihtiF, es d .~ zl -.e-ar ,tttx^rr~t w. _~r ratze of tserrent }>ef .=gnns~I
<br />', rx~ri t1tM tt~ta c}f :SiK]r3t1# =3it rt11g -x~-€r:ifsi:r [xiat tezr #zrtet•~'e:€.t u~aiarb ±ltx ~.nvvel7t ;li.t}.~ :Ir#~t. tl,~#::e#':„t',
<br />cctsatstr~, rne~rea#. carter .~3st~; ,.t ttx -,~csrrn, ~gziv, .. .est'€ta.-r x>r :ttstgna. +.tat totntla.r trttlt• a to the sum
<br />{ax~t ~lar-_ :rtttatu::eoss;'s :rr :n.~ S.ESrFg:,~_ . _=r +S:e ;#i_,pl:;c:r:~rz; ~_ ,ttz{sattmetat ;,e :i;p ;ic : rhttcts#_
<br />Aud zrt t{x• =°s~zst ?~f Ctx ?csrrxla~trarr :ti tt;xs :rl:etty;§;,c.:ttt~ ,scief [rr*.t {r_rrt c;.s•etxs€nt=_ attzt :+grers ttt }saY tree
<br /><. cg ~ 31?f?ix#Ttr~ 2P?~ jn_-tss~rf s. fy sttq?~s r. _-*_' -.d t-firaxr;ier~ +.}tes ~d,tatt"4L~ tei 'fi' t~.3tr '3F ;~1siTa_. •ti`t,-~inf#
<br />s: laditsz~~~ tt~ ;*&xei =aY y,~ -..t.: t s = ~ - _ ~ i ss .<s t hr sext=rs+f f,art,' ahali Irsr interar at
<br />fret .a€8t e.# +'~~}>rr+-it ,{xia.~+as.er,r t;~t~~t ._rx, #-,.aai x +=._sncer 'r --ro. t.t<frt;turr.
<br />#t a* rttrt#ts°t ?rnttna}ly <'nr+tnsxtstr,t „,IaEt .a;rz*y::i :t :;tt {ixtm +=i =h=< =ax:uttd *.~rr. it= ~cuttss+ ~Ertd assigns,
<br />,tsal#;ttttttfr.ttttiats lee-ktxlrtraaatsvi t+j the ficsz, tsattsttrgt: ;-i~>wyi c+f rn'rare#, *ri arty pstttr c-rI$ucrrr#uarmr, n~charlie'~:,
<br />c't°tait~:~. t~ retlter furl tm ;rerarrots~ ytair: ,-tut ;:€ :ftt ,:te,sr~#x t.g the #aatlx ~t'ttrtx# heretty,
<br />,t#kad it es fxsrt :tgt?yst# cisat n E :s• 's :Sefatrlt :sa _ise }~t~tt'srszt u3 t#ut weld {rrirtca{rat Neste or interest.
<br />ear errs }~3~:3F4~',1'L*fJY+.:I:'' rt '`*1{ i?'T~tbtrt`a. str ttt t;RSC x•[ $;tllts`r t.Y :tit"C{t r`rt {7t'rre}rrr3 3nY of tlx f4JYeoantsr aF a~yrCttnC[et5
<br />c°;uzsasr it this i*-sflcrrtu~. t=t:,.u clt:- s~:_~! ;ire: ,t~ -e~ies~srs .- ~age_s, ~~#t t-.~ aI#1 -is fsertljp ,suthariaezi
<br />~'~ s~~~.~ .i •+a'•C .............. t• eT. ...-v.,...... ~ ...t --.~ lYf.sYn•_ ~L....t#kk- _ s`YY# v't!# ~?ti ~ifX~Y} ?1!?!KN.: -
<br />tv ctli3€aat tt~ rtytts tt~rrfttxss ~{rsxiy the {.~tvrzx~° thercw;rf tea sfsc {>aynsrnts R.t rht clelst tstsetry ~xura3. ,
<br />'!s s::ditl :~ cvllxte3'al ,~xtrsr: .t;r ;s~}~r<-:t =_. rhr ';<rtr ~iFSa ir.+ietlta#nrses ?srre~.ntscforr :tex[ti#xci,
<br />zhr }sarti~ cd ttsH r*tst {tart hereh'F as~gn ro-tin jrr~rt~ rf rtse xetsrrstl }~tx. ;ts axcr~xrt +,r aseigtss, all
<br />tt~ £tstf:.ta, re:rsst~s, rs.paltac~, rrf;"n*.s. rzz;~ =-iizs ~=zxntis~ t~ tf:e±zs uzul€r ail c,sl, i:a£. ssr a:titserat #~•asr., tsls wid
<br />},~r?tri~r, 'f' agytnraarrt tea iertstittais plat tx~t,ttstr nxsil asrst svid ts{sem tt~ rr~ease irf this vlvrtg-Ayre.
<br />~'- _- ft:~~r ,:~.' tl~,r;t ;. e:,~~ :u:t ..>~sit is ltzrr tcs iorccioac thi{ irxlcrtture, I#~ t;tnltt in w#tieh stnfi
<br />xezt,trs :tress`} #xt lsrtsscg#Ed,-tar else ltsri~x• ,,t -~3s l:o:ttt, x-iti?rr Kt tr<sssr *~ .rz s~ :~atitxs, is lterrtty atttt~riv.+d.
<br />sl~xxt ;.tualter€itan ttzecr~t~. eaa :~trpo-nett :: FZaa^;~t;.rsr to take <~~vn crf tlrr naitl tte~ti~s arnl ail Erntas t#Irst+~n.
<br />yQ mot.' ~1~%:. `4#".s rF~_.yyt~`a rt"R1if+.m+. ~sni cap (,,~~ .~tsl {?rt'x¢srE;E ~.ttCii tasa~z zt.1x «tx t'+r~y ire rettutsc*1 {tY ?ire extc#~t s;i
<br />i!K f,:~rtir# LF~C. ~YYFY~s1n'asyeat y ~ else ESr~ "kirt4' 3 se•
<br />"~ -~m---°~_--~- # - c c*~t~ns~ t., Eh. apt..rez.cai :s ~trrci~r ttp<sts
<br />tt~ {;~ 4,tx t~1lt stmt Y+'ft>!9xlltt iellit*t S•vift'rT1CC.
<br />