<br />2. W Revised l J74 Huffma» and Felton % Wolf, Walton, Ne, 68151
<br />ca~F~crza~ n~~4 ~~- ~t?1.~4
<br />Lula 3. Rard;esa, ~tieda Eggers, Clara and lltega Hartlera, Wife and 1£ttat~aml, A2.vtra sz
<br />Caz'1 ~sr:bera, Wifa and Htxsttand, aleaitar~€ sad :iazland Kroeger, wife oral htts$an+d,
<br />........................................................... tirantar, whettser alts Or-ttlfltY=i - -
<br />:n canaidera2:an .~f -'.fit. q~~;~~..~k`~1~.rXS .{lA~..~AIi~BAtt.r~iV~..~~.YR.i~V~~SJ6. ~A~:.i~,Ql~~~....
<br />. (~^13I,.Oi2..5Q) Ilallars ......................... receipt of whtch as hereby acknowledged. conveys to
<br />.......fecelia Tyler,..~.,aiug3~,person .................................. Grai..~re.
<br />...........................
<br />the follaw:iu_t deacnbed real estate tas defined ~n tieb. Rev. Slat. g 7S-2tl1} in hall Coaat'g, 21ebr8~kai
<br />The South half of the `Southeast f}uarter of the Southeast 'quarter (S?KNF?~SE4) of Section Thirty-
<br />thsae (~3,~..~.~~tq{~#.}~..~zvg..j:.31... ~ 'earth, Range Eleven (11>, West of tie 6r.~
<br />Is.M. in F3aTl Gouaty, ~ebraeka,;
<br />ilte South !calf of the 'lorthvest ~>uarter of the Southeast -}unrtez (S~f~cSE~t) of 9ectian Thirt3t!~--
<br />thrce (33} Ln Tacaitshia '?'welve (227 "-3orth, "ante r2even ;iI) Nest of the 6th P.`f. ,+.n Hsll Gc. ~le.~
<br />The- South half of the Southwest ~?tiazter (S'~SEi~j of Sectlon Thzee {3) in Township Eleven: (12)
<br />tdarttx, °,atige 8ieven (I2) Test ~f the^.th :'.~!. in ?':all. ^otuity, '?ebraska, excepting the West Pifteea
<br />flS} scree o£ the 'Nest ?'?sirr: =;3T`) acres of ttze Sout't `..elf of the Southtae:;t `)uarter (S'~SW'~) of
<br />Settian "'tree (3) :n Tavnship .'.levee (2.),".ante `:;.even !li) '.1est of Che 6th ?.`l. in Ha1I Cotuity,
<br />'iehrasks.
<br />Grantor cavrnaitts =:,uirti~~ :.tza =nvAr,.. ,r.arr '.it-s:: ~~re± ~+:th the t~rartee chat Grantor:
<br />. I} :s :awi,.:iv ~~.a..~ .r. a~t-:i ~°r=ei -st~,t~ .:... ..:.:. .. ... .„-~ ..~,m e.~r.:,..;: braces ....-•---.........-..
<br />{ 2l i;a~ ie~a ,~oarc•r ..rd .:~wi.~, .,,.:hc;r;.. ,a s-c;r...-: .,. ..,,n-:~ .
<br />t 3} ~c:~rrt:ts .=:c £si~ ;.e'c. ~.: -`c ,... ~_ 'hc _.-...Rr.~ .~F.:.~t 'tom ;au~•.ul , _~:nis ~~f 1ll ;aersons.
<br />Executed: .....Kid3..-......~!-4~........ il.. -
<br />-r.
<br />Lula I rders ._:-{rr ".a:,dare
<br />"riedar~ers ~ _ `:azl .'carder:;
<br />Clara :larders ~ ~~
<br />r
<br />~~Lt "~'..?*-- e.`j~~.-t ~s~C~ ~ s( _ f !r :i. ff:,i ,_~..i~ ,.s,.
<br />iiug4 it der•~ "ar' any `"roeeer
<br />State ==i ~Tebr:ska
<br />t=a23~cy QY ..--i38La
<br />The foregoing tnsirumet:t ,vati ;acstcowJt_tIIrc; '?eiure ;nr ,n .::BXC:;.`.'~:.i~rt.. .................
<br />l.ula ~, i:atrders ana `"r~eda vggers, :'zr.Ele '~e~rsatts, •"'..era "- ' =s>Ya `Tat~lexs, ~t.fe and ilua-
<br />.....
<br />"~y .. ty ... ... rYYP..~. ... .. ... ..... ........ ...
<br />r •~r; - ':leanazr ana ; a nand ';ro ez, dike and
<br />~k~i~., ~ar~ rde. s .. tzar and. 1 F C8
<br />dY ~~ Q~ ~ -i --. ,~.y~ t` --. `eY.` ..,.~.~f,.~.L~. .y~ -. ...~..L...ti ~3.. ...... ...
<br />ecfv ~`';~
<br />aT4~~ G:3F .~€EHAASIi£+
<br />~a7ttttty ;,f .................................
<br />'~ tie-d ,`ar rwr•crrd ~~rtd ante rr~rl ,n '%:tm r.r=c:,. ttdrx
<br />-,'~-;€x.:at ......ii.. .e;tri rp<•is:•racs :: ;.7ee.~rl 3iecf;rr, -. ''°~ - - ,
<br />ut .... ...................... .. r - ..~,.. .. ...
<br />