<br />Ass2r>r~vm car t~tArcara
<br />Rbtf3Fi AId: Leq ~rugeg bts.`:TS, that. Ses}~erior Mortgage: Inc.
<br />£'Aaatanar"3- f¢r yob atfA ~alr,:~le ccnsidatation to it in hand Paid by the Btsgras3sa~AEort~-.
<br />t/ai7e Fiaance Pcrxsd, ar~paniaed under ttse laxa of the state of Nabraske £'Aaeig:.ae°a, #}~-
<br />receaPt a. which consideration is hereby acknoxiedgad, doses heresy msai9nr tran~Per. and'
<br />sat-over ants Assignee ail its rightx, title, end interest in an4 to that certain MDt'R» _
<br />q'aa~e eX+tceited by .Keith- Fi. Rehr and ~o?anie, J. Zehr, .husband and wife `
<br />.utbt6-
<br />Aeeignar, datad_ rCh ?-7., j°'$1.. .. mortgaging the foYl~ring
<br />deerrribcd reai proPert} boated in the County of ~s}Yl .. State o€ Negreetea:
<br />The BaaLerZy Fifty-Four Feet (`~4'1 of Fractional LDt Two (2}, iri Fractional Elk
<br />Seven r~s, in :mac-rt'a ~duitias. arm the Westerly Thirty-*iine a€sd Sax Tenths
<br />Feat 139.6') of Fractional Lot i'MKf (2 }, and the Easterly Frouteen aru3 Fot1r' Tenths
<br />feet (1.8.4`3 of Fractional Lot Three (3}, in Fractional Stock Twos (2) of Evsfis~
<br />Rtii9£tian, both heinq Additions to the pity of Grand I$Iand, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />and hied fer record in the Office ~sf the ~gister of weeds of .Hall
<br />County, 8£ebreska, on the LSt+~. Sap of .=~riet~ ., i9Bi., and aPPearinQ•
<br />of record Z~At.+1,t31--6013I? together with the note (s} and indebtedness
<br />described in, and secured by the instrument aforesaid.
<br />T(7 ~~+'~" ANLf Tp 1i4LD the same unto the said Nebraska !mortgage finance Fund and unto
<br />its succeasora and assigns forever,
<br />'17123 A552Gffi~T~'T' 28 3lAti~ escirraaaly sub~cct to and ir: accordance with the warranties
<br />and reprsaentasiana of Aaaignerr with Assignee ;zursuant to a certaar, t4artgage Loan Origi-
<br />hat3.on`AS~eesant Datxeen Assignor at:d Aaaiynee, a -oPy of :~hich :3 on file in thrx office
<br />of ~,r~s a±~e~a.
<br />Lt ~t6~rr~r,~~., ,>~~Z.Z ~S2~a'S this : ~sL=t day :s2 ,'tAr^h .. 9. f31
<br />l ~T ~ S€FPF.£tZQR M4RTGAGEs ZNC.
<br />} ~.~ fit .......................
<br />[hiaeeg of list€i.:~x{z?rM
<br />~= --
<br />.~ . ~ f - _..~. rl= ,--F
<br />e' ,~ ,
<br />T '' a Secretary - Same ,7. Roth 2z'~LE, ~~Fresident,- 3arePs 3.'~ed .
<br />SS'A'F`E tSr t3t;8Rd~SKA£
<br />SS.
<br />°~ taF i£all I
<br />TYRe farer~ring instrument was ackrr3xledge~; heftsre ~ this. .l$t}i _
<br />'_ .. l9 81 , `tap 3afits=8 ~ .. i{tsLY ~s1d .~d2ses . S< R .
<br />• nt. ,~'ulaerioz s~£tsrtclayt+, Inc, `
<br />..he assigner, a
<br />• ~$ .carForat:on or ,saueiat.on, ^n br:tzaif of*ti~e CarPdration
<br />~ &eaoeiatiws.
<br />it21 ~ fiend and Notarial Seal at TkY office sn seed, Hall
<br />_- ttst~E~t Yt..fi8"~. Z81A611d~ . ., this ,. IBtts= dap .~€ +~xrcis . least
<br />- ~ Diary - 1tII6 a4 _
<br />'a$~~. YJI ~3~tlre~i SL 3., 1~~~ ..
<br />
<br />