2I. Pntnra flavaac~s. Upon regaest of Bnrsvwer, Tender, st Temder's option, prier to release at this
<br />dfartgage, may make Future Advanee_c to Borrower. Such Future Advances, with interest thereon, shall
<br />be secured by this It~nrtgage when evidemced by prgmissary eotes stating that said notes are secured hereby
<br />extept that the- interest rate on the entire unpaid balance and the term of the original loan, to-the extent
<br />p~ermitlesi by taw, rosy be adjwtad as the parties her€tct may ague. At rte time shall the principal amount
<br />of ffie indebteda~ secured by this M1.fartgage, not including sums advant:ed in acenrdance herewit}i to pro-
<br />teet the security- of this 3dvrtgage, exceed the originai amount of the 1tJate plus CiS ~._4ff,f3fttl~flt)...........
<br />~t3VIl~EA, H~k'ER, that prepayments of principal, as provided for in paragraph Z2 that follows are
<br />retursned to -Harrower ar-are made altsolute naa-withdrawable printripal prepaymentsv prior to advancing
<br />cams as permitted withiat this paragraph.
<br />~ wings S snd. Boecnr:er Wray traake prepar~rentn of prusaipal an any inatailment due date ar
<br />imiat~diateiy preceding said date to be e$ective as-the due date fallowing and prepayment-shaft be applied
<br />ra installments last to became due under this mortgage. Upon rst}uffit of- the underaigued or e%thea of
<br />tl~a lender agrees ta~farnis thee~tdersigtard ar tithes of thepn terse fi deed (I(Nf)per eitt~of -~lY pmt-
<br />cKpal pnrpayments and shall pay said amount rz~quested by either party bn the party making such request
<br />far said principal prepayments, unlesrs advaru^emertt is prohibited by the regulations of eharterittg and super.
<br />viaory authariti~ them in effect or turlesrs one of the undersigned has requested, in writing, that said hinds
<br />not tee dixburaed. in which rase it rrii[ require bath si¢natiuee of the under~gned hefora a cl;shtrrsement
<br />can be mrde or until otherwise advised in writing by the Marty making the retlnesL for nondiaburaemartt
<br />of said funrfa. All ±sush sdvanc~ments shall be sec3srr,1 by this mart in the same manner and. effect as
<br />if at4 pre~yznents hsd iseert tnade.
<br />23. 13elsaae. C'pan papmerst of all sums securetf b}• this 1-tnrtgage, Lender shall discharge this
<br />~fartgage, withnut charge to B,;rrrnwer. Burrower shall pay all casts of recordation. if any.
<br />edFti~eafiim t~ pop r~aest of borrower leader, at lender's option, has sonditionalty waived t~
<br />ta~armteata ac ta.-th in pmrab~rrph s2 .`Funds for Taxes and Insn€z;rtce" of the l.lniform Cave
<br />sx{ ssisll provir~d that the bamxever compti~s with his respataeibility as set Earth in paragraph #~-
<br />~ #6 of tM CinifcEam ~oveganta acknowiedgiag that the lender loss conditmnaliy waived trig optsoa ~
<br />. A ~ of ~ oaverrant will then activate pmagragh ~ t6 "Acceleration; ."
<br />Q! _- a
<br />~' _ -
<br />~ ~`
<br />~C"+ '~''~s>?saxty, the ~rcnwer isas=::=zc~-utci t$is ~fortga~r.
<br />, ~
<br />~ ,~ _ ~ '~
<br />c~
<br />~+ _ k D. *inL= -Bnrrawer
<br />1~,
<br />°ameia L. i:nii -~Barrower
<br />°,i.~.,rrtf ~~.~ 4^yu v.~}.a..~ vx:,a.+. .,r.iuv"` ir',~
<br />~C4 Ya1~IGa1 aC OU!
<br />C ~ .. .--.
<br />rid . -... -
<br />S?AT8 of ~saQ.v~aa riai.2 ;.'nuntti~ ~:
<br />T}n this a~~~ iluy ,sf t~ kar:.1^. ?3 "~1 ,before me. the underaigneti, a '.~ntary
<br />Public in and far said f'ount',, persns~d~, t~sn*_e Stteph?a ~. i~ak and fl;,a ;,. ;~~~~ ~, iius~and, and
<br />_.wife:
<br />fsS'sh#3ii€liV ~ Lzr 121r fib ''.^-.~ -. - dr.,~t -. ... _. ... ___ ... .- _. -.-___...
<br /><,e.. ~s€rixtta wt,.ssc zarnca are afitxed to the shave. and fnregoinq
<br />inatrestnerit, ass m,srtgagsan:. and each acitnawiedied said instrument to be hi:? ar her vn#untary act and deed.
<br />S,Yitn my hand and nataria# l at Grand -Zszaxzd„~1_ brw;.l<g,... ,- .. the date last shave written.
<br />lt3~v t'ommiasian ~t ,> `
<br />tlRplrt3Lt: /.3-s..aE•:. ,a,~..'~?'r..r~'~ ~!'....
<br />~~r_~oaraara- Votary Public _
<br />~'LiMR ~. i@e1
<br />~~` 'A'T'~ t31~' . . .... ..... .... i
<br />l~zttexesl rzn nirmeriral index and filed for rr,cord in the Regscer of 1'~eeds ~flice of said Cauntr ttte
<br />.._._.....__._ day e# ._..... _ _ _ -. .-. _.., :9 , ..> at - - .-_ . a'cioelc and minutes ' ...., ...Ivl..
<br />a~ rte. in $oak _ . ... .... ... .... of ~iarEgagt~ at page - .. , as Fnstnune~nt 'La.
<br />lteg. of heeds
<br />$g _.. _ - _ T3gputy
<br />~lt~t r'ocorded to be returned tv tlse
<br />~' ll?l~I~ sA~TVa A:''d~ lt3AEP~ $SCYs!`TI~T C7F T.II:C'7i:.:4`
<br />tw t~&-~tF. C&a" , t.e,~tls
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<br />p.p. uas 5~4; tzae~rt, tie 6g6t35
<br />IritS i+hnt 2zber ~i. Qtatad #si,utrt; Nu. &a~lb'r
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