<br />~~-- ~(114~3tr
<br />t,on~tra written a$iCtr9Cat or applica6k taw. Borrower shalt pay the amotmt of a!i mortgage fmurant¢ premiums in the
<br />tna>t~ paavtded under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Amy attfOUma diablrnad by Lsncier pursuant to this paragraph 7, with itttereat thereon, shdi becOrtle a~ittonal
<br />.. o€ °---- -~` 6y fh.; Morigag2. I,tn:ts.- °...nrro~r ar:d let: ag w to m~ ftrt:~ ref ~i..,a.w,
<br />atetwets mti~t ix payable apart rxrtice from Lettdar to Bortwer regttestfng paytacnt thereof; and shalt scot itftateat frost the
<br />dtroa of trsmi ~ the rue payable ftzrat base fo titrx otz ottuttattdlsig principal larder fhe Nitre retiree pap'•saaet ~
<br />ielaastt at attest r~ wraudd bs tathaty to agplicabic law, in which es~tt stteir amoiincs sltaB bear itttxtsi at :ilia Itzihati rasa
<br />t applfca6k leer. Nothing txntaittet4 in this paragraph ?shalt require I.entiar to intttai any a ter ~
<br />any action ~.
<br />E. >, [.carder tre=y rnake or cadre to be made rea~ntable entries upon acre! inapectians of the Property. pror'stlad
<br />that [.ender shall glue 8oisaaxr notsca prior m any such i»apection specifying reaxmabk cause therefor related to Lafefim's
<br />intarxs[ in tlx I'rctyierty.
<br />4 Gttarisaedetr. The proceeds of any award or claim for damagts, direct or consequential, in cortrtaciion with any
<br />~ or olitee taking of the 4°•'~rt'i, or part thereof. ar for eonveyanet in lieu of condemnation. are }teteby aasigoed
<br />shalt ba paid to I.endet.
<br />In t~ ev4aft of a tmal tskit~ of [Ix ProPeftY. tlst proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Motigaga.
<br />whir tree esttsa. if any, paid to t7rxrawer. In the tvenz of a partial taking of the 1Raperty, uniesc Bartower and Launder
<br />othervvr~ agree in writing. there shall Is applied to the sari .~~r°d by this 'etartgagt: such proportion of c;,e promeda
<br />~ is squat to titan proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this i4inrtgage immediately grirsr to the data of
<br />takfng butts to the fair snazket value of the Property immediately pricer to the date of taking. with flit balance of the ptt+ceads
<br />paid to Horaoavcr-
<br />Ii the PrnPe-tY is aixttdaned by Borrower, or if, after tt~=.,.e bg iszsder ro Borrower that the candcartoor oRets to make
<br />an award w suite a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to I.ensitr wi[hla 3(3 aaya after the date such notice is
<br />roasted, Lander is authorized eo collect and apply tl:e proceeds.. at iznders option. either fo restoration or te~sair of lire
<br />Property or to {}~ sttirs seared sty this Mortgage.
<br />[!resets tender and Harrower otherwtx egret in writing, one ;ueh appixati:?n aF proceeds fo principal shall not tztrnd
<br />or pttztpone the due date of the tttanthiy instaHme.tts referred to in paragraphs i and Z hereof or change the amount of
<br />stxdt trsttaiirrtems.
<br />il3. Eonsrrer :Vol Released. Fxtertsian of the umc for payment ar modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />bi this Mortga$s granttd by Leader to any surccsxrr in inttrtsi of Rarrower ;haft reef operate to reitase. in any manner,
<br />tits liai3tl#y of zlu original Bmrow~sr and Borrower's atra:tss~rrs in intertst ;-ender ahail net bt rcgttired to cotntttertse
<br />ptotGadi{zgs agairtrt suclf successor ar refuse to ez[end time rnr oayment .,r ntiterw'i5e modify amorizatien of the s„tstss
<br />sceurcd lrr this Msrrtgttgc by reason of any demand madt by tltc r,rigrnai ltorrawer and Rorrawtrs successors in interest.
<br />tI. Farieararce isi I.te+sr ."lot s t+Yafver. .qnv fortrtxrance hs !.ender in rxerctsina acs' right ar remedy hereunder. or
<br />otherwise alTarded by applicable !aw, shad rvot !x ~ wan~er :•f or preclude 'he exercise of any stub right or remedy.
<br />The pracuremeztt of irtsttranet ar the navment of taus ;,- :,thtr tien_s c,. ~hargts "t^v i_cndtr chat} oat i;e a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to acctkrott tits maturity of the tndehtednets •.ecured hs thri 'tloneage
<br />tZ Ret>~lea tCea~sq+/t. Ali ..*ernedies pro.rded .n tots titortftage are rlisnnri and .umulative to any other right or
<br />remedy under this Mortgage ar afiarded in tax- ..r equsty. and rnas- he rte ~.sest cc neurrentiv. indepettdtniiy or succr'sively.
<br />t5, Stecrsseaa set AssfRes Nooe~ )Diet aed 4estral t.iabfNty: C`aptfoat. Tate ; o+.tnanrs and agrtcttertta heron
<br />cmttaetted shall bind. rood the rights hetturidsr :haf# :hurt 'a. 'ht rnpecu~e successors and assigns of I..endcr and $orrawer,
<br />stroj~. t rF jrror:,ir~ of para~ap., i , :,erect. crsnnms a:t.r agt-ceni~ is rf Br, i~ver ;stall ~ jsrirrt and severer.
<br />TZtt s:sptitxts and headittp of the paragraphs .,f !his Mortgage are for ~ameneence ryniti and are oat to ire used to
<br />interpret err ddlrtt rite provisiarrs hertof.
<br />14. :Vallee. F_zecpT frtr aa?t txrt~ rtr{stired ettrdsr ap,fi4-al+te tae. u: Rt grvtn rn another manner, tai any notice to
<br />tiorrvaKr prxn ided for an this Mortgage shad !+€ Frvtn t,v nsa;rin~ ~,rr!e rr:r=tcc t+v ctrtifkd malt asiartssed to Borrower at
<br />rise property rddrcss nr at Such other .addrtss as 6urrnw-cr :?+.ay ;itsrcnate by noficr to tender as prnvitkd herttin, a>d
<br />fy} am notice to t.tnder shah ix Kt>tn by ctrcifxd marl, etturr, recent rtarsested. to fi tnders address xfatcd htrein ar to
<br />such cnher address as fxndct matt designate i,s trati4r, t, Barr;,wtr as pro~;sdcii `,crern An:~ noti.^e proviatd far rn this
<br />Mortgage shall he deemed to stave been given to ilormwu nr f cridcr ,ahrn a,ven in iht manner desi¢nated 'Herein,
<br />ill. i;alterae 44ort~retre Gv+r•sieS iaa+.: 5ev,v_ ~,:~ - .... _...., ...^:h r;~ c.r.,<c... - ..tt:arts ..•r ..a. ono!
<br />ux and Host-uniform rtrvetsaars with iimittd ,~artauans by ,lured s:..tic+n s.t m~ttat:Fare a unif!arm sP .~.tv~inftrumtnt r_nvenrg
<br />r~l praptrty. -iTtts 'Nortgstga shat! tx ~jvrrrred '?y ,bt :aces .~. 'ftt ;;rrtsd ~;a;t ;rs which t!~ °rcepcrfi i; located. In the
<br />event chat any pravisson err cisuse ;,f sris 9fartga~e .•-~r the`Y.,re cant7itts with app#it'abie law, sv.tt randier shall not atfett
<br />other provisions of this Marigage nr the .~'r.~ w~:r;kh -..ar•. E+e ,tars rdt:,t w~ithaut the ~nntlictin{; provision. and ro this
<br />a t;~ t~vroas of tip M;7tpagt and the ':,.,~ ~ .tared t,, ~ ;c -rrab.~
<br />ifs. ?ltaaao+rer`a Cagy. Barrawsr shah %x furnrshtd z tctnfnrrncd iopy ~_;t the '.vote attd of -{hit ~ ae tiro rims
<br />cif sacesniart ex afar retardation hereof.
<br />[T. Ttasa3ato( tie Prapar4p; 4teteeartlera. if a!t or any parr of the Praptrty :r, ern initresi ilttrcitt is-sold ctrtt';a~itrred
<br />ley Bbrruwtr without txatskr's prier writrrn <anstni. excluding tai atte :stollen zf ~ Ittn ur encumbrance subordinate to
<br />tills Mortgsse. tit} rise creattan „f .: purchase minty ~eeurity :merest fret hcusettald xppirancts, f~7 a transfer by devise.
<br />daac~erat ar hY npcration of saes span the Beath of a ;osnf ttnant c.r _
<br />- fcndc: rnay.:tt t.tndcr~s uptron. dtclate uN :ht ,ums ~rurtd by this Mortgage to !te
<br />immedtsfety titre and paya~e. i~:,clcr .ha:i `-- -_.-_,. .",. +;p¢~-n : ~~,:-locale !f. Friar to the sale nr transfer. Z.ender
<br />ata3 tht pCtstn to whtNn lire troperty is lei be x,i.iy.,r`trarsterreet reaih zgrecmcnt ,.. r,±.r,o «at rt,t _redir nF sorb ptrson
<br />is saiNdtG#rry to tender atsd that the tnttrest r.avahle =~n the +..... =~c,;rtr3 i-v =his ~?nrrgage~shali re of such rate as Lender
<br />shalt ttaquts[. tf t.carkr has waiv~i rise optran to .:.ceietatt nrc~c.dce n :fi:s paragraph I'. anti if Borrower's successor in
<br />En#usst tma. ssaruttd a ?~vrittsn atsumpt"scm agrtemttst as:cepr:d 3^ :: n:;ag by i.en<ier. I..nder shxfi reiea;t Bnrrmver From ail
<br />yams sna3er tkis ;kiartgagc aced the Sete.
<br />if Leader exerciswa ,v>tb aptran to acttitrate. Leudtr =hail roses fto> -_ - ~ --,,.- - -ardzsrcc with
<br />p> ii htitaf. S=.tch notisx shall provide a perissd.cf net Iess than .tt clay; ifram tfit elate tfrt natitt is mailed within
<br />whith Bnrrttvsr may pay ii;t sums dt€lared dtee_ if Bamower fats`; !a pat s=t.ts ~+t+ms pets?r m the expiration of such period.
<br />Leedsr toay, ssitttsttn fitrtlter notice x+r mans! on Bnrrc,wer. invoke any rcmedtta acrmuted F,}• paragrapl+ i 3 hereof.
<br />tt•UNtYttalr C'overretvrs. Borr~sve{ 3xiti I ~. c..rt~r _.:.._.._:.. a.~f a, .. ..-mss:
<br />iR ~ 8esttrtliur. Better an iarosided tar parattrap# t? lttreslF~upen BorreaePs breach of aey roYttaef ar
<br />t ad' tissranrtr krt thris ~. 3sciadMte rite carctervratr gt• ~+• ..a„e der >v -••~• ...ems ia•• thb *,
<br />IawJs«ier ~ ~ Atsi Safi tseNiet trt lierrosser as psmrided fs gasattt>~rt fi~hertof sgetif7^fagt tit the breath,
<br />f~li~tR eCSlei $!s. tali a~ ` tst a ~ real teas tf~ 3U drys irate tdt dart rAe rwtFcc is reaiied to liatrower.
<br />df<-'~teie stucir iwoetls teas ist svrdf stud iii idatr fal8tve to rrre stele frnredz oe ur bdote tRt due syetiiisd is fret noidee
<br />aMap raaait is ~ st sic soma resotod bi tftks A~fotttKs{~. fsxseN~sstre iii l~K~ paortedfast sad sate ut S1K 1'rapert„r.
<br />1ha taa~ss aiYSB fiuUssr irfasia lissttawer snf the r°attq to rtiastart afitt at[rtleratfom and the teller td tsa+axt is the foracissere
<br />glasssttiiAtR iftr ~t rA s detach ue ety ttfirer dafttase of tXwrsrrer M atrtlewtioe acrd ftaxr7tsrwt, if the bnaeb
<br />is rejt psi ~f rnr is#~te its +~t s ~ the rata',ks, f.rtadar ai l.etadler°a ssptloa roes +AteMt a3i of t~ s steered by
<br />Baia ~ fo ire ~eaeiistalr ass +va# gs*titlr t.ftteswN f anther dtsetaatit ~ tna3 t+;sa.~.~s.t ieiiciad Precstdfswt, l .etwfer
<br />Itet ltatihll+i is csiiaet fe rot# cep €apeeseet of futetrtaa»at, irrtiadfatg, biz aot i#astitad au, costs wt doeaaeobMy
<br />asl~ittser, a awl th'3e tsposts.
<br />ill, tiata't+ t* Rte. '~=atvritttstxndtng ieradci's u~r:-t~ieratu.tt .;t ,ran ,rsms .tcustd by :his '.isrrtgagt.
<br />fl~rswwr dealt kavrr tbs tig#t at=- +tat=s ar= prx~edtnas t~ k+y i,--€rder ?., ,rnr#crce t ;t. '.tr»:xgate ..isc.rnt ,tied :t any inure
<br />