<br />~.... atti. atri .rt...i tlr. ~',~,' £ ~ s d,~ .t •T~+#+.fr~. , .
<br />iY . It..~ #Jatarestt Ebert A. igeu si7d Heiett R, Theisen ti{b/a itober~ A: Tise~tkt ~'. ',
<br />~ta~exatta+r t m as t ,aryl the At3tt~sistratar ~ she ~!! s A,s~eata ~Ottotl a!_ tier
<br />~~ .i Utz start at #et«rias (~ ratarnni to 4a naart~a}, triatr tlilsrt~+?ard
<br />p~settathaoin~at =-eyize State Su%ldin~, I4th and Farnrsm Streeter Om~ira, Nsb=~ks S~~Z
<br />~~'~ ~` ~ mar ' l~- ~<. tom. ~ t~.L."`
<br />~• ~ iv+~t. ~ ea.ve~ mom, ~* a~r®ee. his wt + a~
<br />+i tiw thst+e.-erK peapatr,- ,tiriaattta tr,8 ieirR ks the 4:oansf ~ Haii -_
<br />stoma a1 ?ie6raska.
<br />Lot Tsteive {i2) and the vestesip sixteen sttd ttt3rty--t#tree istux3redt-{Sb.33)
<br />feet of Lnt Ipleven {Ii), aii in block elevrea {El), ixt Park#til2 i'!k#~d.
<br />Subdivision, an ltrdd3tion to the Citg of (rand Z9181sdr ?~tr~ca, itsl:2
<br />County.
<br />7";-ge't0ott w>hh sari iteeHatiixtt a8 6uiidia~,. ~! tiettErw earttrdhFtt ltat tsa~t liaeiter# tv ~ hrtat~a~,,. ~-
<br />ia$y vr7ltt~tfa`., rsi ri;'e'*ti+*rrx, %s: ;:-: ~:»:,., ~~ ^••wr3itiserin~ abnar'at~.,, ~ ail vaigrw i#ii! ~
<br />drelarit~ that it i« intewdrri that the itrm» hrrrla epnwterated .hail ty- ~ to bare hamw ~ ia-
<br />.tailrri aw Rsrs art' t#trrea{t~ )« atn~d ~ etn~rwse~tt~yttre aay~ +w iftre~ter eacuir there~~ t,#se kcrsdttm~aessss att~
<br />a8purtetnatttre sad aii~Mher ri~ittw ther.~twto hitaft. w ea aarErirr a}xWeetaeair~, ar•d rite rr-erwart sad ne-
<br />reriogm, R~iar'+rr m~..:.~„-.« ::a_.-....-~{ •s••6•,~ •.f rvrfenrutiun. sad tltr rcsft., ie..ue.. sad t,rrr6tt. cri- the ~+r
<br />=#r..•rihed pn.irrn} (prv.irir.i, hrrMrYef« that tsar snrrt•ttFat:r~r ~.!-.ail Ix^ raiitled'ir, the ~.e.~Yyrtt v! «+tid prv~ertr
<br />=«~:: a ~t-'rt ~ma ehf ErnLw iy+.e++ir*. aar# ~r:~Gt- until 3etaait hereu»der). To hsre sad to Raid the ratter
<br />antra tip ~ and the ,tss:^re.,.sra s`w iaterr-d ut #hr rnfrrt..,,a~ce fyrrYer is fre .iaaQte ar .rteh Rtitrr e~EtNe
<br />it say, a. ie atatrd htreia.
<br />1'ha etas aaereaas~i d~ ~ itt 'ratcq ate pooaes~ of sad h,ta the ri~tt to ae~ ssd ciast~ tyitl
<br />Pt that the try is fees fry .fi ettcuettuaecs e><~ m hrrestrahare rixixed: ad tSat hr h~ wit
<br />h trtrl itio a-o~ass in ittternt so '.arr,~i aatd ~eiaad ehe tttie a{arr..,.# thxreta; aed ecErf pest the tt~iett
<br />tom' Y~~ 0 A~ iii. ~Pli~i ~1~. ~y (y ~g
<br />:s41tF 14tM3Ilt i1t ~fY~fA 10 x5'L•NEF [E4E to d ~VF~~~S ~3,~$..`- '' ~ -' •7 ~'-~i
<br />iat4tcgtriips3sYtxaai3 i~,fty{s~;~LS.=iattrdh+ .~~ee[ ,~. ...~,.:ee> :zt~ 'it :Gil --- ~-~.tii±t ,rb.a
<br />.n 4t irs40 ..f F-iitL~E~~.~va: e>- -.~..~eri ,.. '"?:c .: ,.
<br />'lei:;; ,~~, t.`ti:idLe,g
<br />