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<br />ASSiGNNfil1T QP H6it'fGAGE
<br />SSHUf~ ALL PlS3i SY TRESE PRESENTS, that. . EIBA $PA'2`E.BAti@C .
<br />;sassignar~, fbr geed ~.€id :raluaDl4 4onsixi~eatiaa `- it in haaci paid.hy the E~bse~»'~St-
<br />c~cra i`inanee :and, araanized under the Seats of thevState of Nebraska. ("AaSigneE°3 r t'Ae
<br />receipt of srhict? canaideration is hereby asknoraled~d, does hereby aaslgu, tiantfer, artd
<br />sat aver ante A~arignea ail its rights, title, and iatesesi in and to that certain lfort-
<br />9a+'3e executed by _ Gene L. and Gail A. Staexiasa. .ueSO
<br />xsssgnar, dated. ,~srch, 16,. 1981 ~ .. ~artgaging ttse fzrll~+iasg
<br />3r<9cribed real pzapert,• laeat+4d in the Caunty of .~11 . , State of ltsmtraska:
<br />L,at Prnrteen (143, in omits-Schultz Addition to the-City at
<br />Grars! Island, xa1l Caunty. Nebraska
<br />and fiiad fat record in the i,ffica of the Regiar.r of E3seda of fia31. .
<br />Caunty. Nebraska, an the 3,~~n. day of . ~afiil . , iy ~L , and appearing
<br />of record xn-IiaeaR ~i~~ .`}. ti~ tea'`",''~'.'`~•~A, togexher ~itn the reatets} and indehtednege
<br />deacriFred 2a, mnd sec+,erad by ?he instrument mfozesa:d.
<br />2Y3 libVE A~i7 T4 HOLC the seas unto *.he axiid kebras}ca ~W Zt4age Finance Peered erred elnt0
<br />its auctrasraora and assigns forever.
<br />'f'H33 ASSiGi3' iS t!1-2iH exprassiy sub7act xo and .n accordance weCtt th,e warzantita
<br />a~3` rsrprsaantatir~na caf Asasgn=Jr rith Ase>.gnae pursuant cv a certaen !mortgage Lean Ozigi-
<br />-~- natre~Eret hat+,eeen Assignor and Aas~iy~e, a ca;ey ~,~: :rhlch .s :;n file in the office
<br />Jassigraee- -
<br />- -~•_. ~I.ifi/€~fi thin , lpt;, say of .~~h. .. 291,
<br />e:i:oa1 S'°FATE BANY.
<br />s !tsa~aa os ss.gnrs r~, ~ .~. ~
<br />~`i'i`L&e ~YCrstary :•Z~:.i:
<br />,ra-~e ~~ ~a8ew,sxa;
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<br />FRa fgaaaxi ±nstrctraen:. vas ac~cnaa:ied,gg~ ~f,-.re ~ _..:s. .26th . . .
<br />day oaf ?ie~xch . .. <3. ~; ... Gerald.A. J'anreson . . .. . .
<br />. of . . slba State .' tl:e Asa~ynur, a
<br />. a4 . ,Gasporatscn err Axi at,c :xi c, c~a,:n Le ,.elf .vf n a ~cr#soratSau
<br />err Aasaciaticazr.
<br />r~Z~5F& tey hared and teotazxal Seai at rey offeca in :,aid. .Hh1~
<br />€ry at . . t:;fs 16th . d»~• :;f . `Sarch . , ? 9 81 .
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