~1-- uf~1~7E
<br />Lesider'x. writton agrsarttsnt or applicahle law. Hortosvcr shall pay the amtnmt of al! mnrtKage ittsurance premiums in tPic
<br />raattner presided unr}er paragraph $ hiireaf.
<br />Arty arntxunts disbursed Fsy Lenskr pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shalt htxamc additional
<br />indebtedree€s of Httrrower assured by this hfo+tgaga Linless Harrower and Lender agree to athrs terms of payment, stx}t
<br />anxxin~ shall bs payahk apse unties frxstn Lender to Borrower requesting payment tfiermf, and shad hear interest from the
<br />datm of d'ss#txtrs¢tncrU aE the late payatsfe t'rtsm time to time nn atttsmntfing prin¢ipa€ unt9er the Nrrte unless paptnent of
<br />inte;cxt at sttett rats would be eontrary iQ applieabk law, in which Cvrnt xttcfi amounts shag hear interost at she highest i'ete
<br />nerstsirstibfe utmler appiicahk Taw. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shaft require Lender to ia¢nr arty etcpt.nse ar tape
<br />arty xtion itetcsiaaer. -
<br />E. tmLtcu~n_ Lrnd-.t may mzkt or cattsc to be made reasanahk entries upon and inspections of the p'taperty provided
<br />that Lander sttatl give Horrosvc;• ncrtic~. prior to any strch inape¢tinn specifying rcasenahle cause therefor related to L~ttkr's
<br />iniarsat in sits Property,
<br />4 CneAt`rnitatiau. °ts~c proceeds of any award ar-claim far damaees. direst ar censequential. in' entsnection wish any
<br />condemrtatitsts or txh~r talYitrg of tEte Property. sxr part th¢renf, os far ctttav¢yancc in lieu M condemnation. arc hereby atssiget~
<br />and shah be paid to Lrnder:
<br />to the rvtutt of a trnal-fairing at the Property, the proses: dt sfiatl 4x xpplicd to the sums secured by th'ra Mortgage,
<br />with the czsssx. if any, paid to Barrvw~r. in the ¢}•trit of a partial tai:inp of the Property, unless Horrower and. Lender
<br />atherwis¢ .agree in writing, there shad rte applied us ih¢ sums ,~curetf by this Mortgage sucfi proportion of the ptoeeet9s
<br />as ig ¢qual to that propxsrtian which ttt¢ amount of tRe xutm secured by this Mnngage immediately prior to eht date of
<br />=.a~ing iarartF ro the fatimartter valtt¢ of-€h¢ Property immxtFiatety prior rn the date of tab:ing, with the halantx of the-proofed:
<br />pate.' in Bormwer<
<br />tf ::;e Property is :rbandtmctt by Borrower, nr if. ah¢r ntatic¢ by Lcnd¢r to Bnrrau'er that the rctndemrtnr offers to males
<br />an award or xettle a etzim far damage. Harrower failz to restxsnd €o Fcrssl¢r w'rihin 3r) days after the dart srach entice is
<br />tnaikd. Lender is auttuttiaxd to cnlt¢ct and apply the prsxecds, at F.rnder's option, richer to restoration ar repair of the
<br />Prcprny tsr rn ihr st.-ms ucurcd by this Mnrtgagc.
<br />3'rtFess Fender and Bnr*'ctwrr ath¢rwise agree :n +aritin;y, env loch applicatit::t iTf prnrrxds En principal shalt not extend
<br />ssr fscrstpnn¢ the dttt date ,nf the tn:Ycuhtt' instattmrnts referred ra in parat;ranhs t and 2 hcrcnE nr change the amount of
<br />xtsC#r :nataFtmte~its.
<br />30. Swrex~ ;riot BttRfsYrct. [~xicnzsc:n z,f the pnT, c,cr paanem sr nnKlificsatian of amanizntinn of the sums secured
<br />try rhts'vfnrigags granted by I.r,^.det to an}' stuccst+r ~r ;n.erest rsr Bs>=rcT,~ar cAatt ne€ oper•t to re4ease. in any mtentter.
<br />site :aahsFity of the original $c,rrawer and B,ntreswr•'3 sue:ccss~:.; :n =;atrrest. F,¢ntter Ftalt flat Fse required to cammen¢c
<br />prereeedinags agains€ etch suc::rssnr or refuz¢ tr. r[trn~l tsmr 'r,r navmrnt ur ottsetuisc mcsdify ariwrtixation of the sums
<br />xcurcc!-hr this !dnrigagc by rzasnn :~ .Ync dcman~ zTSad+° `.. ., ~ <ztzg:eat CF,rrnwer and flnrrnwer's sr:ccessars in interest.
<br />1 t• Farktararrcz by [,oxACr tier a f'itd+rr. >:,: rori`.raran.t hs [-zrdr; i:r .:errcismg ant' right or remedy hereunder, nr
<br />,-th¢rssisc aifnrdecF ts: apptirahfr law. chaff not ~_ _: wa:Y.tr ^,f ,r ;srrctudc tfir cecrcisr of atrc each right nr retnedy.
<br />"the pr«.urrm¢ni a€ insurance nr !Fee pa,•rnrnt ac" ta••,< .- rro „ : ttar~r+ tn- Fender <hstl not tsr :: waiver tTf Lend¢r's
<br />sar,hr to aCC6'irra€¢ €he mattsr;;v <-,t the ~ndrtsacdnr°.. ........ -, ....~ .f:ter Sc.
<br />12. RCraix~dks CemuiMfsr, AtF rcntrdtrs ;+r. ,:drd .. :S..nt~cr ., n^ =t+et;ncr self cumulative to any_ ?nher right nr
<br />rrtnette tinder chi, ~lr,r~r};agr ,±r a$ordsd ?_, :a,• ->. ,rat:•.r. ..,. , ,... ,...~ ;:i c:*•:ct:rsrntt.°. mdcp¢ndentfy nr succrstivtly.
<br />i3. Srtrerseors tied Autaes ltteurad; 3minr sett \e. teat t;ability; {-ap:iott`. T'ttr .nurn-;nrs :rod agmrma~ts it-tells
<br />t<rrtatnexi :halt Fsind. xnd'thc rights hrrr:trrt±rr ;Hatt .+.... :t,c r,:ct,rct;~.r „a,.rsu,rx anti ascignx of !.radar :tad Bnrrnwcr.
<br />sables €c= the pruxisicrns of paragraphs i+rsn,t ':': crtvrnants anal .:grc-rmrnts ,st $arrnwer shalt ht ~n-int and several.
<br />t~9G :art{{GW}{ sail headin~5 xif tFsc E.+arat~ra, hi :tSiS ~{.. •; id`s _'r a,, ,.. ..ei:tirniCfk=C <,fr~t .i'td :ttt iTnt t0 tk' USEd Fn
<br />;ntee;±r;.-t nr ctEHsst itt¢ pznvrstc=.rrT her-_~:>f
<br />ti. Nsrtiec, ~a:~pr for any tsnirce reyu;rc-c! -arrt~r a«;:ik sh=e ;ar ~.:, ~«r ;ytven ,n :tot:thcr manner. tat any nnttca in
<br />r^:r;-` `-: p::;v; ., .,, .r-x +-'- ,6. ~ ...... .... ...~ , ,...- ,,, .r ,°,n~ ma .:ssd:rsctd .., H.trr~ wtr at
<br />tare P ,taert} ,Address .sr ai +.,rch .tttrcr a,3drr,s~ s Hi--r~.., :-ss: dt•-- ;;n:str he. n :.e !o !.ender as provided herein, and
<br />-t+s ;v;t= tsn!xc>` to F.rr:drr strait t>z! gr+cr::n -~rrtil's.;i ;na;t. _..,r:~. -c.-:;ter ., y xstexi. ,,, ! enact', atFtircx+ stared }rtrcin nr to
<br />sst~.tz .=.h¢.' atldr¢tu as F t:sJr ... ._;: - ~i ate `+, -re;t:: r :., 4 - .--..--~. + ~-.:+Ss:tt '-:c;r~.~rt %s ny n.~t;ce pn;wded fr.r in this
<br />4ft:rrgagr shalt Fie drertsed '. n -r ',ec ; =>~an ter Fknrnwr: :,, ' _..J.., , _. . :xn in the masse+-r deaignat¢d herein.
<br />19. L~~rsrra 4fat C,nrrrning Lsw: it+erak$ifs. '?sts ;:,r?t ,,t m;:rtgatte cnrnbin¢z --,n:terra cczvenants lest naunna3
<br />szr and n:tt>~3nifttmt ccivtnants ~. :5reizt;~+ vanarst.ns he ,.,.,t.t;ctet.n t,..-c•*-.titsrtc x ,tn•fonr=. se;untl• instnsmrn¢ covering
<br />r¢aF prsprrty 'S tus ~lnrtgage rkaat3 ~~~-r ~'tvcr tssd hT' ttv_ "s~;u-at ihr iun.,t;. flan ~n .vitieh the Prcipenr :a [tu a[ed. (n the
<br />rural tR:c€ any c~rrvtsurn :x ' u±e ;tf this ~Scsrtg„~ .,...~ ti„tr f:-.nw, „ a-st?: frsplrt•,his. =au. such +anftiet ,}raft not atTtfil
<br />nth¢r prtTVtsicvns it th+x 1lnrtgaye „r chr ~t=,ts: »vh c. ....: `-r ¢;vrt; fr.:-t sv;,hie:t ^.he .'tmfti::tir.F pm~.~isian. and to this
<br />e>sd tfte fstouisinns of ttte M<_srtpa~ .end its: !:errs .~ ,.itR_ra-=••~ '_, t>ri v.rtahl-
<br />Tt4, ~ertrssai''~ f°apy. 3orn,..,:~r -.n_:. is¢ :..r..esh:ct a .. ...~ •rrx.cr . E:{r,- ;=t tr.;: Zrte anti ,-i then ,Linrtpage at the time
<br />tat exerctir~. cur :free rrnnrdaiian ?re~€-erf_
<br />iT. lrasufer of {~ pnap¢rty; .Aeaurrgrtiaa. Ff ail :rr er:v =a; t .+f rite Prnprr.y or an rntc:csi therein is sold or transferred
<br />ley $arrva~ wets*:ai F..e:ed¢r': prxe,r writeen :x,ms¢nt. ttcitrli::;; ;a::hc ~:r_•aiu,n n!-s ;ter: ur encamFsranct suhnrdinate to
<br />this ?vtorsgagr. th) rtze crcatzafin sf a Wurthasr ntc;aes• wsutn)- ntcrrat t.,: ht,uYehcstd appLanccs, fc? a trartsfrr by devise,
<br />dcs~~rnt ttr `ry •~svrattrtn :zf lass urn n the tirarh +:i . ~:nt remnant - r
<br />tRnder may..rt Fender. ,+ptc„n.:fci:a:r .zit the sums xr;nred by this Mortgage ro h¢
<br />+mmcdiatst} du¢ aril payat?ir. L.^ndrs shaft iss}r ..arrc-r! ~.,>.`, rp?,~m ., acrct<r:ac :, . ro: to the ,ale ar transfer. Fcndcr
<br />oast tlst per'ssn as whCxm the Pmrptrit is Lo hr sold ~r transferred reach .,gr^ctrrni m >xr:e:ttg that the credit of such persae
<br />;s saristaa;ttcn° ts: F..err:3er attt that t~ into..=cr.t c:,E; astir .sn the ;,n?+ -.c:u:+_d t* •r. i. lforiKag¢ chart 3se at such rstr as F.¢rsdsr
<br />shat? request. Ff Fender has »'asved tTtr i;r:€::ta :. :.else,„-tc ; .::.try :r th:, ;,ara~raph ;?. and ;t t3nrrowrt's succcsser ,n
<br />+rtt¢rest itas scsx:urd a wrttten assumprton ;s;;rrtment secs.^:rd :rs .aret,ng i+s• i ender. F.cnder :bait release Harrower from alt
<br />+ahiigaiaivs ;t:t itus Mortgage and lttc .'ve:tr
<br />if t.¢n{icr ecerrises sacFt trpirt}tt to ae;ticrat¢. i err?es ,h,.<i mot> &rrnWrr :,e,tv'e ,7f ac-et¢rnunn :n ;ec,:ardaoce +vzih
<br />paragsapft l~ f:rrerrf. 'Srrcfi ^t3tiCe ilaaFl }srorsde n xnt,t4 :z' .,,,; tezs ttsa:, it} has., frc•m tar data the nc=t i:r is mailed within
<br />vett~h $tsruswer :xay pay flee s+.rint -1u'txr~.; 3t,e- i€ l3r,rrn.v rr ;a;fs ',• pas •„t~h .,,ms ~ rant tt, the rxpira.:nn of such ; select.
<br />k.enattr may, rr:tFatsut fcartite: trvtc~e .Tr .icmaeed :•^ FTusrrczwcr ,nv;ei.c srr< •rr+sediea xrm:urd !>} paragraph ±w hrrcnf.
<br />;VZSa-[:`nrtF[utrs C=*r~tetrs. Hnrre*v:rrr ,;^,:! l.ra;4er f:xr,her ,.- cna.:t rnu .a,rer as Fz;ttnws:
<br />t! Acct: itarnasGks. Exa-tpf rot presided wt partgrspk f' hrrrrrf, open 1lerrmsrer's tstexh mf arty cosrtrant ar
<br />ad lletsasretr is Vie, iwcludisg eke srrsecsansc 4u par ukee doe env ttr~s .crirrEd by tlds Afortga;¢,
<br />f,srdra^ ' its ~ :~ . s.;;: M `,i.o--ra~-c-s ~ pra.iAed is par-~e-r-r*3t t3 trtateai tfri~: tF1 the ireaash;
<br />ti- slre ttrilssr re~srired to ewe aareY hreark; t~ a AMC. tact rose than J6 daSs from flee date tht: nrHirr is rattitad to Horrewer.
<br />fr a -~t~";r ~ ; °'~ :sT .~-.. f~'.o'.°-.. >ra s>R r •~ - : tr~r~.. ,-,r, aF :,~ru-a iaF :~ ~:--;~« cn~ . ~:'«.s
<br />ratrids fit ml the >asma sreastsA by tk:s *.1r.eL@agr, fnre¢tnsmn by }mdiciai prrrrtrrditag sad tazb of the Pt~~.
<br />"19E:€ -~z: 6~..~ t! .ter. ~ t~ :tom :g rei~.:~ y::E:. ~ ~ ~c-',.;~.~ ~' t'.ar :s~ht :~ .issstt sa tt3e fnrrr~>=r:
<br />~tT_._--..t t~2 :,~-e_sF~ta.'As^c et . ~C~±r?~t •.r ?i+~ «,r~sr M•fsn~• •st ~ierr*arwz to ~a'ekwaai.++r Fwd TeterMnvr~_ tf the hr,efth
<br />a tiaa latawL aw +ts FtrCltrrc the s wpteril~t is the txNi[+e, t.trtdtr d t.errder's ept~n may Arctsre at! of the sons aes'vred b)P
<br />[#u, ~ ~ ' t; Ara pasa@iC w{tlsear t~.hrr :kmattd aeA ass; ~es~:^ fsr ladle^is! psneredtrt;. i
<br />~MaM Ate;~ttedt#A 6m crrtf~t is 3{srh t~~ NH s>tipsms¢s erf furrctrtaurr, ia¢hrrgs~, heat mar IimhcA to rusts rsf AeedmuMary
<br />asidRtrra. itkssaia~ asW tette .
<br />tfl; l?a~'s Et.:ah: set tsttt. ;'i ts'FSthsf.ansrsrea !.-tutor's -:.-eels ::flee, ,I =>aC . ors sn-t-red by •, ,. ~4cr±igace.
<br />tis'atrazxexa~ s',aa3i L: : tZht *~s ?eta;t ,:np trr,vx-c€dtnpv t-aaaut FrpY i erzd~ .< _ t-.=t ~ ~.tr=. dir. ragagr +t€c: vs -na csf .=t .toy nmc
<br />