7HtS MfiRTfrAr"xE it tttaSe this......26_Ltt day op MdrCh
<br />#4..$l, }utaaeen disc MQidgagYrr, .~~J~~!t! .E...SL~uQ~sOn,a~d.Dian~ ,R. ,Stevenson tfits~and ,
<br />, ,~~ ~f,~ .. .. {h¢retn &Nratvcr ), and the Marigagee, m~ ~~ rSt ~8L1~r "
<br />.~- flf Ctrs~t3d, ~51~f1d : brand Ista ~ebr~ska...... ..., it c~~r~retitr~ttt e•~ti ~it~ ~isirs9 .
<br />under rite laws of ... ~i~brt~s~ :. . .. .... . .. . ........ 2~2 , ~ T~ti~.f -° k-
<br />T ...... whi55C addrC€5 53.. t.......:: t . , ...-.. ~;
<br />. , : t:~'~`dfld e . ~11r~r~i.~S~ ..... . .............. . . . ..................... (hCEtEt3:"I,cndcr" }.. ~:.
<br />lVti~AtrFS, r`3arrawcr it indeisted tri Letsdtr in the principai sum rif .. $EttBTl~t~t?, ~~~'+#s~ :Q~$ .........-
<br />Hllt~t'~d. z'd~ ,f~/.1 ~Jr-------°----___--..--~ . ~e!ttn. };•hiet: 4ndc6tedne:~s is eviden~: d Erjr t~arrflwer's natc ~.
<br />dated.. ,~81`C#4. 2b.4 lei ........ , (herein "?vate t, grncidica~ [.rr mamhly instatiments of rineipai and intr,East,
<br />whit tFvc bafance of the ;^dc'~tedn:ss, if net ttwticr iZaid, due and ~aytthic an, ~rf 7 , ~, ~.~~.~ , .. .... .
<br />is€s Secueti to Leader ta} the repayment ~,t the inde~StcSn~° rsi;trrice;# by the .Nate, with intere€t thereon, iha
<br />?~prnrast of aii niher tam€, °..:tith interest iherbon, adt~anccd ;n aesardatt~e i,eeewith to prateet the security o€'thts
<br />hiartgs;r, aad '.he ptrfunaansc ~: the avc:ta.^.tt ar.~.+. agree:-c: is of ;~~; r.....; „mein cartai»ed, atsd (v} the repaytttar:t ':'
<br />of any faturt advances, with tntcrcxr ihcrcan, made to 13crrrwc: in= Larder putsssaECt to paragraph 21 heree>E (' .DWia _:
<br />"Future Adranr~" ), Barrawcr Saes hereby martgage> grant anti ~ cave, to Lender the fafiawing descii6ed pt'ttiserty
<br />#a±'airv3 in the f,'~unty of . N,it.1.1 .................. . ..... State of Nebraska:
<br />THE WESTERN ~~-riALF (i~tt~) 4F L(tTS TM€fITE£fd
<br />,13 j AlEU Fi£TE~ff ~ 15 j I#~ BIf1Ci( EtfifEiV { 19 }
<br />ttl CCtILi=GE Ai}DITs'{!?i Ti7 NEST LAWiV, IN THE 42TY
<br />aF GRAPff7 ISf~f3t7, MAIL ~[itiTY , PlESRASKA
<br />~:hnett hat rise address af... , . 23_T2 krst Ftsrrest_ Grand Island
<br />:tt=a•ti 1C:tYk
<br />~td~tl~~
<br />.... .... . (?tercirt "Prarty Address"1;
<br />hats ~_~ easy
<br />Trr,rr ~ -tit the 3 t n per c r ±t:_reaif~q a ~~tr rsry 77tt w„« r:~rtE.'.
<br />£':~ 'p!t ~I'~ ,^tpf~u~.+?dEt?_~ -..t _, _ c' nii ~35u:,..ar
<br />urtsnsrsecµ€, rertt5, rr~salrses, ;nittcsal. aiS wt{d kas rigfns iri; ~ s'aitts, u;atcr, xatc, eights, ad water stock,' anS aii
<br />~~~tazr~ ea ~Ee#ft~z ai-as+.~t! da t`~~ ~r€F.Cr;F.:~1 of wba~;t, ircit=c~=gig a;r,astttretrts anti at€ditis,3t a;creta, shah iac
<br />'~;., :-~, .,,~.-. ~;p;,{ ,~.m. - t, r ~'~..;un~rc~• ; ~~crtd hr :i r~ .'~a#oait*_x~e; ae€i aii -t}f t#te ic5cc~nin~.:cgrth;:r .v~th saisf
<br />m~.z ..r_ _ _ -
<br />~, ; _,* _* ~ ,cr !Ta'.t'i~':.'~. ~...,....~_::,s:iS ~...~~~ .., ,.,. „ .,,,.,....., . h ... ,,,. , .. ,:.,:r;:r~ :r~ aS tuc -c=rairerty .
<br />irte 4.rtatsis :tsar 4tsrtxaw~r is taw#uiiy xcxtcd ai nc~ btate kr~~rsta} +-ctr:vc..eri ;t:rti has the right ca miirtgagc,
<br />r~:t t~dai qty t.~ reit~, t}€ad t?:b i'fa(u°r;;+ ^s :rs~,-t.-v.t~t.ercr#, x°ti 'hat i~r-t€w~r ivst# warrant avid Scfcnr#
<br />~er•.e:rsi3p"; € .;try ..:, tttC ;gt~~ests a~tir~t ;fii ;-ia3~3ss A>;:# s#r,nAfsct . ...st :n and. +fceta:::titrtec, a,~.,itr,sa n; r~,itrs~sicins
<br />~ae~ a;t ~ t>'t~haie .~ >?t~,~Fstr~t a =c cnsuca~ ,s::~t ~ _t>t :;-aia:,. <,;: ~ - e .,:a:~s~r g ~,ka~,b.r - s..c: 3, ~ . ,4,c E'ro,..r_ra
<br />"~'~-
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