~NNt3~'C~~~E ~3 ~ - u ~-1 ~ 7 r
<br />'rests t1 mode tkLt__ 25th __s6sy ~._____i~arch __._._..__..._....__, i9-$1„ Fts'~oid tiahwNrs
<br />. ~i-ke t9ai~arr airod !Rari~n~Gaiva#~~, husband at3d wire, ~c# irf his and her- ff right a# .
<br />~ ~ 1 r ~~ C',rrtaa6y, KaY-mica. as meat~tr ._ ~_ . and C-and tetrad 'tease nT a£ 4aaa~ TaLmd, a caxpra
<br />ate ~~ r~ the mw of Tie§ca~ta with its psiatag~l olTiCe tmd piece of basitmae u Grgnd-laiemtd. ]~aiuuits, a -
<br />WITi4Elt: i,~teatidtsert{r.~ _.~~diar~the~d_....~.~.__._ -
<br />,wen v 3h~usand f~ftyd~tars~~ci 3u4 `----_--_- ~,gr- _~~~lS.
<br />~ r ~shit$ is hatt~ay~~. ~ -.___T by these preaetrta mtvtga~a etas wartaltt u»;n - - ° tr e~oeeresrda m$sresi~ta.
<br />lcaeaor. afl 6he iaiiewietg dsaerihed red esttew, sttaratedsa the roat+tY oP .--- -- -- Ha f ~ ~;_.. ., _ ,r _ _
<br />sad data of tiebsamYa. w-+~it:
<br />i~~ ~a~~ ~ y l9t i~ty C
<br />iei.P,scfi TY#1r-rY tiiff~ aliil Cic~hi .rntits rcet a~.u ti.f G 'wC t~~ in Ck eurteen i4);
<br />ar,_d a tract of tend Thirty Feet f3f'?_ "i!°r width, ad,j#aininG and i5etng the fuii tenc~th
<br />of Ent ?wf~ ~E1, 3iack ~aurteert tip}, ass ttse ;~es* side Lhere+~t, forrrieriy being a Dart
<br />a* Sunset Avenue, and <xtt being in Ciausst:n Coup*ry `thew Addit;;,n to .the City of Gran
<br />tsiand, '~et7ras~:d.
<br />Tam rtth di iacaam~. a~ ~A, h8htsr~, atxt pizunbmy[ w;egrmc*xFt stx# #EZtut~, :rn~tutiutpi a-crexnn, awnin~s..~stors+ wind+swr aced
<br />deters. seed temdow ahadp+x . seed on or sn ccmttec2mtt wtih eel ~p xty, ~faet#rsr tfra sauce are ear #rcrsted ou said ptrcpeety nr tnaasefter
<br />'ffi t#AV€ AND't't3 Y941.i7 7'tiE ~K!rl~, ;+~pe€l>m rich aii omi a,ffgsti~ the rrntstas.:tarsditarrxats sad appw£ematrcee ihsratata tam
<br />` rR in eayw>•e mlri[. farosat> and retreat Liss tai[e to ;he :acne- :said cxuxga#trtr .,~ _ htas#ry ~venant. _-.__ with said
<br />thst ~ he d - ~'.... - , st the delivery aarsaf, the atrfu# ~m!r. a .># !lw pretnrran iawtve sx~m eyed std dencrefaed.
<br />aad._..__~~~____ eadta} 3f s gavtd teed :rtdefesadafe +strcw =ai .~ titarrcn. free st,d r6ur zrf a1i enessaabraner~a, arul that _~. iaeY ..,.wili
<br />wttlYant sad daLead tfia ti~ka tftesete f+u.rrs aYala~ the ~#ai3ne aced aemaaeis ut aii gwraaan wftorneeeever
<br />Fii61Yl i7>~ ALVY AY:4, sad tbia =a~ntrtseec n+esraar~.xtad atttf daitveraf ~o wrrant arm ~ymtvtt of the +uzc of _ _ __ ._.._.. _. __-._ _ __, _
<br />Tr~!'i~Tht}ti~arr r':fL;~. S'i'."y~` 3"~v ri' r`r; ~ [Saffareta..- n.'~tSU.~!~
<br />_...____,_ ..-,._......_. .. _. ..- - _ _ - _- __ _.....__ , - ,...____.. i.
<br />:..s.~.r t'.heS'~. ~ it.h axis thlLLSee earl ax#vancsa as sa:y !sa r1..~s •rrl ~ranbia u~ seer ?rtuttgagts< orals the t~rma and <xeneiitions
<br />- ~ -ri ~,~ ~~.. ~=~~. ts~ = ~ .- r=_mt ~ 9v ssr# mortsea¢nr ~ :o srrd untrtl(a;ee, payable ea expmas~si
<br />4 ~+ ~ ^a ~ cam. ns5_arm+eac of eii rtes lawn! sect catadatiraaa +•nrrtamec! theram - T'!m tertca ~# said seats rre ittnebY urnrpexuted
<br />iscn~ h7 ehio er~issaeo~.
<br />tt ai t3a isfaiasisa aaEd at ~e ilol+std, that ih3 armeiRage shell aLo aat7ire say hstwx advances made ua eased maet~{or _5 _
<br />hJ" seed tmsl,aa~iw; each aqy sad ati ~ ut atidituaa to the atttnunt. aMve M.atad whtcL sacd mart#pagora. nr any of them ~ tttay rave Ut
<br />ettid • irensaraar evi$mcxd. xltethar isg txrte. hss# ac+etscrtt =x atherwtse. `Chic merttRa~e !rhrii rotrtata m tali lorx end effect between
<br />the ptfttsss itasaixr a~i t4~ iteite. pstwtls3 atattvea, saaceeaea?t sad asutgcvr. u;atii sil amrxrms ,setttad he;atadsr. ineitniiati future
<br />~-a~. ;aa y:.d ~ i~ tip -~°~.
<br />"k°~e teoet_-.5...-_ hat~rp _. ___ w ate} m all r+rtcta and Eocame arcewlf at and affi all tastes trim seal pronnrty a~
<br />irasritp aYfilel7p Paid et ice ~., at il3 eQtiran, nqm default. ut talcs e3ratge of +actd iy cued ctrilact sit rrttte and iruoate
<br />- a® a;gEigthrr ~ ii ~ al..,.sr. A ~-art, ~.i. ~•~ ;~_-r cases, rraaasarr., ranrrira ,a amptcrrenseota
<br />7 ~ Wal+~ ) ~ ea>sautai~a w, nr to other charges er paymcate prrrvided bar bends tr in the aotr tutehy seeueeti. `f'hiv
<br />taK aia111 tcaeaSW! ffi 6efae tnfiti rile ~ oesanca of ntih` a i'~J pa . ?'ix e,,, ~..,.,;•,.• .;F . ~cr~a ?.=_srds rte, ii cr- m, rnann.,r
<br />,? said $ L° ~-£ `~Efif~ tit 416F~ dfY~.mR iEp 'bfS~Srt rX 9Ch15+AB!_
<br />'t4 taA ....at .r....s _ . __ _ ••"• "t "• sr"'~ _ .~ ~a..ll wee tr .,-_ - ~ na a valuer ;.P its rir€ht w at~rt the
<br />sews at a~ ieilr terse, aced w irawat ascl eafertae ettirt tssapiteote with ufi rtes terms and prrvtsatee d said stow and of the ntortaage
<br />tf asvf a'anag "s a rtwaa w }de paid itr said attalgagee tt~ status .~•,•• dire it 6eEmuufes. acted utsdrs-the tixms atuP ptxs><ixxm>
<br />!$ easel tt4Ye lMtab9 . etas fatvro adtsaaeae. sad tug exlrmaioaa ar reoesrda thaaeof is acarrdaace rich the teratta and psm raions
<br />tL~atsf. ttatt i[aidd mpcl~e/eir._. ~... shall wxh ail cite yrz yvis>cma e,f aatid seta a~ raf the tmrtgltge. t.~ thee:.. prewsmta shalt tee varttl;
<br />aNiatea s+t~a at Eaaarad~eea, aced aaa3 tffirsahelt *.a eat.~7ed m t'ae ptasaadon of all of acid ptc~rarty, and maX, at ius t~tnn,
<br />~ ~elsat ~ sew sad se s~¢y to ba °--._~,_--'y dire and pryahie. atxi ~y fLxeetaee this erne
<br />~ aa-a aa~ aWr ~ anise m paatac;a. d+ ritd~- AtpyrasatsmeM reind..
<br />_21~`a '~ ts. r ~ ~t# ~ rfl c6.'-_vr of et>e_lrea, asrearora. ~, streaese[R~ and asaiasre of the
<br />raaFtatiara pestles laesto. -
<br />t`rr ist~>€~ fallen=A.ir~~: sw! - 5_. is ~V~ i ~ =~t.SS~±`..__... __. ~nex..,...tl~ *~ a y-,~ tr`-.-K- at;....
<br />~_ vaP;
<br />___.z-,.-, . __.__...~~. _.._.., ._ ...._ .._____ .__.._. = f ~,~.~~-era.... _._...
<br />,>~i t yn~van
<br />
<br />