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4 _ ~R - <br />r <br />CERTIFYED COPY QF ~SflLUTIt~tdS ~F <br />LZi1Ct3LN E+QUIP1~tENT COMPANY <br />n i$SPce~ifra'Ki ~,uicPVPcisa%a~iN - .-_ -. <br />Z, MAXZNE McRINNEX, hereby certify that Z am the asaistarit <br />treasurer and assistant secretary and official custodiata of certain <br />recards of the Saard of Directors and stockholders of Lincoln <br />Equipment Cozapany, a corporation duly arganized and existing under. <br />the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the following is a <br />true, accurate and catnpared transcript of resolutions contained <br />in the minute book of the Gorporatian, duly adopted at a meeting <br />of the Soard of Directors of said Gorporation duly held on the <br />Znd day of January, 1451, at which meeting there wa_v present <br />a_zd ac[ lna rhrnt~v-en,.r n,+r.r.,.n ri.,.r .-..3 <br />... .~ - - z ._ __......_ _~,-_. ~.. .... ~+...uu ice- ~i. tat icaa <br />hare:.~after described. and that the praceedings of said meeting <br />were in accordance with the charier and Sy-La~:s of said Garparatiars, <br />and that said reaal::ti^nA gave not beer, amended ;~r revoked and are <br />in full force and effect as of the date of this Gertificate, ta- <br />wit: <br />..-.ZiL, a'V[\f;,, ilL Al t1G:av y,Y U, 1. [I(1L CZL. IIeZ j(JITI (i, <br />Larsen, President or Robert ~,. Gann, Jr., Vice- <br />Preaident - Gorporace Seruine~, ,-sting ether <br />separately or faintly, be and hereby are authorized, <br />di meted and egapawered to sell, convey, lease, <br />mortgage, pledge, hypothecate, manage, sublet, <br />and do any and all things in connection with any and <br />all Resl Estate or Real Property presently owner, or <br />ire.... F a. <br />- ~-~='1-~ r ~c~u~~~ by the L;iir ~aratl~n: th@ samE a& <br />if the said Tom L. Larsen ar Robert E. Gann, Jr., <br />owned said Baal Estate or Real Prapsrty in his own <br />name a~ a single g~erson, all upon such terms and <br />avt?ci~:iunri in i`ii3 sale tiiscretaion as he may determine, <br />and: <br />P'tJRTtEER ?2ESt1Li3L'~ that the said Trim L. Larsen ar Robert <br />E. Cann, Jr., are hereby authorized. directed and ~ 111 <br />~ptsxered to execute ar> behalf of the Gorporatian <br />any and a1i instruments and documents in connections <br />witty *he aboue mentioned suth~,rization including, <br />but not lit~ited ta, deeds of conveyance, leases, <br />mortgagee, releases, promissory Horse, subleaaas and <br />aeeignts. <br />t :urther certify that, as of the date of this certification <br />:trot i,, L.ereen is the Frest.dent of said carporatiun, and that <br />Ra~'t E. Cam, J~, , ie -the dice President of said <br />i <br />