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<br />f I) month prise to its due date the annual nmrtgage insararice premium in ardor to provide such holder <br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Qeeeloptrrcni pursuant to the <br />ffatlonal ffotts4stg Act, as attrettde€l, and +p~fcabie Regulations tftertunder; ar <br />,~[, ~n~ tf and set bong ~ said note of ewete date and thfs instruttxrtt are held by the Secretary of Houshtg and <br />~ Urban IIevedopritent. a tnonth#y cftarge ffn flea erg rttorrga~t (nsurarine pr~rriurrtl which shall be #n an <br />-wiifh r r s ^f <br />~ ~ aq ;, ro r.:s~-r tlr.:.} rf rG-r„l,` (If'_) gar ~ttttfrf of the ayeragc vutsiaftdltrg ba4artce <br />doe on the note catnpuied without taking into account delinquencies or prepayments; <br />~ tbj ~ scrat egtsa't to Fite gtwnd ruts, if' any, least due, plus the prentiutns that sill next htc[x:te dtu and p$yable a.^. <br />'~ pcfljeits of Gee and other hazard insurance coveting the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due <br />on tfit mortgaged property !u11 a5 esrimat~ hr the ;ivrl,~cel less all sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />of n'~nths io aps`e b2fvre ut~ ..--otztlt pn;;t to rite Date wirer. suds ground ten*.Y, gitemiums, farces and <br />+>~ awssrttents well brcorr~ defingtttrni, such sums to be held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground tents, pre- <br />mlisxis. taxes and spseiai asrntnts: and <br />it:) All pa}tirtents matttlEitttd in the two nrestd--tding sutrsertions asf this paragraph and all payttttnts to be made under <br />the note secured hereby shall he addad together, and the aggregate amount thereof sltatt he paid by the Mortgagor <br />each month ere a single payment. fa be xppl~d by the hfartgagee tv the following items in the order set forth: <br />(lJ premium charges under the tantract of insurance with the Secretary of Housing and Urban fkvelapment, <br />rn montldp chaFgr jin Lieu a~'mcirt;€agr insurance prrrnitem;, as the Last may be: <br />(!fl grtwnd rents- taxrs.:usrssments, Eire and Ettfttr hazard Insurance premiums: <br />(ttl) tntrreat tin the rtott secreted turebY; and <br />flY arrearrtit~rtit3n of the prittcaps# =_.1`;a6d Hate. <br />.iny cfeft[:tettey i$ the attrutrrfi of any su%h aggregate tnotfthfy paymritt shall- wtkss made gaol by she Sfart- <br />gagnr prtar to the due date ref ihr Hoar sued payment, :;snsntutr an rs'en? of dot-soli uudrr thts martgagr. The <br />ttfartgaget may c-cdleri a "fats ctsarg!" not to ex_rrd f<s[.r penis #•t¢} far eacft dollar (S l i of rack payment mare <br />than fifteen f l5l days in arras to cavcr tt?r extra exi•en,F~ v:s+,ived in handling dttenqurnr paytnrnts <br />,. Thattf the total +tf the ptt_vmFri4 made b< the thrrtgagur under ~ r.; of paragraph 3 preceding -ha[i excE+i!d <br />the attruuht ttf g$t~eat;s actually inads+ fry the itorteaget• far t_mtund rent-, taxer? and a~.;e.±menG= arsnsurance pir'- <br />reiuttut, ~: the care map ba, .etch Nxctsr, if the trait is ivrrtnt- at dte crptian of the- Ncmgigar, tifiut3 lie credited by <br />t4fr ~~~' trit ~YtT94'1~!@rl4 p$vnanic_ to 0B madt+ #3t ine- vkFrtia/.'t+t- W rx-fw'rdrd s4: dir* ~IitrtjtBftUF. If- eels Sk t=: f'F. tttY <br />tnontltly pt~tt~stttt: try by ihr Martga{px ufider r'; [t# lrarzgtaph _' larcceding .tt;ill Hat t>e ~uffieis:nt :o pav grtwn[i <br />rout, ta;xe~ and atttwrtsmetita [x enrmraice pr4vetum~, a., fha ra.~.• may bt=. when the Fume halt ftecome due and pay- <br />ablQ, then the 1#ut*agor shall pay to the 1#iirtgarws ttnv :am[suttt nttE-n.>..~arp to tna7.t+ up th+t' defit-ienct. an or hefam <br />tree date wham pfi#°meevtt, of +ixli grrrnnd rortu'. tairt~, ~-K~-=YtnElnt:: err in:.urnitce prrrtttuat~ r=#ta61 refs due. If at any <br />iinxe. the ~fOt'tgagrtr =#talf lender to the :Snrs~agisr- in aa-cardzinlsF with the, pms~e~ione of the Hate. -ecured hereby. <br />€uli fraymsnt o€ Ylte [}ntirt indelrtasdtte~s,Y reprc+=:tmirt# thc,t«rh), the 4latYgugE+e >,hal#. rn [•amputing the amount of dtch <br />lzt4~s, c-tevfit to the account of the lfurt~gasr .elf paytttcttt~ mace under the provt~iaxts of ~,; ul paragraph ' <br />ii~uf cvhit3i t#tr ~fartxaiteP hsr_ tMii #terotnt athlit{ated w prey ttt t?:{, x+c~r.stary of Hau~ititt :end l rban tk•~elttpmeitt <br />snit an{ tia}ant'e r!'mt&tmnp 4h ihr+ t{iti9 al'['mm~tatea nnaer UtE' nruxi~lUn° of : - uE U:ir.[rrrtpie ~ nt*trnS, _~ itira• <br />~hg1l ~ a default outlet am ref the prove-axle of this mort;;a~e re-u#ttnr 'n Si public -ah= of the prem,~e- cons=red <br />#t[arefae'- ar if dire i~rtgitgtss• aeafusrets the propcaris otherui-t• altar drfautt, the plrrte:t>z[+e -hall spirit, at the time of <br />tier et;~atrnrctaettt ae€ -each ~[tE+t~s#in.:x xt tht+ tisxa• sha prulis~rtt r- ,sthrrwt-e :tc:.tuttr[l. th[• Uat:utcr thevt rs+main- <br />ing en [hE• fatal,- aa:rwrwlatet# unth.~r : `: at paragtaiih ~ pn•.•r-dens, a- ,s a~rs•dit .amain-t thaw :utaunt [tf princ•ipaS then <br />rwwmainenK unpaid under ~atd nat[e. and -~4tait proSrrrly adjust .snv frasmrsxt~ ,vhes h -hall ha.[v #rt<•n mudt• undt=r t.,/ <br />-. T'he; :hx £!€x'..,,;.%.~r ~.ti _ _-- .. ~ - .s«.. m.-nt. ,.:,err r:zteg. :ond .,the[ tovernmentel .,r rnunt~ipai <br />cfar~s, 3 -- ~ ~, ca,a;. ; € .Eh,Er - -t :~=n. ~.f.t ter rs[it ~[:r+:sr,.'szfr,re.:tod rn arfautr thzrzof the iinrtK:t~tc mny <br />pat rite same- atu3 that tftc ifort~µt[rr u<t#t pnsmtrtty drfnrr the 4+tfi~!a1 ;rte/pb thetafot to the !vi[}rrgygee. <br />. -fhr 1,ftxtgaRer were {say ;ill taze« whtth may hr tested .,ty-•n !fw a'icsrter~s Enterest in .aid real estate :sod impravr- <br />irtents. +tnu .t'fiKh stay tie leveed upon tbfs rtaritat€r ,a the do Ft se.urcd aereby chat .rnfy Its the rttenf Shat such es not prafribit- <br />ed hr he.v seal Duty to the extern ihaE Ouch unit rte:t ntakr this ;Dan ^wrxwsr, iwt excluding soy mcamr tas. State or Prderal. <br />impaeud a,n Wottgagrr, seal seep tilt [fee :*ifi.tae teacspt >howtng 4u~h payment svtth the 'v#ort~ytee ['pun vtesiation of thi, urtdrr- <br />taktrtR. [sr tf the ~fsxtg, got es prahthrtrd hy- any !xw nu[v or nerraftrr rxl5uny frrtm pav/ng snr w ftoie or any pariian of the afore- <br />eaid tsatt4, c~ sfpxsn tltG rrtWtrrng a?f any tatutf tlr: rcr prafte3siuetg the prvment by tier ~lorittaga,r :rt anv +uch !axee, nr tf such !aw <br />csa ckcrer previdtz treat any ::muurft ;a prod by the 1#artjtcsgasr +h:ti: t+e crrdttrd .m the mortf;age riche. the ~tnrtgatxre ,hall have <br />tftt rl~ttt tC1 ~i1'r m#xty dap3~ N~retirn ftx-Hite tit ihC ow*7rr c,f tiSr m~Ft~age[b prrrAi~C+..:e(luitmy, Ehe t:tY mom of t#iP. mc,rtg:tfr <br />sltbt. tf iutB m#tce br gt3~ers, the satd dust shall kav;:,:tnc s3ut- payaz•k and c.,;lntihic at the exptraticsn atf said mtitty day+. <br />ft. ""!'hat shvauGd ht fail to pay am wen ut itatgs ant coe•erast pre ceded far in this Mortgage. then the 'vtangugtr. =tt us op- <br />tivxi, may tsav rte ptrfs~trn the srmr. amt sit eaprrui/iurcs *c niadr sftatF hr sddrd to ittr prnea'ipui cum ,sainK vn the atxsvr note. <br />sd~ll be secured haet+y. atM shatf bear uitutsi at the rats vet forth to the .std note, unto paid <br />"'. Tlntt ftt lttrrt+y asstgtts, transfers att[l rri« over iu tfx Martgattrr. to t+e sppiird tc,svard the p::yment of the rscsie and sit <br />wimx src-urtd #uercbr in sou a,f a default m lire prrfcumans:r crf :any of the tert:ts and ~a!teditt+tns [,f this '+t[.ut$aKr or the aid <br />butt. alt the rents. rertnt/ri arnf irtcornr to he dtrtvrd frnnt the m[srtied tsremtses durtrtg <uch nme as the mortgage indrtslzd- <br />ttexx corsairs ungsid: and the Mtrigrgtr +hati !save power t[+ agp[iint :.nv serene rx ;etrrists ;i may rfCStrr for the pttrptssr of <br />firitag *a3d 2*remit+•x xrxt csf rrn:it€g ' ~ •:a.:.e °-.'..:stkrsttsg [t!e resets.„ies .[rat ,nv omr :end ,t may tai .tut at said im <br />ta~trte~ ~l ta~+enxev Elf rt{at~aq saitt premises hied ntetscary caxtsmtx-suites and expenses mrurred an rennrrg a%d managing thx <br />';atant a~:d-s^Yitii~ rentals sfaersfrum: eht t+a3,anct rtrnaetarig. it any. ice be applied tauard the discbarae of saitt mx,rtftagr <br />i'l~tllFNflYQtts. <br />8. `flitat ha wig tttep the itrrparivenvthts new rtt~tittg [x htreafttr erected an the mmtpcagrd property. insured as may fsr <br />_ - rtRtati€!Y~_restu tarts txs stmt tss the 4dcrrtgagee .>aasnst k-ssa- hq fire ;and erth¢t harards. cazatatites and ::onttst}ttncies do ,uch <br />attt~-aaA fat s~h;+rtiaQS kr, trEav [te retutrest t+;' tree 3tarrtgatter s[tui urn pay prarnpi,r. w+,<u uzzr„ .s ., t~,~:, „, ; . +uaa, - - --- -_ -. - __- <br />i~~rtytiisFrxtt six tvayxstrEr of wfslclt has nt~ txen tirade Fwremhefort. ~t# insuFancr -teat! he :zrrtvti m inmp=snie« sp- <br />the .ge t~ ~slic:x• ate rtnrxalx th-,r~:3 shad he hz<ef F?y the ~:a;rtgagee and hove attached thetettf'a.s <br />~yalsSe thtux+xa m fatrcx of and in fiirt:i As;teftt$f:k to €he lfort~tlttr. to event <,f fflsv Mortgagor udl thvr immediate notesr by <br />-#t tom- - tvha trap make prvretf :r# k>rs~ of ruN. mru#c ;u'cwttpify by 4tnrt~gcrr.:.,tut eat f; tncut:t[nsr ~~umpan} a.n- <br />.a+ssed hs!i>it aazsd awl dlrrritetl tax r[taltt fsay;nsnt feu stttii ttias dit~teily to the 'S4rir{gagte in'4tasil fH to the Mrirt#ta{tor <br />;end she ~mt,>{aget fix, x~# tha n pro~;etdir. or uns+ (pnstt ihertaf, ztaay bt ;tpfrlitd l+y shit M1fortgagrt at its option eitfit; <br />~tlbc rys;tl~, Iii tip tiq#t3strafaess ttaertliy sectircd c'r to ttve ttstixautm tx rtpaiF o3 the praprrty dwna~reii. li; r vrrr a~f frxect,s- <br />sss#-t~tt-~xrt artft>srtrantt#errtf ti3€et€y tf~ntcaciga;drdptrt~rip• in ex~:nrixst[afttnent [}f the irtdebrrdness ,reared isrrebt. <br />tt_ Halt x~ inststst td the bft»'t,{ggpi'r in;tiid ttt arty itisur$rat,~ pttlir<tien there to ttsrcr shall pass to the p[irr:h~ser or rxa+nrr <br />"7. dEA A[~dit`.ttlnAf aiuf c;~lat:traf `tiFitE flu tf_te Fa;r4S^-RS 4kf t~ s•6Kt dt~rtl!'ftl..t'~l :!#f csent~ Sri hCit=arir titae under thlt <br />srriseiscsera; the Elvrisgt~tnr herefst rt~xi its the ~lrnte at# prtshta, sevrriat4. sniafisr4. rtglic4 seed t,er±cRis :n:tittina to the <br />Sf:frtii uudef g af# sa# gins #., k`ti x pretna;,ts, Asti: the rt#iiti re rr4eive draw . ~;r~: `.•r tl v<•*< :;nd .tp;+!. <br />ihagr tae ia~ itadelttxadnt+~ xx wr[l hefcu~r Iva;rft>rt+ltfault in fiht crsttdttitrrei. [tf tftis tnevta-. ~at~4 ?t?€ ><fvsrtrr ttsas dctttand, ;tie <br />' ..-wtm, .".:_ '^" ~~ az .m_rd, u,~a. 3tzM ursd enrnh~t~ M.e .?~fP r~.~ tN.y cocoa-er1 ~,+ r„ ,t:' ihty avsfgritntnt s« k[x termintite <br />htE%rans #nd rtgd ratxm rtlra af# ikte fintea7E, _- <br />tt{,it).9'2i A3M itfl xtjt <br />