<br />
<br />USI3A-FtnHA
<br />Farm FxnHA 427-k NB
<br />Porition 5 ~ ~ .w.~ V ~ 3 i `~ <J t3
<br />{RrY.S.IS-7esi PiAL ~7'ATE PRf3RTGAGC rOiF FkF,$RA~tkti
<br />~H~$ }tiC~SikTGAt`iE u made and entered ipso by ~p,.~i.-.`'ni'"'v't'~+tt[..', ~~3 ^_ ~+ 's.-.---~.--._
<br />'~-- a~i w.iie~ ems; :t~_iu~„ r- ra~ht_~ii a ~e off. , w_ .:._---------
<br />residing in -.._-.__.~ •~.v.._.._..-°-_-----.---.-----°--_._---°..__._- Co-,:ntq. Netira~a, whose past dF6c! uicirQSa :f
<br />Ii~ti+te 1j b'~c 133r.. ~~_..._..--.._._... - __ . -_. 68$2!
<br />... _ . ...-._.____-___-..-.---.....___..._....._.__.__._ , Nebraska ._.__. _._. ,
<br />heron talkd "8arrower; 'and:
<br />WNER~1-.S Serrowcr is indebted ttx the United Stares of Attxrira. aetittg thrtxtgtt the Partners tfome-At4tttiahttxtt€tin
<br />Jnited States fhpazrtnant of Agrrcuitute. hereut eafiet{ the "{ibvrrntntnt," as eaiderstitd hq ont az !note prwriisxarj "neste(yj
<br />trt asseR,ptDOn agreemt°nt[s'-, hrrein csllrd "note,,. wkich }ras ftecn execute-d by &sstrawer, is ptgs~;e tq the ond.~ of t6he
<br />C,et<-~u-tt. --_*~-.~ s a:cel==o:-ati~.a v. ..< <:ztir< ii>;ichcc3,~;s «. the cpt`:an of the Governttteat u~ aaq ~au=tby
<br />[~trez~yrr; anal is des~rilsed ai igll --wa:
<br />.4+trnud Race Dtt¢ flgte o,~Fftm[
<br />[732re vj tftrtruasetar Eitrxtpal:4t»zwt,t of inreresr lststst~nent
<br />2~r ~,~1. ra.$r.~QQ.ij4 r3$ ~Yf~i 2r3r ~~~..
<br />'if Lhf intctfst rate is }ess :han .- ......... ~-y, :ur farm ownership .z ',prratxtg ioan.-s': seciued s,;~ thu instrttment, €hea the
<br />.ate nsaY ttc cha:igtG as pravtdrd in th! ti.rte.
<br />Aiitt [rc avu t~~,drn::ra a }=Jas+. to Flt;rsawr:. and t}tc t ,~rtnn,rrtt..t ~fti tins, mas .ssi~i thr rturr artd itt=ure tht pay
<br />loon! th etrc,f pussii.nt fr, fbr (;nf:w}iL{atci fsrrz; and it ur ai i~trrrit.pf+.;cai A.t. ~,r ;'it?r ti .:f *t };e :islusin~ Act of 1949 or anq
<br />ilthlT sCa3ULr 3:irlttnl3TGted LY tt1C t-armtr$ Ct:iR1r AiiiRtniSttafltrn,
<br />Anu it t= ibr gtupese attd intent :If this lnstssir?lent that. untt,i~ =,:hfr f infs. at a!} tmtcs witch tF.r not! ix held br• thr
<br />l.:3t.YtT`,menf, sic in thr crrn[ thr t::;st:m^+rat :n:rniiz ,u[ytn : is -:nst:::mrn! wt.~ic>ut :nse:zaacs "t ttse notl, this iasLrament
<br />sha}; src urf pa<-mrnt ref thr aTrte. },u; sC13la thr :::>tr s }:e}d ?iv an irfsu: rc} rtz,}aiet, t~ ; inatsunifnt sha}} nut srcuzr Dayment
<br />:[} ,~LC iiFr~t}tr [r Jta_. [l:.i CirS .~}.Z1-SF -. Si -.. Milt .,_l..,a i. -,: f. di: .-.S`-'~ t - .c,.. ... l !} S. ar..
<br />.~:... „ru r.ai21uTi2xie nrsrr ar::tl: .. .[ia~rf i:t€ .- _ .~.ea...cu-. .. ---~-t .a a.., ,a. ;r ~... t'c; --.. .f c .r--[, :JiL'Cr :-
<br />the i;c,vernmrnt tsuntaa,tt to 42 fi.S.C. ~S4t}~a.
<br />~;i3W', 7']#£REPr}R£, in cuttstdex'attun sit chr }aanf a; anu -. a_ at al} :tines ~Yhrn the tsc:.c Ts held iJY •hc t:overzisnert, at in
<br />itif S+'f nt the tS<?Yf rt}mca[ 31+._aii: ak5t',~,.,.R. `.i?t3 to§LrY: tt.r [,t Ls'n t=cT.:; ~:: S;:t. a,r -, _.: :]kT <f ia' :i ! 3Yl: r. t +Ci.JLC p:a:;npt
<br />parttttzit Ut t"r nVtt' .!2153 inti -rluwai,T sn+i iS r - ~~+ti3 tilt = anif .1514 k~ feRi tif4 - tatairik tt °3',C'rlr. fir.,.}f.:t brl{y :nY prJYltlOn
<br />t{3t !fir RYS-tnlni i3f X23 Sti92iLYi1(! ~.tt t=TISCt chYf}..:. "+.. A: .caa ,LT=~i E :t;C I:G,'e S .iCiv s=1 an S11Sll: c(: :kit~CT i 2 SlL Urr [irr-
<br />tr>atnante clF i}CitfOWC'r'4 a(t°rtrmfnt itCrrni ft} FRit Ct: nf~e ai5.i 3a Y: }iar:;Fir53 '. itC (.s t. trilinra[ .ejt,3iit;t i::95 UndC[ tt5 to SUt2P.[t
<br />wnaact bq teasott of any 3etaui.t lsy $satsc:wet, and ~.~ in ans~ went and ae ~ times to srettz! the prompt paytnen[ of a1}
<br />adcanees anti ezprn=it::tes ina:,e ':} ..,r :_Ynrr;rz,rr,. ~it~i-- ,n.r:e:,..., :r=t: --tt: -irsc.f.,e.s, at:~, ,,r prtiormsrcr .r furry
<br />emu' - .-- ". ~,:c.,.><'+u .ei pvaa• r wnt.i- c- itr rei .,., rnsa=: .cs - ~. --.. ~,- ..-.:r ,.;;,: °:: ~. dr:
<br />batgain, anti{,~ccnvrv and asssgtl, wtei,Fn~nrsai ttazt~ty. unc" t;c t=~ e...frit the ;tiliu-x=,=~ prope.tg situstcd in ke State of
<br />,Nebtas>4Ta, Cixunty~ies% tlf .---- - ......... _..,..
<br />'TTY Air/tgis~st ~rter of~t~~,~ AIDI/-}~~5.jea~syt~~{~luy~x'Lper~t ~y[~ o(f~gSeC•ti~OYi 2ta~y~t,~y-
<br />(3.jy}~~}~Bt YYV4~~! ~j n~ illGi~.. \l4J t1.ll Lail =*~+n~ r-c~ SYlj / i~ib ~ i1lG
<br />6Lf1 F a11~
<br />y~tt~~,~ ry'F~Y~t{yart -{.~,~~.y1P1~jf~"~sc{{~~r t's~~,}~'i4~sl~t F#~t~rrw'I T't~Nf~1'_ s~~sd}~ rd~~g. t~~ys~~k~jss.
<br />LiS trr3.~i, fsiLAilfL Vl ~7~~t i!V Va 1AII L~Z1iQa ~t A/4~i~ ~41~'~rT! i
<br />i,1rw~
<br />