tSl-~-i b~~ ~~
<br />- _ '_ _ ea<.- :.-'°.~ _.ty~YP__+_,~? .-r-.~J.1.C:d..t..C~YLtQ~'s_ ~.11
<br />consideration of ONE DOLLAR {$1.003 APiD OTHER VALUASLdi __. ~--
<br />COI~SIDERATION received Eros' Grantees does grant,- bargain,
<br />cpliF convey and confirm unto VICTOR C. OLSgN, JR. ANA Y
<br />.~,. 'J'LW '~ h::sb~...nd ar~rl 4ri fca; ss ~aL~lt teTiHnt9 C~Tl tit s`igii~ s~
<br />surv3.V9rsh1R and not as tenants in carman, herein calledvthe
<br />Granieea, t:=e b~:llaw_ng descri-~'ed zceal estate in Hall
<br />County, Nebraska:
<br />The Sou*_h Cane-Half {Sty} a£ Lot Eight {83 arid. the
<br />South Forty-Four Feet {44'} of Lots Six {fyi and
<br />Seven {7) , Block Twenty-Seven {27} a£ Shi~maeer's
<br />Addition tc~ the City 3° Grand Zsland, '.'.ebraska.
<br />,~-.--~ and
<br />~~~ _ ( All of ?ark Reserve of the Resubdivisian of Biotic
<br />~-' One ~1). Gilbert's Second Addition to the City of
<br />tom-'-- ~ grand Zsland, Hail County, Nebraska, except for a
<br />€~ ~ `~' ~ triangular piece of ground beginning at the inter-
<br />~~ c.~a ~ 3r~ section cf the Fast line cf &roadwell Avenue and
<br />~~ ~ ~ i the west line of Eddy Street, goi;sg south along the
<br />,~Y ~ , East _ :e of 3raadwell Avenue, a distance of fifty
<br />~ _cnv. ~ i50") feet, thence Easterly *_a the west line of Eddy
<br />*~ t~ ~y Strce*_, t::erce *~nrthery ~ .ai Gtance of fifty t50)
<br />i~-', feet alone, the west '_ine of Edd,r street to the place
<br />i~„_,~ ~a of beginning, wt~.c~~t ~+aas prev_ausly deeded to the Citl
<br />of Grand Zsiand, on December 1, 144;',
<br />and
<br />i:aty cf f;rand island ~emetesry Lot 643. section A,
<br />;tdii Uc?unty, Rlebr:isk8.
<br />mC ~??VE A~,E . -, `r1~L:E _ne 3gcefe descr~bez. premises
<br />tcgetser witYa ali~tenements, `teredi_aments and appurtenances
<br />thereto b~ioZitj~i;"cii unto the ra.^.tee5 .mo=d va their assigns, or
<br />to the t=airs anu assicE s cf t~:a sur~i~ror ~~f them forever.
<br />And Gr:~nt~kr :ices hereY~° ~~evenant with the Grantees that
<br />Granter is iawfullf seizes: ~~f sasd premises; that they are
<br />free from enc=.:~.brarce, e~rcept ~}f record; that Grantor nos
<br />gases right :end lawful autttari*_y •^ G.onvey the sau,e ~.:: at
<br />Granter war_*arts and w~l: ,iefend the ti*_le to said premises
<br />agoznst the lawzul, clar:~a ,~~ ail persars whomsoever.
<br />Lt is the intention of all parties Hereto that in the
<br />~_vent cf the a~seath of eits:er <<f the Grantees, 'she entiie fee
<br />sin~ie title to she real estate shall vest ir. the sur*riving
<br />grantee.
<br />L~rted this _____ daz- ~f ~ 1981.
<br />f ~ 7
<br />rl'i¢
<br />•'Jictar C. ~Olsan fWTr,
<br />,TATS OF NE$RAS,
<br />p~ Y ~~~
<br />~bl~~I.1 a ~~F :~hZ.l,
<br />Beare me, a ~tutar~ Public for said County,
<br />personally Manse `%ictar t. t3lson, u _ . , known to tste to be the
<br />istie$i perscsn who signed the foregoing instresment anc3
<br />ack_rowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act
<br />a.*td deed. --~
<br />Wi ~a.rial Sea' on i ~ ~ ~-~-(.~.,
<br />191. S'"a-~pr~
<br />itl0~ - `J,
<br />~'~~~ ~ ~
<br />Notary Aublic
<br />