~ 1 +-- a () ~: ~ ~ ~ a~E~ ox nasTRrsmxxota
<br />EY
<br />-___-___.~.... _.. v,.. _.... _ _~r~n csv~w._.zaaanns. T.'r'TtW- ~,
<br />(TL~STATB EST1tT8) _ . - ,.. _
<br />3'HIS DEER is made by VICTC)R C. oY,8t~1, JIi.>, 88 P@i`SflTFBI
<br />~~~-z
<br />Kepresentative v= Lne GsLdtC vi +~ 'i., ~`~*r ~ ~»~F
<br />~.~'. ~P3t or t~ L~TCT£?~ C. oL's, JR. , iE3~3.v"~'~Z-~ yr ~t8~. -
<br />ii23R%;isa, ~h~ Last ~F~4.L.L- Es l.i~ L~e$~i ~~ s ~~~~~~~s~-~'r. - ~ -_.-.
<br />was duty admitted to probate-in the county Gc~urt ~~ Tl
<br />Ccsunty, Nebraska;
<br />WHEREAS, Grartar was duly appointed ~ersana~ eze~'tz~~
<br />sentative cf said estvte and is naw ataaLa.fed arad: act~ag :t
<br />said capacity, and
<br />WHEREAS, the Grantee is determined to be the aer$tsn. ers-
<br />titled to distribution of the hereinafter-described 1
<br />property, and Grantor is authorized t© distribute the saw
<br />to Grantee•
<br />tdt3S~, TE~EREFt3RE, Grantor conveys, assigns, transfers aatd
<br />releases to Grantee the following-described real property:
<br /> . The South One-Half tSk} of Lot Eight t8} and the
<br /> go,~~r~, FoTty_-Four Feet i44'~ of Lots Six t6? and
<br /> t----- •-~-~~ Seven t 7 i, Block Twenty-Seven t 2?? of Shimmer' s
<br /> t_ I~ Addition *-o the C2ty of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br /> ~ (
<br />:a and
<br /> ,- _
<br />~ '
<br /> ~"
<br />~ ~
<br />All of Park Reserve of the Resurrdivision of B1©ck
<br /> ~ a ~ ~~ One tl}, Gx~ert's Seccnd Addition to the City of
<br />u
<br /> ~ ~ v ! Grand Island, Hall +:ounty, Nebraska, except for a
<br />
<br />_~ a-
<br />v. s
<br />~ triangular niece c~* ?rc=,nci beginning at the inter-
<br />~
<br />~ f f
<br />i~ sec~:ion of th$ Past line of 3rgacwell f'~veaue and
<br />.~-
<br />~
<br /> tn~ y7c=rmr line o~ Eddy ~tS a€t, ~47ing ~~i3th s~Slon~ t_Me
<br />F ~ East line of Broadweii A:.-enue, a distance of fifty
<br />~ ~ ?~{}} feet, thence Easterly to lift? West line of Eddy
<br /> Street, thence Northerly a distance of fifty t5g}
<br /> feet alo= g the S*test i,i:xe .f eddy Street to the place
<br /> of '~e~inri_^.~:, w}1ic:h was pzevio~.~sly deeded to the City
<br /> cf Cram sla,^.d, cn December i, l94 ~ ,
<br /> and
<br /> s~it'* of Grand is,ar>d C~:ter',t .,cz ?44, Sectior. ?.
<br /> 't3r11i i~tincy, ~ei*rasica,
<br /> together with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances
<br /> thereto belonging, fiat subject to easements and restrictions
<br /> of record.
<br /> a
<br />Dated this ~~ _ day of -,.:`L~ ta.~.ss..~~ 1481.
<br />
<br /> ESTATE. OF ILA PEARL OLS()N, Deceased
<br /> "s
<br />BY €::,1`" -~ ~~, , " ~
<br /> Victor C. Olson. .,
<br /> Perscnai Representative
<br />S9`ATE t7£* %EhgfASKA
<br />tss.
<br />i.~$iY E3ALL
<br />.~
<br />tin this I.~ day of .~.~-?...~;~ ~.• 1981, before me,
<br />the undersign. 'a Ncrta.ry Fu61ic, ~ulY coa~snissioned and
<br />qualified for aret residing in said county and state, person=
<br />ally appaared 1i~,tar C'. 91son, 3r., as Personal Representative
<br />at the E~ttate crf Zla Pearl Olson, Deceased. to me known to
<br />be the identical person who executed the foregoing Deed of
<br />Di atr;~sutioA afzsd acknc~rledged the saran to b$ his voluntary
<br />~t ~~3t "`""'~
<br />"~~w ~-~
<br />Crary z`-ui~lat~ ~~ _~.._.__
<br />